T-38 Need to Know Numbers Gross weight with fuel and two souls: 12,500 lbs One engine thrust, MIL and MAX: 2050,2900 Fuel flow for one engine, MAX at rest and Mach 1: 7300, 11,400 lb/hr Pushing start arms ignition circuit for ?: 30 sec One engine norm oil capacity, and air expansion space: 4 qt, 1 qt Gravity flow guaranteed up to ? alt: 6,000 Fuel cutoff switches operated by ? and cut off fuel in ?: DC, 1 sec Fuel quantity error is ? in left and ? in right: +/- 47, +/- 32 Fuel quantity error in back is ? compared to front: +/-25 Fuel low level light comes on after ? sec below ? amount: 7.5. 225-275 lbs Gearbox keeps AC output between ? cycl/sec: 320-480 Gearbox shift occurs at ? range: 65-70% Voltage of battery is ?V and of DC rectifiers is ?V: 24,28 AC system provides ?/?V power: 115/200 AC generators cut-in between ?: 43-48% Min battery voltage of ? is required to close batt relay: 18 V Static inverter provides ? VAC: 115 Left engine provides ? psi for ? system: 3000, utility Right engine provides ? psi for ? system: 3000, flt control Hyd low press comes on at ? psi, and goes back out at ? psi: 1500, 1800 Rudder limited to ? deg each side when nosegear out 3/4 or less: 6 deg Landing gear extension/retraction takes approx ?: 6 sec Gear horn and warning light come on when gear not down and 210 kts, 10,000 locked and ? kts or less, attitude ? or below, or both throttles below ?: +/-750 ft, 96% When decelerating, gear light comes on at ?: 210-180 kts; When accelerating, gear light may not go out until ?: 240 kts Landing gear alt release pulled out ? inches, and requires ? sec: 10 in, 15-35 sec Rear canopy follows front by ? after canopy jettison: 1 sec Aneroid delays parachute opening until between ?: 15,000 to 11,500 Seat ejection occurs ? after canopy jettison: 0.3 sec Seat adjustment allows for ? inches of adjustment: 5 in Fuel for left engine is ? gal serviced/usable and ? lbs usable: 293/286 gal, 1953 lbs Fuel for right engine is ? gal serviced/usable and ? lbs usable: 305/297 gal, 2029 lbs Total fuel is ? gal serviced/usable and ? lbs usable: 598/583 gal, 3982 lbs Number of fuel capacitance probes in fuel bladders: 7 Leave both boost pumps on and crossfeed. on with either fuel ? kts: 4 min, 5 kts Abort takeoff if afterburner doesn't ignite within ? sec: 5 sec If altimeter and standby alt differ > ? below 10,000 or > ? above 10,000, switch to standby mode: 150,250 Enter pattern at ?: 300 KIAS Nosewheel tire pressure should be ? psi: 75 psi Mainwheel tire pressure should be ? psi: 250 psi Final turn speed is ? plus I knot per 100 lb over 1000 lb fuel: 175 KIAS Final appr speed is ? plus I knot per 100 lb over 1000 lb fuel: 155 KIAS Main gear touchdown is ? plus I knot per 100 lb over 1000 lb: 130 KIAS Hydraulic pressure should not fluctuate below ?: 1500 psi Each generator is ? phase: 3 Normal fuel line pressure is ? psi; light comes on at or below ? psi: 10, 6 psi Oxygen light comes on at or below ? liter, may flicker at or below ?: 1, 3 liters Engine anti-ice doesn't illuminate when system auto activates below ?: 65 % RPM There are ? rotating beacons, located where ?: 2, tail, underside There are ? position lights, located where ?: 4, tail, underside, wing Battery energizes DC bus for ?: 10-20 min If oil pressure is high in cold weather, should be in limits Win ?: 6 min Holding radio override switch cuts UHF volume by ?: 50% Warm up time for transponder is ?: 3 min When IDENT selected, timer energized for ?: 15-30 sec Normally, precession in ADI won't exceed ? deg in pitch, bank or heading after over the top maneuvers: 4 deg Standby Al provides ? deg climb, ? deg dive, ? deg roll capacity, 92, 78, 360 