[ Jacksonville State University ]

Dr. Blake Otwell's Chemistry Page at J.S.U.

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Video Professor
Since March 23rd, 1999

This page contains information on courses I teach at Jacksonville State University. Links to other useful sites are included ( Please notify me of any "dead links").The links and notes DO NOT preclude class attendance and good note taking. My office is in Room 232-D Martin Hall and my phone # is 256-782-5816.My Fall 2004 Schedule can be found below. I am here to help you learn. I have also included a number of links to environmental issues and protecting our natural resources. If you know of a link that needs to be here, please let me know.

My Fall 2004 Schedule
My Current Resume

Fact Friday


"Teaching science is not easy. Students need to know many things about the world they live in -- sometimes more than they want to learn. Good science means more than conveying information about what scientists have learned. A more significant task is teaching the particular way scientists look at the world -- a way not appreciated by everyone, even in a technologically advanced society. What is needed is not blind faith in science, but understanding valid scientific conclusions are based on valid evidence. Students should learn how to evaluate evidence the way scientists are trained to do. Among other things, that means taking all relevant evidence into consideration while searching for still more evidence. Science must be taught without omitting important points, overstating its claims, or distorting the truth."


Alabama Water Watch
Other Chemistry Links
Regional Chemistry Departments
Authors Research and Publications
J.S.U. Water Quality Lab
Words of Wisdom
State Radar
Legacy-Environmental Education
Environmental Protection Agency
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