Rich's Army Info Page   Basic Training and Officer Candidate School
Hello everyone. I put together this simple little page for family and friends so you could always have a place to go to help you find your way to info you may want about my Army experience.

First of all let me tell you a little about what I'm doing. I have always known I wanted to do something in the military. It was just a question of how or when. Once I graduated from college in May 2005 I worked around and taught a little bit. While I enjoyed myself and found teaching rewarding, it really wasn't what I was looking for. As far as my other job with Verizon, the money was nice and the people were great, but I need my life to be about more than money. For a long time I knew I want to become a commissioned officer in the military. I couldn't decide which service. After I had fooled around long enough after graduation I started getting serious about pursuing my dream in November 2005. I had at least narrowed it down to the Army or the Marine Corps. I talked to recruiters from both services. In the end it was the Army that shown through. From there things really started to take off...

(For those of you that don't know how the military rank structure works. There are enlisted people and there are commissioned officers. Enlisted people make up roughly 90% of the Army. The officers are those men and women who are their leaders. They are called commissioned officers because upon graduation from OCS, ROTC, or West Point they recieve a commission as a Second Lieutenant from the President and the Congress of the United States. It means as young 2ND Lieutenant you will be in charge of enlisted men and women who have been in the military for 20 or 30 years. It is a tremendous honor, privilege, and sacred trust.)

So from November through February I spent my time building my application packet to the Army's Officer Candidate School. This meant gathering diplomas and documents, getting letters of recommendation, filling out form upon form, and taking test upon test. Then finally the big challenge came on 22 February: The Officer Candidate Selection Board. I went in front of 3 veteran officers to be interviewed and examined for suitability to be an Officer in the United States Army. I passed the board with flying colors. Two days later I was in Knoxville signing my contract and being sworn in.

This process that I have outlined to you in a few short paragraphs does not begin to describe all the work that went in on my part and the part of my recruiter, Staff Sergeant Joshua Holsclaw, as well as the rest of the recruiters at the Johnson City Station. I am forever in debted to them for the support and work to help me achieve my goals. (Thank you SFC Hughes, SFC Yarborough, SFC Johnston, SSG Kimbro, SGT Lee, and CPL Manning.)
Here's the general time line of what will happen:

21 March: Ship Out from Knoxville Military Entrance Processing Station / Arrive at Fort Jackson, South Carolina to begin a 10 day period of in processing.

31 March: Begin the Actual 9 week Basic Combat Training. This is what all soldiers in the Army regardless of rank go through. (The neat thing about this is the Army is the only service that sends their Officer Candidates through boot camp along with the enlisted soldiers.)

Beginning of June: Graduate from Basic Training. (Not sure of the exact date yet probably around 2 June. Once I find out my company assignment you will be able to see it by going to the Basic Training Site that I will provide a link to further down the page.) Upon graduation I will be shipped to Fort Benning, Georgia, to continue my training.

05 June: Begin Officer Candidate School (OCS) at Fort Benning, GA

07 September: Graduate from Officer Candidate School and be commissioned a Second Lieutenant

(Following this there will be further training, but I won't know more until well into the OCS process.)
Basic Combat Training Website - Go here for basic info on what I'll be doing during this phase.
Army Ranks - Important to know. Also check out the other links on this page.
Officer Candidate School Website - This website is a little more geared toward me than you, but there are still a couple of interesting things you can find here.
Future Soldier's Family Member Website - This is a neat site where you may find interesting information.
Ranger Joe's - a place with military gear. Great place to look for gifts. - This is another neat site to find out lots of stuff about the military.