Navigating the Lower Saint Lawrence in the 19th Century.

Table of Contents - 1805


#2074 10/01/1805 Clearances at the port of Quebec for 1804.
# 19 11/05/1805 William and John which sailed last fall, missing.
# 20 18/05/1805 6d pamphlet mentions wreck of the Abergavenny.
#2099 04/07/1805 Pilot Act, the beginning of Trinity House service.
#2117 07/11/1805 Schooner Lizard stranded near Rivière-du-Loup.
# 45 11/11/1805 Brig Deborah ran ashore on Goose Island.
# 48 02/12/1805 Number and tonnage of vessels that arrived at Quebec.
# 50 16/12/1805 Brig Deborah leaves Quebec, latest known.

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