Research Project Spring 2000

This Page to be revamped soon to add all research done and to include my findings on the wonderful FFT!

Dr. Jiwen He will be guiding my research. I must send out my appreciation to him for doing this for me. I will be doing research in the interesting field of numerical analysis. This is the study of solutions to problems using numerical techniques of approximation. The computer has been a great help in this field due to the fact that it can do millions of calculations a lot quicker than a human can.

To begin, I have been writing summaries of articles from 'Computers in Science and Engineering' Jan/Feb 2000. I have completed three so far, and have begun my short paper on 'Mathematics in Frequency Ananlysis'. This paper will detail how audio is stored digitally and how the Discrete Fourier Transform is used to obtain the spectrum of the signal.

Please take a look at these...

Article Word
Project Summary Word
Decompositional Algorithms Word
The FFT! Word
The FORTRAN I Compiler Word
Frequency Analysis Zipped WORD
DSP Review Word
Analysis of Time Series Word

Within the next week, I will upload the Linux program that is the result of this. It will display the spectral analysis of a wave file or the line input on your PC.

Last updated Feb. 4, 2002 at 9:00 PM.

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