My Day Disturbing the Universe
On Tuesday April 14, 1999 I wore what some might call odd. My
make-up consisted of black: lipstick, eye shadow, eyeliner,
and nail polish. I also wore a black, gray, and white ADIDAS
T-shirt, black jeans, and black boots with a two and a
half-inch heal. I had my hair pulled back into a ponytail
with black hair spray.
People reacted just as I expected. Most laughed or stared.
Some who were in my classes asked me why I looked that way.
Sarah Roggelin commented to me, "Welcome to the dark side"
when I walked in math. Most teachers looked at me funny. Some
rolled their eyes and a couple giggled when I told them why I
was dressed that way. My friends teased me; a couple even
complimented me.
Dressing like I did gave me more self-confidence. When
someone was staring or laughing at me, I would just smile at
him or her and walk on. I was a lot happier and much nicer to
people I usually wasn't nice to. I felt so weird that I just
kept on doing weird things all day.
I really found out who my true friend where, doing this. Most
of my friends knew why I was dressing like that and didn't
care. But there was the few that didn't like it and wouldn't
talk to me because of it. Other classmates just asked why I
was dressing that way and treated me like nothing had
changed. If you don't follow social ruled and act "normal",
others will stare, laugh, and sometimes say something to
either you or to the person next to them. So, go and break a
social rule.
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