The cat dissection is useful even in studying human anatomy due to the similarity of the systems.
The cat dissection will take several weeks depending on the amount of time available. Cats will be placed back in containers overnight and re-used each day. Students should take care of their specimen, being careful not to remove or damage parts that will be observed later.
Students will be expected to participate either actively (by dissecting) or passively through observation. At least one lab practical (test) will be given over the parts studied. Students will be expected to conduct themselves properly in lab, use proper precautions with sharp dissecting instruments, and clean up their lab area when through. If the students wish to wear gloves, he/she will be expected to provide his/her own. Laboratory aprons will be available to protect clothing.
The cats used have been purchased from reliable biological warehouses where they are humanely put to sleep before embalming. These cats typically come from humane societies where they would have been put to sleep anyway.
I. Cats will be skinned to observe the integumentary system and connective tissues. Then the muscle tissue will be exposed and separated to observe specific muscles and muscle groups. Typical muscles observed will be: Pectoralis muscles Rectus abdominis External oblique Internal oblique Transverse abdominis Sartorius Vastus lateralis Vastus medialis Rectus femoris Adductor muscles Semimembranosus Gracilus Biceps femoris Semitendinosus Gastrocnemius Latissimus dorsi Trapezius muscles Triceps brachii (long head) Triceps brachii (lateral head) Biceps brachii
An exact list of muscles to be found will be given in lab.
II. Following the study of these muscles students will open the abdominal cavity to begin identification of the major organ systems. Emphasis will be placed on the digestive system, heart, lungs, and the urogenital system. Organs to be identified will include the stomach, small intestine, large intestine, pancreas, spleen, liver, gall bladder, trachea, lungs, atria and ventricles of the heart, kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, urethra, and reproductive organs. Male cats: testes, epididymis, vas deferens, prostate, seminal vesicles Female cat: ovaries, horns of the uterus, uterus, vagina If time and quality of the embalming permits, we will observe the major arteries of the circulatory system.
You might be interested in checking out what our class has done with the dissection. Click below:
See our Cat Dissection