1 Astronomical Unit is the distance from the earth to the sun

MERCURY,Messenger of the GOD`S.Closest planet to the sun.Moon like in apperance (the
moon and Mercury are very much craterd from meteor impact`s)Mercury is a very dense planet
because of it`s large iron core.Mean distance from the sun approx. 58 million Km.about 36 million miles , 0.3871
AU. It`s diameter is 4875 Km about 3030 miles.Mercury revolves around the sun in 88 earth day`s.It`s period of
rotation is 58.7 earth day`s. Temperature is around 120*C(250*F) on the day side ,-290* on the dark side.Mercury
has no satillites.

VENUS Goddess of Love ,the Evening Star. The second planet in the solar syst. Second from the sun. Mean
distance from the sun 108.2 million Km,67.2 million miles,0.7233 AU. Period of revolution 225 earth day`s. Period
of rotation 243 earth day`s.Venus rotation is opposit of Earth and the other planet`s in the solar system this could
have been caused by a large object passing to closs to the orbit of venus,or possible hitting venus.Because of it`s
heavy carbon dioxide(about 97%),sulfuric and other greenhouse gases,the sun`s heat is reflected from the upper
atmosphere back to the planet`s surface and trapped causing a greenhouse effect, Although Venus is twice as far
from the sun as Mercury.Venus has a temp.of 459*C,(860*F)day and night(almost twice that of Mercury) making it
hot enough to melt lead and the hottest planet in the solar system.The diameter of Venus is 6050 Km.3760
miles,Venus has no satillites.

EARTH,The only planet that has life,And if we don`t take better care of it,some time in the near future,it will be
like Venus.Earth,the third planet in the solar syst. and third from the sun.Mean distance 149.5 million Km,92.8
million miles ,1AU.Diameter 12,756 Km.7,926 miles.Temperature vary`s, from it`s southern and northern poles
(-70*F).To it`s hot arid desert`s (+130*F).Earth rotates on it`s axis once every 23hr.56min.4.1sec.Earth`s liquid
(water H2O)ocean`s cover 75% of the planet.(the best place for beach front property).TAKE CARE OF IT.

MARS, GOD of WAR. The fourth planet in the solar syst. Fourth from the sun.Mean distance from the sun.227.9 millionKm.,141.6 million miles.,1.5237 AU.,Period of revolution 687 earth
day`s, Period of rotation 24 hr.37 min. The diameter of mars is 3390 Km. 2100 miles , Surface
temp. -23*C (-9*F.) 22*C (72*F.) MARS has the largest volcano in the solar syst. Olympus Mons.The second
planet in the solar syst.that has an orbiting satelite,(in this case two)Phobos and Deimos.Remember The WAR of
the WORLD`S by H.G.WELLES ? In the not to distance future,MARS will be invaded by aliens from another

JUPITER, RULER of the GODS. Fifth planet in the solar syst.Fifth from the sun.778.3 million Km.,483.6 million
miles.,5.203 AU.JUPITER is the largest planet in the solar syst.The largest of the gas giant`s.JUPITER has 1400
times the volume of earth,but only 1/4 the density.318 times more massive than earth.Diameter 142,700
Km.,88,670 miles.Period of revolution 11.9 earth year`s.Period of rotation 9.9 hr.Voyager`s 1 and 2, indicated that
Jupiter`s composition is mostly hydrogen (H2) (87%) and helium(HE)13%.And the discovery of a small ring
system. JUPITER`S upper atmosphere temp. -150*C. (-236*F.)There are 16 satellites orbiting JUPITER.,One of
which may have life,Europa.

SATURN, The Ancient God of Agriculture,The Ringed planet,Sixth planet from the sun ,the second largest in the
solar syst.Diameter 120,536 Km.74,898 miles.Saturn has 18 satillites.Mean distance from the sun ,1.4 billion
Km.,886.7 million miles.,9.54AU. Period of revolution 29.46 earth year`s.Period of rotation 10.65 earth
hour`s.Saturn`s atmosphere is 88%hydrogen (H2),11% helium (He),with 1% traces of methane,ammonia and other
gases such as acetylene,ethan,and phosphine.Saturn is 95 times the mass of earth,Saturn has an Upper atmosphere
temp. of about -176*C (-285*F).One of the most photographed planet`s in our solar syst.

URANUS, God of the Heaven`s,The seventh planet in the solar syst,and the third
largest.Seventh planet from sun. Mean distance,2.87 billion Km., 1.7 billion miles.,19.2 AU.,with
a diameter of 52,200 Km.,32,500 miles.Period of revolution,84.01 earth year`s,Period of
rotation,15.5 Hour`s.Uranus has a hydrogen,methane atmosphere,with no detectable ammonia,(which could have
been frozen out of it`s atmosphere.)It`s average temperature -220*C.,(-360*F).Uranus has 15 satillites, and a small
ring system that was discovered by voyager.

NEPTUNE, God of the Sea.,The fourth largest planet in the solar syst.,and the eighth planet from the sun.Mean
distance from the sun,4.5 billion Km. 2.79 billion miles. 30.1 AU. Neptune has a diameter of 49,400 Km.,30,700
miles,Revolution 164.79 earth year`s.Rotation 16 hour`s. Neptune has 8 satillites and a small ring system that was
discovered by voyager .A temperature of -210*C.(-350*F).Neptune has an atmosphere with large amount`s of
methane and indication`s that the larger part of it`s atmosphere,might be composed of hydrogen and helium.

PLUTO, God of the Dead.,The smallest planet in the solar system. Ninth planet from the
sun.,Mean distance from the sun .,5.9 billion Km.,3.67 billion miles.,39.5 AU.,Period of
revolution,247.7 earth year`s.,Period of rotation,6.39 earth day`s.Pluto has a diameter of
approx.,2400Km.,1500 miles. Pluto`s orbit is so eccentric that at certain points along it`s path ,it
is closer to the sun then Neptune.It is belived by maney astronomer`s that Pluto was once a moon of Neptune,that
was thrown out of it`s orbit. Pluto could be classified as the largest snow cone in the solar system,with a
temperature of -369*F.Pluto is a world rich in methane ice,and a 70% rock core.Pluto has one satillite.