Mustafa OZBAY's homepage

Finally I started to deal with my web page...Now I`m studying mechanical engineering at the University of New Hampshire..My major is Finite Element Analysis..In my master thesis I try to model huge fishcages with using FEA as a part of open ocean aquaculture project:)) !!!
Hi ,this is me HIMBIL ,my real name is Mustafa Ozbay, thanks for visiting
my site, i live in Turkey which is between Asia and Europe, if you want to learn
more about Turkey, please click here (I'm sure you'll like here)

Hmmm, Do you wanna learn more about mylife , what about

Fun Fun Fun !!! . Sorry but it's only in Turkish.
You are so unlucky , if you don't know Turkish!!!

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Here is my email-book
, you can find some of my friends' email addresses. I'll add some as well but i'm still waiting for their desicions

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don't you hear this scream!!!

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