747-400 pics
| 747IPC
| Taxiway
| Altimeter |
A cute little drawing I chanced upon :-D
New pics added 15 February 2001.
New pics added 11 February 2001.
15 pics added on 9 August 1999 below, taken in July 1999 at Melbourne Airport.
- (100k) QF B737(?), overhead the approach lighting at runway 16, Melbourne.
- (96k) Malaysia Airlines B747-400, lining up runway 34 via taxiway Kilo.
- (112k) QF B747-438, Flight 100, turning onto final, runway 34. Gear down but not green.
- (116k) same plane, lined up and lower. Gear down and green.
- (116k) same plane, lower and bigger.
- (128k) same plane, even lower and even bigger.
- (164k) same plane, abeam camera position.
- (100k) same plane, just after touchdown. Spoilers deployed. Note use of rudder for cross-wind.
- (72k) same plane, roll-out.
- (112k) United B747-400, final approach, runway 34.
- (84k) same plane, roll-out, idle reverse. Note the use of elevators to push the nose down firmly onto the runway.
- (160k) QF B747-438, at flare, over runway 34.
- (108k) same plane, touch down.
- (100k) same plane, roll-out, no reverse thrust. Note application of rudder and ailerons (crossed controls).
- (88k) QF B747-238, cleared for T/O runway 34.
Hi folks, these are pics I took in late February on a flight from WSSS Singapore to YMML Melbourne, Singapore Airlines Flt 227. I thank the Captain and F/O very much for giving me the opportunity to visit the deck during cruise, and to remain for landing.
I hope to find some time to write up a detailed account of what I saw and heard, before my memory fails me. Meanwhile you can criticise my blurry pics. I know they are not the best in the market but at least they turned out well ! It's very hard to take good shots in a dark deck, so my tips for future shooters are:
- Use high speed film
- Avoid using flashlight (esp when shooting the CRTs)
- Bring a tripod if possible, or a monopod
- Don't have too high expectations :-}
These pics are all under 100k in size, and have a maximum width of 1024 pixels, or a maximum height of 800 pixels. I have scanned some high resolutions versions of these pics (1800x1200) which are available on request.
United 744 on approach over Melbourne. This is NOT the plane I sat in; I incidentally caught it on film as it passed my hospital.
Overhead panel
Front instruments & displays
Upper EICAS. Note F/O's ND and the WX radar return.
Holding at FL260 over CANTY in northern Victoria. Note the racetrack holding pattern.
Adelaide airport from a distance. This is one of the nicer shots.
Lined up for YPAD RW05. Try adjusting the brightness control of your monitor to view both the deck and the scenery.
Cleared for landing RW05
100 feet AGL
Captain stows full reverse thrust. Note the use of manual (ie feet not hands) braking and hence yellow AUTOBRAKES message on EICAS. Also magenta flaps position indicator with reverse thrust (simulated in PS1).
You may recall I said that the flight was from Singapore to Melbourne, yet we landed in Adelaide. Yes, I was lucky (or unlucky ?) to have sat in on a diversion to alternate airport due to poor visibility in Melbourne. As I said, more details later...
Below are pics taken on a QANTAS flight from Melbourne to Singapore, November 1998.
NEW ! On 9 August 2005 I used Google
Earth to extract satellite images of the above two locations.