DaitanGio's Smallt@lk Page

Last Revision: June 2000

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This page contains some programs I wrote in Smalltalk Programming Language.


Nice Fatures:
  1. Clipboard Watch!!
  2. Under Linux, you can downlad using the nice wget
  3. Under every SqueakVM you can download using a smart multi-tasking code written in Smalltalk
  4. Ftp support not yet available, but soon implemented.
  5. It is COOL and written in Morphic
  6. Designed for be easily portable across other Smalltalks!
EasyGet is a small graphical utility which let you dowload ftp/http urls in a simple manner. It implements also a "clipboard watcher" very nice because you only need to "copy" the url and then watching EasyGet downloading it for you !!
for the moment it is fully functional only under Linux, and only under Linux you can use wget for downloadding, instead of my Smalltalk code.


Boring things are below:

What is it: It is the day I will publish my first Zeus Smalltalk library, and trying to lobby Smalltalk a bit more!!! Stay tuned!!!!