Flying R/C helicopters has been compared to trying to balance a bowling ball on the end of a broomstick. It's also said that helicopters don't fly; they beat the air into submission. Either way these mechanical contraptions are something I enjoy. Take a look at some of the ones I currently have and those that helped get me to where I am today. Just click on the picture of the one you want to see.
Some helpful heli links:
Rick's HeliLand; excellent parts source for most any heli

HeliProz; who could forget this source of fantastic heli deals

Heli-Hut; great prices on gyros, rotor blades and govenors

RunRyder; a heli only web form/discussion site; THE place to go for
                  heli related questions and information

Heli Pilot Locator; if you're looking for other heli flyers in your area

Raptor Technique; Michael Prewitt's excellent Raptor resource

littlerotors; R/C helis 'Down Under'

Vokul's Pages; Ken's obsession page with R/C Helo's
*****PLEASE READ!!!!!!*****
A bit of history........My Previous Helicopters
Hirobo Shuttle ZX

This was my first helicopter. I got it in 1992 soon after it came out. I started out with the basic version and slowly upgraded it with performance parts. This chopper served me well. I flew it for several months from learning to hover to flying circuits without one crash. My first crash came after trying my first loop. I ran out of altitude and ideas all at the same time.

Learning to fly this helicopter dispelled all the rumors and myths I had previously heard about flying choppers. There was nothing difficult for me about learning to fly these 'contraptions'.  Having experience flying fixed wing aircraft was a great asset when transitioning into forward flight.

GMP Legend (not pictured)

Another fine heli I had was the GMP Legend with a flybar-less head (similar to a Bell 206 Jet Ranger) The Legend was powered by an OS .61 heli engine. If you have never seen a .60 size chopper then I can tell you right now that they demand respct. There is a LOT of power in the rotor system. One of the advanatges to the Legend was that it's al all metal machine. There are very few plasitc parts used on the Legend. Unfortunately the Legend sacrificed it's life doing some aeronautical reaseach work for a member of the McDonnell famil
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