Fall Semester & Spring Semester
Instructor: Jeff Hargett
Textbook: Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology
Description of Course: This course is a year-long study of the basic principles of human anatomy
& physiology. Using a system by system approach, we will study each of the human body organ
Objectives and/or Goals: The student will be able to explain the basic body plan and organization.
Each student should be able to explain the basic terminology used to describe body structure and
organization. The student should also have a knowledge of cell structure and chemistry as well as
the following systems: integumentary, skeletal, muscular, nervous, endocrine, circulatory, immune,
digestive, respiratory, urinary, and reproductive systems.
Requirements: Each student must come to class every day with paper, pencil, and book. Students
are expected to do each assignment on time and be prepared each day to explain the previous day's
Evaluation: Major tests and projects............................................................................ 70%
Class assignments: Homework, lab, sponge activities, notebooks, quizzes ......30%
Each nine weeks average will be calculated according to the guidelines described above.
Semester grades will be calculated by counting each nine week's grade as 40% of the grade, with
the comprehensive final exam counting the final 20%.
Classroom regulations: Excessive talking will not be tolerated in class. Students are responsible
for doing their own work and respecting the rights of others. Students must be in their seats and
quiet when the tardy bell rings.
Classroom notes: I maintain my own web-site with an outline of the class notes available for
students to print out. Although this is not required or necessary, it is available for student use. The
web-site address is:
E-mail Address: I check my e-mail daily. If you have a question about your student's assignments, grades, or behavior, please feel free to e-mail me at this address:
I have read the course description.
Student Signature:___________________________ Period __________
Parent Signature: ___________________________ Parent's phone _______
Parent's e-mail address:________________________ Date _____________