Whereas by a commission under the hands and seals of the
Receiver General & the comptroller & solicitor of the Droits and
Perquisites of Admiralty bearing date the 26th day of February
1818, I was appointed Deputy Receiver of the Droits and
Perquisites of Admiralty resulting to His Majesty in his office
of Admiralty for the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada and
their dependencies, I do hereby in pursuance of the tenor of the
said commission and of instructions lately transmitted to me,
notify all persons who may have or shall have in their possession
any ships or goods found derelictG, wrecks of the sea, flotsam,G,
jetsamG, laganG, goods and effects of pirates and deodandG to give
me information of the same in order that His Majesty's interest
may be preserved, and such reasonable salvage paid to the salvors
of the said ships, goods and effect as to justice may appertain:
and I further notify that all persons secreting the said ships,
goods & effects found floating or cast on shore on the maritime
parts of these Provinces shall be prosecuted with the utmost
rigour of the law. |