Navigating the Lower Saint Lawrence in the 19th Century.

Index of Court Martial of H.M.S. Penelope, 1815.

#2618 09/03/1815 Bassett's Ledge, navigational hazard, near Brandy Pots.
  18/05/1815 Arrivals from sea.
# 21 23/05/1815 Unidentified new brig wrecked near Gaspé.
  25/05/1815Transport Ann bring crew of H.M.S. Penelope.
  27/05/1815 Narrative on H.M.S. Penelope wrecked near Magdalen River.
# 22 30/05/1815 H.M.S. Penelope wrecked near Magdalen River.
  30/05/1815 Mike Phillip's "potted" naval detail on naval terminalogy.
# 22 30/05/1815 Belevedere arrives, saw crew from H.M.S. Penelope.
  30/05/1815 Mike Phillip's "potted" history of H.M.S. Penelope.
# 23 06/06/1815 Auction of brig Adeona wrecked near Cape St. Anne.
  15/06/1815 #909 Sale of Adeona wrecked near Cape St. Anne.
# 25 20/06/1815 Auction of ship Dorris, wrecked near Cape Chat.
  22/06/1815 Minerva, wrecked near Gaspé.
  26/06/1815 #930 Total loss of Saragossa by fire.
# 26 27/06/1815 Pilot fined for neglect, refusing duties, etc.
#2631 06/07/1815 Auction of Two Brothers at Portneuf.
#2633 20/07/1815Pilot mulct for running Dunlop.
#2633 20/07/1815 Auction of Lady Shore, stranded at Grand Etang.
  31/07/1815 Certificate on wreck of Minerva, near Gaspé.
  21/07/1815 Court Martial proceedings covering of H.M.S. Penelope.
   Annex 1, Letter by James Galloway aboard Transport Ann.
   Annex 2, List of officers, seaman, mariners and boys.
   Annex 3, List of seamen, mariners and boys drowned.
   Annex 4, List of seamen, mariners and boys that deserted.
   Annex 5, Memo by Captain James Galloway.
   Annex 6, Memo by Captain James Galloway.
 Annex 7, Walter Trowl.
 Annex 8, signed E.W.C.R. Owen, Commodore.
  Annex 9, signed E.W.C.R. Owen, Commodore.
  Annex 10, signed E.W.C.R. Owen, Commodore.
  Annex 11, signed E.W.C.R. Owen, Commodore.
  Annex 12, singed by Captain James Galloway.
  Annex 13, signed EAW Thornbrough, Admiral.
  Annex 14, signed J. Hooper, Lieutenant.
   Annex 15, signed EAW Thornbrough.
   Annex 16, signed by Mr. Riley.
   Annex 17, signed Greetham.
   Annex 18, signed W. Greethorn, Deputy and Judge Advocate.
#2651 23/11/1815 Magdalen reports 5 schooners wrecked south shore.
#2651 23/11/1815 Victory reports Brig Waterloo put into Gaspé in distress.
#2651 23/11/1815 Anthorn and Lady Prevost wrecked near Magdelen River.
#2653 07/12/1815 Auction of Deux Freres and sloop Magdalan at Portneuf.

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