Where I've Been

(And What I've Done)

On July 5, 2000 I was stationed on the USS Kitty Hawk, the U.S.'s only fowared deployed aircraft carrier. It's also called the 911 carrier because we're the only carrier in the U.S. that's always ready to go at any time.

These are my cruises on the Kitty Hawk

I went to Pusan, Korea and Otaru, Japan. While in Pusan, I tried "chicken on a stick" at least that's what they called it, I still say that the meat was too long and greasy to be chicken; either way it was good. I also came across the largest Zippo in my life, and it really works... we tested it, my friends and I guess it would take about 1/2 a can of lighter fluid to fill it. There were stalls set up everywhere that sold black market games for every game system that you could think of. There was also shops everywhere that sold "Mink" blankets (which I doubt is really made of mink, but they're still warm anyways). Leather shops were at every corner. All of this stuff was at great prices, for example a full length leather duster (for a 6'2" man) was about $150!

In Otaru, I tried many Japanese dishes and I have only one word for them...DELICIOUS... and they weren't too expensive(about 7$U.S. for a big plate).

First stop on this cruise was in Singapore, which was a nice place, except for the fact that there was a fine for every little thing. Not to mention that chewing gum was illegal. Second we went to Patya Beach, Thiland, want to talk about an insane place. The best way to describe it is 'take a third world country, try to make it modern, and get as money as you can from tourists (knowing that sailors vist often)' and you have Thiland. Everything there was dirt cheap... $50us programs were 3Bot a piece. Third stop was Guam, not much to say about there, it was like a little version of the states. Final stop was Sydeny, Australia, great place, people you don't know were buying you rounds at the pubs just to hear you talk about being a sailor. When you're walking down the street, people go out of their way to help you. It was great there.

I can't really say much about cruise number 3 except that it was part of operation "Enduring Freedom". It was also a cruise that proved that the Kitty Hawk is the 911 carrier because we were ready to be underway a lot faster than anyone else could be after the terroist attack.

During this cruise we went to Hong Kong, Singapore, and Guam... (yes again)

This cruise was part of Operation Iraqi Freedom

This was my final cruise, the stops were Hong Kong, Singapore, Kora, and Australia. It was a nice "Last Ride", the term last ride coming from the joke "I don't know where or when... I'm just along for the ride. :)


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