The Lower Saint Lawrence Maritime History Web-Site
since November 1998.

We present, for your personal pleasure,
a few extracts from the 7,000 pages of:
"Navigating the Lower Saint Lawrence in the 19th Century", version 3.0on CD-ROM.
- Introduction.
- CD-ROM Reviews for 2003/2001.
- Le
site de l'Histoire Maritime du Bas St-Laurent.
For Sale.
- Chapter 1800.
- Chapter 1801.
- Chapter 1802.
- Chapter 1803.
- Chapter 1804.
- Chapter 1805.
- Chapter 1806.
- Chapter 1807.
- Chapter 1808.
- Chapter 1809.
- Chapter 1810.
- Chapter 1811.
- Chapter 1812.
- Ship Alligator wrecked near Islet May, 1820.
- Wreck of the Bark Amanda at Little Metis Point, 1841.
- Wreck of the Bark Colborne near Port Daniel, 1838.
- Schooner Caroline wrecked and abandoned in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, 1826.
- Bark C. Columbus badly damaged in her trips to Paspébiac, 1846 & 1848.
- Shipwreck of Carricks at Cap des Rosiers, May 1847.
- Wreck of Cruikson Castle wreck at Port Daniel, 1844.
- Shipwreck of the barque Eliza at Tartigou, October, 1835.
- Light-Houses, Navigation and Emigration @ 1836
- Macabre discovery of the Bark Granicus on the Island of Anticosti, 1829.
- Loss of 26 aboard the Jessie wrecked on St. Paul's Island, August 1824.
- 208 die on Transport Harpooner wrecked at St. Shott's (near Cape Freels), November 1816.
- Brig Harriet attacked by pirates of Cape St. Antoine.
- Wreck of Schooner Manilla at Pointe-aux-Snelles, October, 1846.
- Wreck of the Marshall McDonald at Rimouski, June 20th, 1835.
- HMS Penelope wrecked at Pointe à la Frégate, 1815.
- Chapter 1815 covering the entire H.M.S. Penelope Court Martial.
- Wreck of the Rob Roy on the Islet shoals, May 1827.
- List of Reported Wrecks during 1845.
- List of Reported Wrecks during 1846.
- Wreck of HM troop ship Premier wrecked at Cap Chat, November, 1843.
- Protest on the loss of Norweign ship Kong Sverre, 1850, near St-Luce, Quebec.
- Example of misery emigrants endured on their way to Canada.
- Melancholy shipwreck of Minstrel - one hundred and forty eight lives lost.
- Vice-Admiralty Court and related cases:
- Decision of Vice-Admiralty on the Mary Jane vs. Material Man, 1848.
- A case of Murder and Piracy aboard schooner Three Sisters, 1810.
- King's Bench Decision on ship Trio, wrecked on Green Island, 1811.
- HMS Saracen nabs American Nabby off Nova Scotia, 1818.
- Admiralty control on Derelicts, flotsam, jetsam, logan, etc., 1819.
- Admiralty Courts decides on legality of bottomry bonds, 1819.
- Admiralty Court on Ship Camillus vs. Snow Howard, 1823.
- Master fined £2,500, excessive load of emigrants, 1823.
- Vice Admiralty vs.Young Proteous, Anticosti, 1825.
- Judge Kerr on wages of bark Sydney Packet on White Island, 1826.
- Judge Primrose decision on fraudulent import of goods at Quebec.
- Judge Kerr puts Vice Admiralty back on track in re Georgiana, 1828
- Judge Kerr on seaman suiting captain of Coldstream, 1832.
- Kerr on seaman suiting captain of Fanny for shooting at him.
- Wreck of Mountaineer at Cap Chat, 1833.
- Kerr on stevedores getting paid ref: brig Brown, 1833.
- Crew of Bark Jupiter unprepared to load at Quebec.
- Quebec Bar sinks to new depths in Sapphire vs. Brotchie.
- Proposed measure to curb shipping casualities.
- Schooner Industry vs. Canadian Marine Insurance Company, 1838.
- Causes of Numerous Lower St. Lawrence Shipwrecks during the 19th Century.
- A few aids to further research.
- My short list of the best "Book of the Year" I've studied/read/consulted.
- Benefits of a seaman's life.
- First Tea Ships from China.
- Abridged Glossary.
- Reference.
- Maritime Links.
- Canada's first maritime Time Signal.
- The Chaplain's Nose.
- A story of Yankee notions.
- 1999 talks schedule.
- A few words about the author.
- Maritime News feed from PRWeb, the free wire service.
- A few other sites by Gilbert R. Bossé,
Send your comments and questions to
G.R. Bossé© 1998-2008. |
Posted: Nov. 1st, 1998. |
Updated: 9th June, 2008. |