Protest on the Wreck of the Marshal McDonald at Rimouski, 1835. |
Quebec Gazette June 29, 1835. | ||
The Anne, Captain Keyes, for Lynn, returned yesterday from
Rivière Ouelle, where she had been thrown ashore. Captain Keyes
had gone down with anchors and a new windlass, had reshipped the
rudder, and on pumping her out, found that she was tight, the
four or five feet of water having been driven in by the cabin
windows apparently. He determined upon going to sea, but the
crew remonstrated, and he has put back to the port for an
examination. The Marshall McDonald, Smith, for London, which had completed her loading at Barnaby Island, and ready for sea, drove ashore in the late gale, and it is feared will be a total wreck. Surveyors have gone down to her. |
M130/23 Pages 1530-38 Notary Pierre Gauvreau. |
No. 2698 3 juillet 1835 Protêt par M. William Parry Smith maître du navire le Marshal McDonald naufragé à Rimouski. Minute Expédié 3 copies |
Aujourd'hui le troisième jour du mois de juillet dans l'année de notre Seigneur mil huit cent trente-cinq et dans la sixième année du règne de Sa Majesté le Roi Guillaume Quatre. Pardevant le Notaire Public dûment as- sermenté pour la Province du Bas Canada, soussigné, demeurant dans la paroisse de Saint-Germain dans le Comté de Rimouski, dans le district de Québec et en présence des témoins ci-après nommés et soussignés. Sont comparus personnellement Monsieur William Parry Smith de Londres, maître commandant du navire ou vaisseau nommé le Marshal McDonald de Londres appartenant à Nathaniel Gould, James Dowie de Londres, Peter McGill, Thomas Hetherington de Montréal, William Price de Québec, Ecuyers, marchands associés, faisant com- merce ensemble sous le nom de Gould, Dowie & Compagnie, Henry Grouch et Joseph John Mitchasson aussi de Londres en Angleterre. La dit navire jaugeant d'après son registre trois cent quarante-un tonneaux 16/94. Les Sieurs David Richardson, second maître et John Badgers, charpentier à bord du dit navire, ces deux derniers aussi de Londres. Lesquels après serment dûment prêté sous les Saints Évangiles es mains du dit Notaire, nous ont dit que le dit navire ou vaisseau étant bien gréé de voiles, cables, ancres, compas et autres manoeuvres pour naviguer à la mer, serait parti de Londres le vingt-huitième jour du mois de mars dernier ayant eu rien d'extraordaine pour Québec où il arriva Friday the 19th, swell to east northeast. Fine pleasant weather throughout. Got 990 pieces of deals which loads the ship, got the small bower, cleared the deck for sea. Latter part light winds from the southward. Saturday the 20th. Northeast to east northeast. Commences with an increasing breeze from the north east. At 2 A.M., the wind veered to east northeast. An increasing breeze with rain at 5. The winds increasing, dropped the second anchor at 10. Still increasing. Struck top-gallant mast at noon. A brisk gale at 2 P.M. |
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The gale increasing,
gave both cables to the
ends at 3 P.M., the wind
continually veering # Compelled for the safety of the crew and cargo to slip the cables and endeavour to get her on the mainland as there was deeper water further in shore. After slipping the cables, the ship would not veer, compelled to cut the main and mizzen masts away, set the foresail and let her drive before the wind and a tremendous sea continually striking as she went up between the Islands of Barnaby and mainland until high water when at midnight it fell calm. Sunday the 21st. Southwest. Begins with light winds and thick rainy weather. Ship lying on rocks on her beam ends with seven feet of water at low water and mizzen mast cut away, the water running in and out of the ship as the tide ebbed and flowed, being as high at high water inside of the ship as outside. Employed getting the crew on shore and provisions for necessary subsistance. Both anchors being slipped, tack a small anchor and chain from William Price & Co. establishment to secure the wreck from drifting. ................... .......................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... Tous lesquels allégués les comparants déclarant sous le serment qu'ils ont prêté être vrais et que le naufrage du dit navire ou vaisseau est arrivé par la force et violence du vent et de la mer, et non par la faute du maître du dit vaisseau ou des employés à bord. C'est pourquoi les comparants ont protesté et par ces présentes protestent tant pour tous dépens, dommages et intérêts soufferts et à souffrir en conséquence du naufrage du dit vaisseau arrivé par force & violence du vent & de la mer tel que ci-dessus et des autres points expliqué. De tout ce que dessus les dits comparants ont requis et demandé acte au dit Notaire pour servir et valoir ce que de raison. Fait, dressé & protesté au dit lieu de Rimouski, paroisse susdite de St. Germain, en l'étude du dit Notaire où les comparants se sont exprès transportés aussitôt son retour de Québec, les jours et an susmentionnés, à trois heures avant midi, en présence de Messieurs John McKinnon, commis marchand et Jean-Baptiste St. Pierre, maître d'école de la dite paroisse de St. Germain, témoins requis de signer, l'ont tous fait avec le dit Notaire tant sur la minute qui reste en la dite étude que sur trois copies de même forme et teneure. Lecture faite. Un renvoi bon vingt-quatre mots biffés nuls. |
John McKennon | M.P. Smith | |||
} témoins | David Richardson | |||
J.B. St. Pierre | John Rodger | |||
P. Gauvreau N.P. | ||||
Quebec Mercury, Saturday, July 11, 1835. | ||
The schooner Natilus, at Grosse Isle, has 148 settlers on board from the wreck of the bark William from Londonderry. | ||
Will be sold by the subscriber on Thursday next, the 16th
instant, for the benefit of the underwriters and others
concerned, at the Quebec Exchange: Lot No. 1. The barque Marshall Macdonald, of London, 341 tons per register, coppered, W. P. Smith, master, as she lies or did lie wrecked on the shoals between Barnaby Island and Rimouski, with a stream cable and anchor by which she is moored. Lot No. 2. The boats. And afterwards, on the Brewery wharf, Cape Diamond, in several lots as will be enumerated in hand-bills: 2 chain cables, 2 wood stock bower anchors, 1 iron stock anchor, |
- And - | ||
All the sails, standing and running rigging, blocks and stores
landed there. Sale will commence at one o'clock. |
By Martin Chinic, | ||||
Auctioneer & Broker. | ||||
Quebec, 10th July, 1835. | ||||
Quebec Gazette, September 21, 1835. | ||
The Rebecca, from Greenock, was spoken to by the Pique on Friday, at 10 A.M. off the Pilgrims, which passed Green Island two hours after. Her pilot returned to port yesterday afternoon, and reports that when he left her she was going at the rate of 11 knots an hour, with a light fair winds. The Marshall McDonald, wrecked below Barnaby Island, came up yesterday. She has jury, main and mizzen masts, the fore-mast only standing, but she is light, and will undergo repairs. | ||
If you possess other documents or details you would like to share with us, e-mail me at: Thank you for your interest in our Maritime History. |
G.R. Bossé©1999-03. | Posted: April 3rd, 1999. |
Updated: July 15, 2003. |
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