deg, and provides ? minutes of useful info within +/- ? deg after DC failure: 9 min, +/- 6 deg Holding FAST ERECT erects att. gyro at min rate of ? deg/minute: 15 deg/minute Hold level unaccelerated flight for fast slave for at least ? sec: 30 sec Allow ? min between actuation of fast slave cycle: 2 min Each engine has ? dual-element thermocouples: 8 RPM at which T5 system overrides hydromech and opens nozzles: -97% RPM Power must be at least ? RPM to ensure effective anti-ice operation: 80% RPM Due to oil supply restriction, OG flt restricted to ? sec: 10 sec Due to oil supply restriction, neg G flt restricted to ? sec: 60 sec' RPM of ? is the heart of airstart envelope at any altitude: 18-20% Above ? altitude, avoid rapid throttle movements: FL 280 Above ? altitude, other than start and level and afterburner initiation are not recommended: FL 350 Avoid throttle settings at or above ? if T5 system failed: 97% Rudder system failure may push rudder to ? deg as quick as ?: 30 deg, 3-5 sec Stab aug system failure may push rudder to ? deg as quick as ?: 4 deg, 0.25 sec Minimum util sys press to retract speed brake ?: 250 psi Plan to touchdown at ? kts above normal touchdown or MCA, whichever >: 10 kts Touchdown is possible as high as ? kts: 200 kts With asymmetric flaps, maintain ? kts above final appr/touchdown speed: 20 kts; Do not touchdown at less than ? kts with asymmetric flaps: 160 kts On SE go-around, climb only as necessary until reaching ? kts: 190 kts When landing with three gear up, touchdown ? kts faster than normal: 10 kts Max crosswind, dry runway: 30 kts Max crosswind, dry runway, single ship touch & go: 25 kts Max crosswind, wet runway: 20 kts Max crosswind, solo: 15 kts Max crosswind, icy or standing water: 10 kts RPM of ? should be sufficient for taxi: 70% HSL must be within ? deg of mag comp and ? deg within known hdg: 8 deg, 5 deg Takeoff roll and CFL increase by ? for rolling takeoff: 150-300 ft Rolling t/o must be single ship, daylight, and runway length ? > CFL: 500 ft Minimum runway length for takeoff/landing is ?: 8000 ft Maximum speed for nosewheel on runway: 174 kts Estimation for landing roll is ? ft + fuel (not including 1000 ft down): 2500 ft Landing roll approximately ? for no flap landing: doubled No flap landings are not accomplished with ? lbs or greater of fuel: 2500 lbs For practice S/E approach, set down engine at ? rpm: 60% Lose ? % thrust from anti-ice in MIL: 9% Taking off behind a full-stop requires ? ft: 6000 ft Low and normal ? patterns prohibited on initial takeoff. closed Low level min airspeed, planned grndspeed, and max airspeed: 300,360,420 Begin closed pullup with min of ? kts, and maintain min of ? kts: 240, 200 kts Simulated single-engine go-arounds must be initiated by ?: 100 ft AGL Single-engine go's from full flap overhead must be initiated by ?: 300 ft AGL Perform all acro and trim maneuvers above ?: 8000 ft AGL Stall and slow flight must be performed between ?: 8000 ft - FL200 All other airwork min altitude is ?: 8000 ft AGL Supersonic flt only above ? alt, unless in approved MOA: FL 300 Solo students should not plan to land with ? fuel or more: 2500lbs Normal minimum fuel for solo students: 800lbs Emergency fuel: 500 lbs Normal recovery fuel for solo students: 1000 lbs Min taxi interval is ? staggered, ? in trail: 150 ft, 300 ft Min power setting for stalls and slow flight: 80% Nose high recoveries must be accomplished below ?: FL 240 Single-engine full stops can't be done with ?