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Verbiage News

Verbiage List last updated 6/12/00
Bar Names List last updated 6/14/00
Alphabet List last updated 6/5/00
Belch Page last updated 6/5/00

Just Added: The Belch Page!
Veribiage in its purest form! This page is something I dug up from the old archives. We're looking for a few good belchers to add to the collection.

As always, if you have anything to submit, please email us.

Just Added: The Alphabet List!
The Alphabet List is a list of every dirty word, listed alphabetically. As you can see, we have quite a way to go. So please, email us with your additions and help get this list growing! I'm stumped for K, U and Y.

This list is pitiful in size, so we're hoping to get some help from you, our fans!

Just Added: The Bar List!
Added 8/26/99, The Bar List is a list of names that you can use to call a bar, ask for that person, and hope they announce it over the loudspeaker. How cool would it be to hear someone say "Anita Hanchob, or Mike Oxmall" over a loudspeaker. That like rules and stuff.

This list is pitiful in size, so we're hoping to get some help from you, our fans!

60 more cool names added to the Verbiage List! Check it out!
Help Us!
If you have anything to add to our lists, we encourage you to Email Us!

First, I must tell you that if you are offended by anything on this page,
     1) Tough shit
     2) It's a friggin joke. Don't come here if you don't like it.

Having said that, here's the deal. Every immature, (all of us) macho, heterosexual man insults his friends by calling him some type of name or insult insinuating that the person is gay. This is NOT a strike at the gays, but a strike at the person's masculinity, which we all know no REAL man likes.

Working in an office filled with REAL MEN, myself included, I and a few others have compiled a list of the best of VERBIAGE. Verbiage is the art of arranging words to craft out an insult. Simple as that.

In addition to this ultimate list of Verbiage and the Bar List, we are working on two other lists for you to look forward to:

  • The obscene alphabet (each letter stands for something, right?)
  • The Audio Verbiage page (verbiage in it's purest form, belchage)

    If you have anything to add to our lists, we encourage you to Email Us!

    By the way, in order to minimize the annoying pop-up pages, MINIMIZE, do not close. If you close the window, every time you open a new page, it will pop back up. If you don't like pop-up screens, again, tough shit. You think I'm gonna pay for this????

    ©1999 I don't think so...

    Link to us! http://welcome.to/verbiage

    Email Us!

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