Nancy's Progress

The preg-Nancy Saga


Month 1 Ending 9/8/2000

When I first found out, I was so excited I couldn't sleep. Now it seems that I am really fatigued and sleeping a lot. Caleb seems to notice too and has been really clingy lately. I sometimes get cravings, but lately I have been getting queasy and picky about the foods that I eat.
Month 1

Month 2 Ending 10/8/2000

This month has been marked with morning sickness. The good news is that both the fatigue and morning sickness are getting to be less, but certainly not gone. Caleb is still really clingy to me too.
Month 2

Month 3 Ending 11/8/2000

Morning sickness, morning sickness, and more morning sickness. No movement yet, no cravings, no appetite. And I fogot to take my prenatal vitamins. Better luck next month.
Month 3

Month 4 Ending 12/8/2000

Appetite is back, energy is back, and morning sickness is gone. Now that's more like it. I'm in much more of a mood to clean now. At the very end of this period, I started feeling just the slightest hint of movement. We also went to the doctor and they said that everything was going well.
Month 4

Month 5 Ending 1/8/2001

Whatever morining sickess I had, it is surely gone by now. This month is marked by more rapid growth of the baby.
Month 5

Month 6 Ending 2/8/2001

This month I got a lot more ribache on my right side and insomnia. No cravings. We still don't know what gender it is, and really don't have a good idea for the name either.
Month 6

Month 7 Ending 3/9/2001

This month I've been feeling less energetic. Although I have the beginnings of "nesting instinct." We set up the bassinet. The backaches are getting less and the baby has been kicking a lot and harder. We have some ideas for names, but have not decided on one yet.
Month 7

Month 8 Ending 4/9/2001

This month I got really tired. Backaches. Back labor at occasions. Sleeplessness. My poor hubby thought that it would never end.
Month 8

Month 9 Ending 4/21/2001

We got a lot of the warning signs this month. Even though the official due date was May 8, nobody believed that. Good thing too. My family came up on the 20th, just in time for the baby. Baby arrived this month!.
Month 9


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