% or less flaps if stopping distance exceeds ? of available runway: 60% or less, 2/3 Restricted low approach must be initiated by ? unless otherwise directed: 500 ft AGL Chase aircraft in emergency can low approach down to ?: 300 ft AGL Gx requires ? G's for ? deg, followed by min of ? G's for ? deg: 4-5 Gs for 90 5 G's for 180 If flab-slab interconnect fails and flaps needed for landing, ? % flaps provides adequate control authority and controllable stick forces: 30-45% Pressure reg. maintain cabin alt of ? +/- ? from ? alt.to ? alt: 8000 +/- 2000, 8 to 23 Above FL230, cabin pressure maintains differential pressure of ? psi above ambient; (Altitude - ?)/2, +/- ?: 5.0 psi, 6000 +/- 2000 Avoid Max thrust dives when below ? lb in either fuel tank: 650 Keep max range airspeed on recovery until ? miles out, then ? airspeed: 30 miles, 250 kts Speed back up to 300 kts ? miles out if going to radar initial: 15 miles Speed back up to 300 kts ? miles out if going to VFR entry: 5 miles Use ? kts as go/nogo for simple tire failure: 100 kts Use highest of which three speeds for go/nogo for engine problems: ARS, CEFS, DS Consider using ? speed for catastrophic problems on takeoff: RS Increase final approach speed and touchdown speed by ? gust factor: ½ Increase final turn, approach and touchdown by ? kts for no flap: 15 kts How many seconds until full parachute deployment: 3.42 sec Best glide speed is ? kts + I knot/ 100 lbs fuel: 230 Multiply altitude by ? for glide distance: 1.6 Landing light retraction takes ? sec: 10 sec Standby Al erection takes ? : 5 min 3 min for ARU-42/A2 AOA max range is ?, max endurance/best angle of climb is ?: 0.18,0.3 Al warning flag appears for ? min after power is applied: 1 min AOA fast arrow operative with gear ?? Oxygen hose disconnect pressure: 10-20 lbs Nozzles should stabilize within ? sec on ground, and ? sec in flight after rapid throttle movements: 5. 10 sec Max positive and negative G's fully fueled: -2.3, +5.6 Max positive G's with 900 lbs or less: +7.33 Max allowable sink rates for landing are ? fpm normal landing and 9 fpm crab landing (above 1700 lbs fuel); and for < 1700 lbs fuel: 340, 200, 590, 395 First 4 1/2" of stick travel provides ? aileron deflection: 50% Next 1 1/2" of stick travel provides ? aileron deflection: Full Crossfeed recommended with fuel imbalance of ? or greater: 200 lbs Holding airspeed: 250-265 kts Radar pattern typically burns ? fuel: 325 lbs Turbulent air/thunderstorm penetration speed is ? kts: 280 kts Climb possible at SETOS is ? fpm: 100 fpm. Climb increased by ? fpm each kt between SETOS - SETOS + 10: 60 fpm Gear retraction may take ? when retracted between SETOS+ 10 and 190: 1 min If unable to retract gear, best climb at ? for 60% flaps, ? for 0% flaps: 190 kts, 220 kts Optimum pitch for ejection zoom: 20 deg With loss of canopy, slow to ? kts; min drag occurs at ? kts: 300, 225 kts If one hydr system reads zero, hydr system transfer may occur, and flight time could be limited to ? min: 35 min Controllability check should be accomplished at ? AGL or higher: 15,000 ft Maintain ? kts above min controllable airspeed in descent/landing approach: 20 kts Pitch and power settings: Level flight, 300 kts: 90 %, 1100 pph, + 0. 5 Level flight, 250 kts: 87%, 1000 pph. + 1. 5 Enroute descent, 300 kts, 500 ft/nm (X2 w/SB) 80 -5. 0 (X2 W/SB) Enroute descent, 300 kts, 700 ft/run (X2 w/SB) IDLE, -7.0 (X2 w/SB) Level, configured, BugS, 2 engine: 95 % (FF), 90 % (60) Level, configured, BugS, I engine: 100% (60) Final approach, configured, 2 engine: 90% (FF) Final approach, configured, 1 engine: 95%(60) VVI for precision and non-precision approach: 800; 1200-1500 fpm Precision approach, full flaps: 90%,-3.0 Precision approach, zero flaps: 89%, +1.0 Non-precision approach, full flaps: 88%,-5.0 Non-precision approach, zero flaps: 87%,-1.0 12 Dec 99