T38Poop - your site for T-38 study stuff
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This page is NOT an official USAF, UPT or T-38 Talon web page. The information contained on this page may not be correct. Refer to your issued pubs for the most current & accurate information. Do not rely on gouge as the only source for the info you need. If you fail anything in UPT or even die because the gouge is the only thing you looked at, then you are an idiot! On the other hand, if you find any 38 UPT, IFF or any other 38 related gouge that I don't have, email it to me & I'll get it here to share with everyone. Undergraduate Pilot Training is hard enough - help your buddy by sharing your study guides! Use this stuff at your own risk. A lot of the info here was compiled for the T-38A. If you have updated T-38C info, or find anything wrong, let me know and I'll take care of it.

T-38 Microsoft Flight Sim 2002 (or later) stuff:
T-38 aircraft model with cockpit for Microsoft Flight Sim 2002 made by FSD (freeware) (6.5MB)
Laughlin AFB T-38 skin (white paintjob) for FSD T38 - requires above fsd_t382.zip file
Swiss Air Force F-5 skin for FSD T38 - requires above fsd_t382.zip file

T-38 UPT stuff:
Mission data card - use to type out your mission profiles - prints on USAF AETC Form 856 (some assembly and/or alignment may be required) - (185KB zipped powerpoint document)

Boldface & Ops limits - blank - best for printing (708KB Zipped PowerPoint97 file)
Boldface - filled out - updated 11 Jan 00 - (31KB JPG)
Boldface - blank (299KB JPG)
Boldface - blank smaller version (32KB JPG)

Ops Limits - filled out (185KB JPG)
Ops Limits - blank (668KB JPG)
Ops Limits - blank smaller version (75KB JPG)

Need to know numbers - Word document
Need to know numbers - html document
Need to know numbers - text document

Talon Talisman - 43rd FTS Dash-1 Pocket Reference - Word document

Master Question File (1,187KB PDF (Adobe Acrobat) document)
More Master Question File- (204KB PDF (Adobe Acrobat) document)

HSI - Fix-to-fix practice program
TOLD Cheat Sheet - Word document
Condensed Checklist - Word document
Condensed Checklist - Version 2 - Zipped Powerpoint document

Columbus AFB North & West MOA map - updated 10 Jan 99 - (1,100KB zipped Powerpoint document)
Columbus AFB North MOA map - updated 10 Jan 99 - (522KB JPG)
Columbus AFB West MOA map - updated 10 Jan 99 - (586KB JPG)

Contact Phase Test Study Guide - Word document
Contact Phase Test Study Guide - html document
Formation Study Guide - Word document
Formation Study Guide 2 - Word document

Low level stuff:
Low Level Study Guide - Word document
IR91 Low Level route pictures
IR66 Low Level route pictures
VR1014 Low Level route pictures
VR1031 Low Level route pictures
IR66 Low Level description

AT-38 IFF stuff:
IFF study guide - (169KB Word document)

T-38 Pictures: This is a small collection of USAF, NASA and other T-38 pictures, just like the gouge, if you have any that I don't send them to me!
Go here
T38C Cockpit

T-38 Pictures:

Here are T-38 cockpit dimensions for those looking to build flight sim models
-Canopy rail width and inside-to-inside eedge(I.D).............30"
-Canopy bow radius where the canopy meetss the windscreen.....18.5"
-Height from top of canopy rail to floor deck................27.5"
-Instrument panel width and height.............................27.5" x 15.5"
-Side console widths and in-side to insidde edge dimensions...6" & 25"
-Height of control stick from the floor........................25.75"
-Centerline-to-centerline dimension for rrudder pedals........16"

Other pages:
T-6 Driver
Warbird Alley: T-38 Talon
MORE T38Poop - this space used mostly for storage

Last update: 9 Sep 2006
Mail t38poop!