Susanne's (persiflage) Cheesecake


Crush up 1 1/2 packets of "Nice" biscuits (pronounced `Niece') in the

Mix with just enough melted butter to make it start sticking together.

Push into cake tin (one in which the side can be removed seperatly from
the base) & put aside.


3 packets of Philadelphia Cream Cheese (Dom called it `easy spreadout
cheese' from the age of 3), 
1 cup of castor sugar, 
1 heaped tsp of vanilla essence (careful about that `meniscus')

Mix all three in the Oscar. Don't over do this as it will just get lots of
air in it & make it like one of those fluffy pretend cheesecakes you buy
from the shop! 

Spoon into the crust, give the spoon & mixing bowls to dom to keep him
quiet for an hour & he will return them spotless (without having washed

Cook in oven at 150degC for 30mins & then leave in oven until cool
(usually overnight). Then chill in fridge. This is the secret!

May be served with whipped cream & strawberries but it can be served alone
without trepidation
