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PS1 Data Capture
These are legacy versions of 747IPC. The latest versions are available from SourceForge.
You are strongly advised to avoid using these legacy versions !
- Support for PS1.3-EE4.
- Support for the overhead panel generator Drive Disconnect switches.
- Partial support for the Fire Test button.
- Bugfix for the APU Selector switch.
- Keypress animation removal now an option.
- New keys "IPC.caution" and "IPC.warning" that report the status
of PS1's master caution/warning light.
- Auto-detect PS1 every 3 seconds upon pressing the "Connect PS1"
button, until PS1 is found. This saves on having to Alt-Tab from
PS1 to 747IPC to manually push the button.
- Overhauled the keystroke injection mechanism for CDU and overhead panel switches.
- New button to disable PS1's keystroke auto-accel feature.
- Updated VIDTSR.COM that eliminates ND flickering with overhead panel keypresses.
- Generic IPC.poke mechanism for injecting any data into PS1 memory.
- IPC.pokeSust mechanism for sustained poking.
- Support for hardware overhead panels and CDU -- uses keystroke injection via VIDTSR.
- VMREAD module now reads VMREAD.CFG for user-specified variable capture. Format of this file is identical to that for the VMREAD program.
- User interface refined: comboboxes for Broker host and PS1 path.
- Experimental data injection for thrust lever position. Uses Broker key "IPC.pokeN1" to set thrust for each engine.
- New user interface: you can configure network and path settings graphically. You have control over PS1 and Broker connections.
- 747IPC.INI configuration file (automatically generated at first run).
You can still use the old command line options.
- Improved error detection and reporting. For bug reports and requests for help, please send me the output of the "Debug" button.
- New version numbering system to avoid confusion.

Below are legacy versions of 747IPC -- avoid them !! The latest versions are available from SourceForge.
Version 2.6 (5 October 2003): IPC26.ZIP (23,288 bytes).
Version 2.5A (19 May 2003): IPC25A.ZIP (23,688 bytes).
Version 2.4 (15 April 2003): IPC24.ZIP (23,136 bytes).
Version 1.99 (16 Dec 2002): IPC199.ZIP (15,818 bytes).
Previous version for Win 95/98/NT/2K/Me/XP (25 July 2002): 747IPC.ZIP (12,272 bytes).
Previous version for Win9x only (10 June 2002): 747IPC9X.ZIP (6,204 bytes).
Older version for Win9x only (8 May 2002): 747IPC_OLD.ZIP. (PS1.3-EE3 not supported)
Visit Ed Parker's
homepage which contains useful tips and diagrams on how PS1, 747IPC, Broker, Visual744 and MSFS connect together.
Until formal docs are written, here's a post from the PS1 Message Board, 15 April 2003:
Broker key "IPC.poke {xxxx yy zz}"
where xxxx is the offset in PS1's data segment of the variable to be poked, in hexadecimal only;
yy is the data to be poked, in decimal;
zz is the size of the data in bytes, decimal.
"IPC.pokeSust {xxxx yy zz}"
arguments as above, however 747IPC's behaviour is different. The data will be repeatedly poked at up to 20 Hz, until a cancellation order is received. This takes the form
"IPC.pokeSust {xxxx 0 0}"
where xxxx must be the same value as the previous start order.
Note that you can have up to 8 addresses in the IPC.pokeSust list at a ny time. You must individually cancel each address that was previously added to the list, as detailed above.
finally, for users with throttle hardware,
"IPC.pokeN1 {aa bb cc dd}"
where the 4 arguments are in decimal and represent the "target N1 equivalent" in percentage units x 10.
eg on the GE-engine configs,
"IPC.pokeN1 {500 500 500 500}"
will set 50.0% N1 on all 4 engines. On non-GE types, the actual N1 may not be 50.0% but it should be true that any given value will always correspond to the same thrust lever position in PS1.
Ivan Ngeow WSSS <rimb1991 at yahoo dot com>
Last modified 2 December 2007