Lower Saint Lawrence Maritime History Web-Site

since November 1998.
We present, for your personal pleasure, a few extracts from the 7,000 pages of:

"Navigating the Lower Saint Lawrence in the 19th Century", version 3.0

on CD-ROM.
A full screen image of this original popular painting is available for your viewing.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction.
  2. CD-ROM Reviews for 2003/2001.
  3. Le site de l'Histoire Maritime du Bas St-Laurent.
  4. bellboyFor Sale.
  5. Chapter 1800.
  6. Chapter 1801.
  7. Chapter 1802.
  8. Chapter 1803.
  9. Chapter 1804.
  10. Chapter 1805.
  11. Chapter 1806.
  12. Chapter 1807.
  13. Chapter 1808.
  14. Chapter 1809.
  15. Chapter 1810.
  16. Chapter 1811.
  17. Chapter 1812.
  18. Ship Alligator wrecked near Islet May, 1820.
  19. Wreck of the Bark Amanda at Little Metis Point, 1841.
  20. Wreck of the Bark Colborne near Port Daniel, 1838.
  21. Schooner Caroline wrecked and abandoned in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, 1826.
  22. Bark C. Columbus badly damaged in her trips to Paspébiac, 1846 & 1848.
  23. Shipwreck of Carricks at Cap des Rosiers, May 1847.
  24. Wreck of Cruikson Castle wreck at Port Daniel, 1844.
  25. Shipwreck of the barque Eliza at Tartigou, October, 1835.
  26. Light-Houses, Navigation and Emigration @ 1836
  27. Macabre discovery of the Bark Granicus on the Island of Anticosti, 1829.
  28. Loss of 26 aboard the Jessie wrecked on St. Paul's Island, August 1824.
  29. 208 die on Transport Harpooner wrecked at St. Shott's (near Cape Freels), November 1816.
  30. Brig Harriet attacked by pirates of Cape St. Antoine.
  31. Wreck of Schooner Manilla at Pointe-aux-Snelles, October, 1846.
  32. Wreck of the Marshall McDonald at Rimouski, June 20th, 1835.
  33. HMS Penelope wrecked at Pointe à la Frégate, 1815.
  34. Chapter 1815 covering the entire H.M.S. Penelope Court Martial.
  35. Wreck of the Rob Roy on the Islet shoals, May 1827.
  36. List of Reported Wrecks during 1845.
  37. List of Reported Wrecks during 1846.
  38. Wreck of HM troop ship Premier wrecked at Cap Chat, November, 1843.
  39. Protest on the loss of Norweign ship Kong Sverre, 1850, near St-Luce, Quebec.
  40. Example of misery emigrants endured on their way to Canada.
  41. Melancholy shipwreck of Minstrel - one hundred and forty eight lives lost.
  42. Vice-Admiralty Court and related cases:
    1. Decision of Vice-Admiralty on the Mary Jane vs. Material Man, 1848.
    2. A case of Murder and Piracy aboard schooner Three Sisters, 1810.
    3. King's Bench Decision on ship Trio, wrecked on Green Island, 1811.
    4. HMS Saracen nabs American Nabby off Nova Scotia, 1818.
    5. Admiralty control on Derelicts, flotsam, jetsam, logan, etc., 1819.
    6. Admiralty Courts decides on legality of bottomry bonds, 1819.
    7. Admiralty Court on Ship Camillus vs. Snow Howard, 1823.
    8. Master fined £2,500, excessive load of emigrants, 1823.
    9. Vice Admiralty vs.Young Proteous, Anticosti, 1825.
    10. Judge Kerr on wages of bark Sydney Packet on White Island, 1826.
    11. Judge Primrose decision on fraudulent import of goods at Quebec.
    12. Judge Kerr puts Vice Admiralty back on track in re Georgiana, 1828
    13. Judge Kerr on seaman suiting captain of Coldstream, 1832.
    14. Kerr on seaman suiting captain of Fanny for shooting at him.
    15. Wreck of Mountaineer at Cap Chat, 1833.
    16. Kerr on stevedores getting paid ref: brig Brown, 1833.
    17. Crew of Bark Jupiter unprepared to load at Quebec.
    18. Quebec Bar sinks to new depths in Sapphire vs. Brotchie.
    19. Proposed measure to curb shipping casualities.
    20. Schooner Industry vs. Canadian Marine Insurance Company, 1838.
  43. Causes of Numerous Lower St. Lawrence Shipwrecks during the 19th Century.
  44. A few aids to further research.
  45. My short list of the best "Book of the Year" I've studied/read/consulted.
  46. Benefits of a seaman's life.
  47. First Tea Ships from China.
  48. Abridged Glossary.
  49. Reference.
  50. Maritime Links.
  51. Canada's first maritime Time Signal.
  53. The Chaplain's Nose.
  54. A story of Yankee notions.
  55. 1999 talks schedule.
  56. A few words about the author.
  57. Maritime News feed from PRWeb, the free wire service.
  58. A few other sites by Gilbert R. Bossé,
      The few articles mentioned above are but a very small portion of what Version 3.0 of the CD-ROM "Navigating the Lower Saint Lawrence in the 19th Century" presents.
      Reviews by distinguished authorities can be consulted at:

     by UQAR (Université de Québec à Rimouski)
     by the CNRS (Canadian Nautical Research Society)
CD-ROM, version 2.0

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G.R. Bossé©

Nov. 1st, 1998.

9th June, 2008.