Nancy's Progress

The preg-Nancy Saga


Month 1 Ending 12/26/98

For this month, she slept a lot, and also ate a lot. There were a few times when she woke up her hubby late at night for a little snack. (All Mom's know that this is typical of the first month of pregnancy). The non typical part is waking Dean, from a dead sleep. When he is dead, even in a movie theatre, it is a challenge to see if he will wake up!

Month 2 Ending 1/26/99

The checkup went well and the doctor said that she gained 4 pounds. Luckily, she still hasn't experienced any morning sickness. Her food cravings are getting more regular and not occurring so much at strange hours of the night. However, she did have this strange craving for pancakes at 6:00 am one day( which is pretty early for Nancy). For Dean, 6am is the middle of the night - unless there are cartoons on TV!
Month 2

Month 3 Ending 2/26/99

This is the month when I first felt the baby move. I also regained my energy -- no more naps! On 2/22/99 I went to the doctor with Dean and we were able to listen to the baby's heart beat for the first time!! A few times I sent my husband to the grocery store to buy goodies I was craving...and a couple of times I've woken him up at 5:30, claiming the baby was hungry. This is how it typically goes ...
Nancy "I'mm huunngrry, .. let's go eat!".
Dean "But it's 4:00 am--and I'm not hungry :-(. There are leftovers in the refrigerator:-)".
Nancy "But it's gotta to be meat :-|."
Dean "How about those hot dogs in the freezer?!"
Nancy "But you gotta drive me there!:-D"
This dialog illustrates that my problems become Dean's problems. If I can't sleep, Dean's not likely to get much sleep either.
Month 3

Month 4 Ending 3/26/99

This month a lot of my pregnancy-related problems went away. However, Dean developed a minor case of Couvade Syndrome, otherwise known as "sympathetic pregnancy". It manifested itself mainly as nosebleeds and skin rashes. We are still trying to think of baby names.
We also went to get an ultrasound 3/15 and found out with high probability that it's a boy. The ultrasound is to the right.
Month 4


Month 5 Ending 4/27/99

This month, a lot of my pregnancy related problems came back. My shoulders, ribcage, and upper back hurt. I lost my center of gravity twice this month and fell, but was not hurt. On the positive note, the baby has been moving on a daily basis. Also, my husband's skin rashes and couvade syndrome related illnesses got worse.
Month 5

Month 6 Ending 5/22/99

This month was marked by rapid growth of the baby. The back and rib pains are about what they were last month. I have been sleeping a lot less and have been snacking in the middle of the night. We went to Chicago in the beginning of the month and attended a suprise baby shower. We got just about everything we needed there. We also figured out after looking at all of the baby stuff that our 700 square feet apartment was a little small, so we are moving to a 950 square foot 2 bedroom apartment in June. We also started attending Lamaze Class. As for baby names, we are still undecided, but the most likely name at this time is Caleb/Kaleb
Month 6

Month 7 Ending 6/22/99

More of the same for this month. The back pains are still there and we think that the baby is on a growth spurt because I am fatigued a lot. We have a ban on buying things until we move to the two bedroom apartment, then it's time to get the crib, car seat, and so on.
Month 7


Month 8 Ending 7/22/99

The back pains and getting up in the middle of the night are still there, but they seem to be getting better. This month is marked by the onset of the "nesting" instinct. This is the instinct to clean and organize everything. The buying ban is from last month is lifted. We bought the crib, car seat, and tons of other baby stuf this month. I also got a baby shower at work and got a lot more things.
Month 8

Month 9 Ending 8/13/99

In terms of the back pains and "nesting" instinct, they were about the same as the last month. This month was marked with the delivery. I would like to thank everybody for the support and attention ( 4 baby showers ) I got during my pregnancy. Caleb Dean Banerjee was born on 8/13/99 at 9:28 am weighing 7 lbs 13 oz and 20 inches long. He was 9 days early. Here's how it went.

10:30 pm ( 8/12/99 ) I just got back from my last baby shower.
12:30 am Contractions Started
2:30 am I woke up Dean.
3:30 am We went the hospital
4:30 am I was examined and at 9 cm ( with no medications )
6:30 am Doctor Hugen arrived and I started pushing
9:28 am Caleb was born ( after all that pushing! )

Month 9

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