Ham radio, Printed Circuit Boards, possums, Ford Falcons, doin' Sean in,
my favourite links & more stuff
Hmmm... 39yearold, Male, Catholic, Married, a parent twice over , PCB Designer, Production Mangager, TV techie (Microwave Link Eng), Amateur Radio operator, part-time
"stick" & "oxy" welder, essentially non-drinker (boring I know),
First-Aid'er. Things I like include car trips around Australia, camping,
Ford Falcon's, building & modifying Ford Windsor & Cleveland V8's, my
parish community, spending time with friends chatting, Eastern Suburbs
Rugby League team (now "Sydney City
Roosters" ), riding pushbikes, occasional fishing, backyard cricket,
doin' stuff around the house, dinner parties, BBQs, cooking (particularly
Indian & Thai), travelling to interesting places (USA, England, Scotland, Thailand, Canada, Hong Kong, Macau, Malaysia, India inc Andaman Islands), Catholic
Engaged Encounter, fixing radios 'n stuff (not that I'm particularly
good at it ;-), climbing up radio towers to do aerial repairs &
collecting for the Salvation Army's Red Shield
I have it on good authority from Peter Richman of London that this poem has been around quite a while ("Land Army" is a WW2 time reference).
Someone put it very well when the question of how Sean was dealing
with the `officially sanctioned' hazing...
I'm sticking with that :-)
See next section for recipe remedies... ;-)
Personally I've had more success with the Optifast VLCD . Lost 6KGs now!
(last updated 3rd Jan, 2008)
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My Ham Radio page.
consolidating these pages & realised Ham Radio deserves space all on it's
own. Take a butcher's.
General stuff...
Our time in New Jersey, USA; 2001
Take a look, but be aware that these pages contain pictures that might
take quite a while to load.
The "5-Ring Circus"
"Tips for Olympic visitors"
Directly (not) from the official Olympic Website. Could be subtitled "How to
be a Galah in Sydney". "Tips for Olympic visitors".
"An evening in Sydney, the Olympic town"
Susanne & I had a simple "evening on the town" during the Olympics.
"The joys of using The Olympic City's trains...
Enjoy the comic relief of train announcements by State
Rail staff trying to keep up good spirits during the Olympics.
Some stories
"The Cow's Lament"
My neighbours, Alan & Rosemary, were telling me a story about when they
were travelling on the Indian-Pacific Railway. They sat to dinner with a
fedral West Australian Liberal politician & his wife for a number of meals
in a row. They didn't know who he was & he asked them to guess what he did
for a living when getting near Perth. Rosemary thought he might have
been an undertaker! As well as being a pollie, he was also a man of
the land. Anyway, he wrote down this poem for her before they parted ways
& I think its a real cracker... "The Cow's Lament". "Freemantle, near Perth"
You've just gotta read this one to believe it (& even then you probably wont)!
"Freemantle, near Perth". "Mother-in-Law"
I was telling this story in the tea room at work today & the guys *really*
laughed, so obviously it begs publishing.
"I jinxed my Mother-in-law".
Trailer Wiring Page
Trailer Wiring can be a pain to get information for, so I'm going to put
what I find here!.
Scared of flying ?
We shouldn't laugh but we will.
Sean goes DOWN
Sean should never have considered leaving this company I work for. It hurts just tooooo much. All SEAN images are approx 100k.
"What, being the centre of attention with all these onlookers? Of
course he's enjoying it!"
Just for fun, I'll throw the odd (even sometimes OrIgInAl) thing up
here for your perusal & amusement. Who knows where this might lead ;-)
Work stuff...
I work as a Printed Circuit Board designer. I've used the "Mentor" suite of
tools (amongst others) to help me do that. I've been doing this for around 16 years now.
Other handy stuff
Possum wars...
Ahh, if you live in Australia you've got to love 'em. See my ongoing battle
Stuff about Australia...
Car Touring around Australia...
One bloody handy thing to know is some useful knots. Knowing even just the
bowline &
can get you through 50% of ropework. Knowing the
Truckies Hitch
and a few others are of immesurable usefulness. When I'm bored at home, I'll whip out a piece of cord
and simply practice a few in front of the tele!
A workmate of old, "Uncle" Arthur Wong, died tragically.
Here is a link to a memorial site.
Here are some recipes that I have pilfered or conjured or whatever that
you might like to try.
Basic Fat Burning Diet...
Here is a diet passed on to me by "caring" relatives. I don't find it even half as effective as it claims to be &
I find it difficult to follow (eating at friends homes or going to restaurants isn't conducive to following a strict
regime) but I have seen my dad lose over 1 stone and, as he says, "it's the best I've felt in thirty years", so you
can't knock that!! This diet was simply typed in & I have not written it in the first person.
No responsibilty accepted for anything to do with this diet.
Sailing the Whitsunday's...
I wanna go sailing. Here are some links to help me do that one day soon. Tim & Sarah, you're coming too!
Back in 1970 my parents bought a 2nd-hand BP Australia XR Falcon from my uncle for $500. It needed some welding repairs to get certified
but became our trusted family car from then on (even when the lights failed on a nighttime trip from Melbourne to Canberra!).
I enjoy the whole Ford Falcon thing so much I'm sure I must have been conceived in one ;-) webpage
Links to OTHER sites on the Web
(Ham links are on the Ham Page )
(All large list of my non-ham links )
Interesting (to me)...
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