7zips.zip 1K. Move / decode 7+ files
addon.zip 11K. List's all your installed external programs
addons.zip 9K. Addon Mail Server returns the list of your servers
bbs.zip 17K. Gives information about a specified bbs
bbsdoor.zip 57K.
bbsfiles.zip 27K. International BBS List for show route
big_bbs.zip 34K.
bpqmoni.zip 8K. Looks for specified station tx'ing then beeps
btidy2.zip 18K. Keeps your Bulletins at bay
carbon.zip 5K. Carbon server
chsig.zip 3K. Allows you to have multiple sig files
cmds.zip 3K. Extra Help File especially for Addons
dde.zip 5K.
ddekeys.zip 65K. Allows you to click and connect to stations
doscmd.zip 2K. Runs any dos command through Winpack that includes
ext.zip 2K. Run External Programs with out Winpack in MS-DOS
extern.zip 6K.
ff.zip 1K. Find files in your \pub and subdirectorys
findfile.zip 3K. Lets remote users search your disk for files
finger1.zip 8K. Returns Information about you using /FINGER msg
forcev2.zip 8K. Forces 7+ Mail to be fwd Quite complex now
greetx.zip 5K.
greg205.zip 125K. Personalised greeting/registration for Winpack-GI7UIP
head122.zip 4K. Puts a cutomised line at top of every message
html.zip 6K. Returns constimsed html pages with /html
htmlconv.zip 33K. Formats every message for HTML
htmleasy.zip 22K. Interactive Guide to creating web pages
htmlib.zip 20K.
htmlib2.zip 38K.
htmlib3.zip 29K.
iiadata.zip 5K. Island Award Database for whereis
iotadata.zip 8K. Similar to above for whereis
loc12.zip 8K. Gives you maiden head locator by G4IDE
lottery.zip 23K. Lottery program for Winpack and MS-DOS
md2.zip 12K. MD2D Password client
mh.zip 1K. Gives you a more structured help file
mng7pl.zip 80K. 7+ Decoding manager (Italian Manual)
natta.zip 10K. Chat Server for BPQ Works nicely with Winpack
netcolor.zip 2K.
news.zip 1K. Belongs with reqnews
news220.zip 4K.
nohtml.zip 14K.
nwserver.zip 11K.
oblastda.zip 2K. Yet again similar for whereis
prefix.zip 8K.
qrzdx2.zip 9K. To interface QRZ CD-ROM
qu8.zip 37K. Loads of features for handling mail messages
quote.zip 3K. Generates random quotes for remote users
reg102.zip 3K. Allows ADDRESS.TXT
reqnews.zip 5K. Another mail program returns news from your station
reqwp.zip 6K. In italian!
rline100.zip 3K. Updates your Winpack address book if callsigns bbs
reqfil241.zip 8K. Modified REQFIL based on original by G4IDE
reqnews2.zip 6K. Version 2.0 allows multiple users for W version 5.5
seledit.zip 13K. Editing of select & autotime very good by G4IDE
servers.zip 8K.
shi12.zip 7K. Shows the route a mail message has taken througt ne
sigchng.zip 4K. A Windows version of the chsig program
speech.zip 4K.
tagline.zip 7K. Add Taglines to your messages
tele.zip 6K. TeleText Server Like the FBB one
time.zip 8K. Displays the time with a /time
tree.zip 6K.
treeocw.zip 6K.
updt620.exe 475K. Winpack "experimental/development" update 6.1-6.2>6
updt620.txt 6K.
updat630.exe. Winpack uptate 6.2 a 6.30 *NUEVO*
updat630.txt. Winpack English manual 6.30 *NUEVO*
w4kgu.zip 57K. Run Winpack from a BBS Door
whereis.zip 32K. Callsign's Home BBS Lookup database
winp610.txt 5K.
winp610.zip 1Mb. fBB and TPK compatible windows Packet terinal-G
winpbayc.zip 6K.
winpkep.zip 10K.
winplog4.zip 9K. Log book stats program uses autolog.txt in winpack
winppgp.zip 11K. Winpack PGP Signature Client
winpscap.zip 11K.
winptxt.zip 30K. text base version of Winpack help file
witepage.zip 16K. White Page Server (Italian Manual)
wp101201.zip 8K. New versions of Header and RLINE
wpext.zip 5K. How to write winpack external progs
wpfind09.zip 23K. QRZ Ham CD - Callsign Server - Works well
wt2.zip 11K. World Time calculator (UK Only)
wti.zip 11K. World Time International calculator
xhelp.zip 3K. Gives you help for you external programs
yapptime.zip 7K. Automatic YAPP sessions (Italians Manual)
zdrive.zip 17K. Allows dowloading of files from other drives