Drum roll please .... the profiterole recipie:

Place 4 tablespoons of butter & 1 cup of water in a saucepan.  When the
butter is melted & the water boiling, add 1 cup of plain flour.  Stir
briskly over medium heat until the paste balls and leaves the side of the
saucepan.  Remove from heat and allow to cool slightly.  Place the paste in
a mixer and beat in four whole eggs, one at a time, mixing well after each.

Place small spoonfuls of the mixture on a buttered tray and bake at
375F/190C for 45 minutes or till golden brown.

Remove profiteroles from oven and allow to cool.  Once cooled, make a slice
horizontally through profiterole and fill with cream, custard or whatever
grabs your fancy.  Place in the fridge to chill.

To make chocolate sauce, melt 4oz (125g) of dark chocolate in half a cup of
black coffee, with 2 tablespoons of sugar.  Bring slowly to the boil,
stirring constantly with a whisk.  Add half a cup of cream and simmer till
thick, stirring occasionally.

The sauce can be reheated (carefully) prior to serving.

Give it a try.  As you can see, it's really easy.  Have fun !
