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since 26th May, 1999

Ham radio, Printed Circuit Boards, possums, Ford Falcons, doin' Sean in, my favourite links & more stuff
(last updated 3rd Jan, 2008)

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My Ham Radio page.

I'm consolidating these pages & realised Ham Radio deserves space all on it's own. Take a butcher's.

General stuff...

Our time in New Jersey, USA; 2001

Take a look, but be aware that these pages contain pictures that might take quite a while to load.

The "5-Ring Circus"

"Tips for Olympic visitors"

Directly (not) from the official Olympic Website. Could be subtitled "How to be a Galah in Sydney". "Tips for Olympic visitors".

"An evening in Sydney, the Olympic town"

Susanne & I had a simple "evening on the town" during the Olympics.

"The joys of using The Olympic City's trains...

Enjoy the comic relief of train announcements by State Rail staff trying to keep up good spirits during the Olympics.

Some stories

Trailer Wiring Page

Trailer Wiring can be a pain to get information for, so I'm going to put what I find here!.

Scared of flying ?

We shouldn't laugh but we will.

Sean goes DOWN

Sean should never have considered leaving this company I work for. It hurts just tooooo much. All SEAN images are approx 100k.

Someone put it very well when the question of how Sean was dealing with the `officially sanctioned' hazing...
"What, being the centre of attention with all these onlookers? Of course he's enjoying it!"

I'm sticking with that :-) 

  • At his embarrased best, thank you Quentin .
  • Chorus Line .
  • Oooh I love MANhandling .
  • Oh bugger..
  • Breakfast anyone? .
  • We frogmarched him 'till he spilt the beans .

  • Hey Cisco! .
  • Cream of Mohawk .
  • This cream oughta make the plunger stick .
  • D'oh! .
  • The yellow sun might give me the strength to....
  • What's this button do? .

  • `Team Australia' engendering spirit .
  • Come a little closer, boss .
  • The taunt begins.
  • "Its like this Dom...".
  • I feel sick.
  • The crowd are bored.
  • This is better than my woodie.

  • The hunchback of innovation.
  • "Massage it in. It does wonders for the folicles".
  • Benjamin sees the horrors of war firsthand. ;-).
  • See! I'm smiling, I'M STILL SMILING, DAMMIT!.
  • "A tap, a tap. My kingdom for a tap".
  • Wet wet wet..

  • Fun...

    Work stuff...

    Other handy stuff

    Possum wars...

    Stuff about Australia...


    One bloody handy thing to know is some useful knots. Knowing even just the bowline & reef can get you through 50% of ropework. Knowing the Truckies Hitch and a few others are of immesurable usefulness. When I'm bored at home, I'll whip out a piece of cord and simply practice a few in front of the tele!


    A workmate of old, "Uncle" Arthur Wong, died tragically. Here is a link to a memorial site.


    Here are some recipes that I have pilfered or conjured or whatever that you might like to try.
  • Margo's Cream cheese slice (death defying)
  • Margo's Pumpkin Soup (yum-mee)
  • Justine's Choc Muffins (high carbo/low fat)
  • Susanne's Cheesecake (death enhancing)
  • Mike's Barra Broth (sounds great - can't afford to try it yet!)
  • Mike's Famous Profiteroles (appropriate for a reformed Banker?)
  • Sarah's very easy Lemon Tart (if only all tarts were this easy!)
  • Bagula's Missus' delightful shark curry
  • See next section for recipe remedies... ;-)

    Basic Fat Burning Diet...

    Personally I've had more success with the Optifast VLCD . Lost 6KGs now!

    Sailing the Whitsunday's...

    My FORD webpage
    Ford Motor Company

    Back in 1970 my parents bought a 2nd-hand BP Australia XR Falcon from my uncle for $500. It needed some welding repairs to get certified but became our trusted family car from then on (even when the lights failed on a nighttime trip from Melbourne to Canberra!). I enjoy the whole Ford Falcon thing so much I'm sure I must have been conceived in one ;-)

    Links to OTHER sites on the Web

    (Ham links are on the Ham Page )
    (All large list of my non-ham links )


  • Mike Larkin's Home Page

  • Ferret D's Home Page
  • Scott and Monica's Grand Tour of Australia
  • The Travelling Redhead (JacquelineB)

  • Fun
  • Figlet - Ascii graphics!
  • Anagram Genius Server
  • The Wonderful Wankometer
  • The Infamous Exploding Whale!

  • Interesting (to me)...
  • Heuer Instruments
  • JNA Telecommunications (ex-staff)
  • Broken Bay Diocese (Davidson)
  • Jesuit Refugee Service
  • St. Aloysius' College (Milson's Point)
  • Royal Australian Navy
  • "The Final Prejudice"by David Deutsch.
  • A terribly enlighting look at ageism .
  • MapsOnUs
  • Time Zone Converter
  • Altavista email
  • Sydney Metropolitan Forecast
  • Sydney Morning Herald
  • The Manly Daily

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