larry - 05/17/00 16:09:01 My | Comments: nice site thanks |
Laura Johnson - 05/15/00 17:12:53 My URL: My | Comments: cute site |
Don Sigler - 09/28/99 03:14:38 My | Comments: Hi Bill: Great photos, particularly those of the removal of equipment from Mt. Benson! Keep up the good work. Regards, Don, VE7XD |
Carl Olsen VE7ATU - 08/28/99 03:21:51 My | Comments: Hi Bill: I really enjoyed viewing your galleries. Your silent key gallery is a fine tribute to our deceased brethren. You may remember me from the 1970's when I lived in Victoria and was a member of VSWC and the old VARRA and you'd come down for various ham events. I am now retired and living in the Comox Valley. I am the editor of the CVARC newsletter which you can read on our club site. |
Larry Stanwood - 08/11/99 23:20:25 My | Comments: Excellent job on all. Boy, was i surprised to see my picture. Must have been 1966 or so, at Trail. Did you take it? If you want an update, I can send one, although I haven't changed a bit (HI, although the gear has. Imagine, the old Mohawk twins. Too bad, John's picture didn't load. All the best, Larry VE7XV |
Herb Telling - 07/31/99 00:18:31 My | Comments: Hi Bill Glad to hear you while contacting Ellen. Great web site! Hope to hear you again when conditions are better. 73, Herb N2IZM |
Bill Walker - 07/27/99 21:52:37 My | Comments: Web page looks great Bill although I cannot down load the Static yet. Cheers BillW |
Katie Nielsen (nee Swanson) - 06/23/99 22:49:24 My URL: My | Comments: Hey Mr. Stewart! You DID retire! Congratulations! Enjoy your free time. Katie Nielsen Former Math 11T & 11 Student, NDSS |
Bob Banks VE7JWB - 06/23/99 19:28:14 My | Comments: the Best |
Dean Stennes - 05/23/99 00:07:41 My | Comments: Nice Page Bill ! It's always nice to visit and see the changes and pictures. |
Ron (W5WWW) - 05/02/99 13:38:56 My URL: My | Comments: Hi Bill--Congrats on a very nice site. It is very well constructed and quite organized. It is nice to meet up with a fellow Ham Operator here on the WWW. I hope to meet you on the air sometime. I work almost exclusively CW here on this end. Take care and eep up the great work Bill. Very 73--Ron/W5WWW--BCNU ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Ich besuchte Geocites und oben auf Ihnen homepage irgendwie beendet. Wieviel Zeit haben Sie in Ihrem Internet-Aufstellungsort investiert? Ich hoffe, meine Selbst zu haben bald.
Joe Orgnero (VE7LBI) - 03/02/99 03:25:29 My | Comments: Well I guess I figured out how to get in. (still trying to find my way around the net). Great page to investigate. I'll be in touch. |
JACK OLSEN - 02/12/99 20:42:28 My | Comments: Hi Bill great web site , I really like all the pictures on the site.Your web site just keeps improving all the time . 73 VE7GDE |
kurt nilsson ve7 nkm - 01/20/99 03:42:25 My | Comments: Finally landed on your page, got it all sorted out but not without help. you have a very interesting web-page, congratulations! |
alf clausen - 01/03/99 07:49:42 My | Comments: |
Frank - VE7AV - 12/29/98 07:54:41 My URL: My | Comments: Was surprised to see a picture of 9N1MM. Worked him many a time in previous decades. 73 -Frank |
Bob Banks - 12/27/98 04:16:34 My | Comments: |
Ron Young VE7SAV - 12/16/98 05:49:16 My | Comments: Well done Bill, a fantastic Web Site. I'm glad though that I have my new fast machine, because of all the pictures. I must spend a lot more time to really appreciate all you've done. Thelma enjoyed all your family news and thought the pictures great. Ro (mavrik) VE7SAV |
shauna - 11/29/98 06:11:45 My URL: My | Comments: Hey neighbor Came across your link in someone elses guestbook and thought I would check your page out. Cool stuff. Ciao 4 now |
Syd Lee (VE7CJO) - 11/11/98 20:54:47 My | Comments: Hi Bill! Finally got on the net after retiring my old computer that I've had since teaching days. Great Home Page. Enjoyed the Mt. Wash. photos; like to ski up there. I'm pres of MIRA this term. Do you find your ret. life crammed? 73 Syd |
Hugh Ratcliffe - 10/27/98 18:35:53 My | Comments: |
Hugh Ratcliffe - 10/27/98 18:35:47 My | Comments: |
Tazdoo - 10/16/98 12:39:38 My URL:/Heartland/Woods/6469 My | Comments: Found your page through your daughter palmtree's page.I like Rodney Dangerfield ,he's great and a very funny man.On my page I have a link to Palmtrees page,she has a lot of things to look over and boy does she like to watch t.v. |
Cathy - 10/10/98 19:22:41 My URL: My | Comments: Hi Dad!! Just took a quick browse of your page and I like what I see (especially the old picture of Mr. Horncastle!). Puts my home page to shame and I'm supposed to be the computer scientist! Keep up the great work. Love, Cathy |
Doug - 10/09/98 22:41:47 My | Comments: Very good indeed Bill. Very impressed. |
Terry Totzke VE7TOT - 10/08/98 04:09:03 My | Comments: Congratulations upon your retirement, Bill. Best wishes for many happy years of enjoying the fruits of your labour. |
Marlena - 09/13/98 19:20:33 My URL: My | Comments: Hi Dad! :^) Well, I promised I'd try to be the first one to sign your guestbook and it looks like I've succeeded! *grin* I'm so happy we've got you signed up for a Geocities site, because now you'll have absolutely NO problems staying within the serve limits ever again! *hee hee* I can't wait to see how your site will grow over time, and I'm thrilled to have it linked over and over again throughout my site, too! LOTSA LUV, from your proud daughter and Geocities neighbour in SouthBeach Marina...Marl na! XXXOOO ![]() |