Can You Help?
Updated: April 2, 2000
Thank you for visiting the Fort Tilden web site. This site is not maintained by the National Park Service, but by former NPS employees, volunteers, and local history buffs. We will share any new information we discover with the appropriate individuals at Gateway and you may wish to contact them directly if you wish to donate any photos, books, or historic items related to the post.
We are very interested in contacting anyone that has served at Fort Tilden in any capacity. Your photos, stories, and recollections are the most important tool to help interpret the history of Fort Tilden. We would also like former National
Park Service employees of the Breezy Point Unit to add their photos, stories and recollections. Any veterans or former NPS employees are welcome to add their names to our database. Maybe some old friends would like to contact you!
Contact Gateway National Recreation to find out about history tours of Fort Tilden and many special events at other Gateway National Recreation Area locations. 718-318-4300
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Can you help us identify these structures?

Question #1
Known informally as the "Orange USCG Structure" at the tip of Breezy Point. We believe that this was the Coincidence Range Finder (CRF) Station for Battery 20 (twin 3" guns). Do you have plans for this structure and the battery?

Question #2
Located near the "Orange USCG Structure" at the tip of Breezy Point. Was this the concrete mount of a Model 1902 3" gun mounted on a barbette carriages Model 1905. Records indicate that Battery 20 was in place from 1942 to 1946

Question #3
Inside Battery Harris West. Do you know why this concrete pad for a piece of electrical equipment was added to Battery Harris? Was it added during or after WW2? Has anyone seen this at another 100 series casemate?

Question #4
Interior of the ammunition bunker #411 for Battery Harris. Do you have any historic information or plans for this underground ammunition bunker built for Battery Harris?
Answer: The plans for this structure have been located thanks to a package of RCW Reports from the CDSG.

Question #5
On top of Battery Harris West. Do you know why this concrete pad for a piece of electrical equipment was added to the top of Battery Harris? Was it for a TPS-1B or -1D radar Has anyone seen this bolt pattern before?