Algebra Statistics
and Probabilty Number Patterns
Geometry Insitution
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Synnot's graph investigations using Excel based interactive worksheets
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Victoria Home Page
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A complete algebra revision (or learning package) for year 8 –10 students.
There are 15 interactive lessons in 3 sections (the graphing section
is the best of the three):
UNIT ONE: Equations
Note: these lessons require a browser that reads JavaScript!
Lesson 1 (ax + b = c)
Lesson 2 (ax + b = cx + d)
UNIT TWO: Factoring
Note: these lessons require a browser that reads JavaScript!
Lesson 1 (Factoring for x2 + bx + c)
Lesson 2 (Factoring for ax2 + bx + c)
Lesson 3 (Factoring for ax2 + bx + c) - including negatives
Lesson 4 (Factoring for a2 - b2) - difference
of squares
Lesson 5 (Factoring Helper) - factors trinomials of your choice
UNIT THREE: Graphing
Note: these lessons require a browser that reads Java!
Lesson 1 (Graphing Ordered Pairs)
Lesson 2 (Calculating Slope)
Lesson 3 (Graphing a Line: y = mx + b)
Lesson 4 (Graphing Helper for y = mx + b)
Precalculus Study Page

"Interactive Calculus 2.0, Internet
Edition is an on-line comprehensive multimedia course in calculus that
is ideal for presenting the mathematics of change and motion. It contains
the complete text of Calculus, Sixth Edition by Larson, Hostetler, and
Edwards. In addition, it contains many other exciting features, such as
a syllabus manager, chat rooms and mail lists, rotatable three-dimensional
graphs, editable two-dimensional graphs, open explorations, animations,
videos, and simulations. The internet edition provides a cross-platform,
interactive, and social learning environment."
There has been several questions about "how an instructor gets
a free desk copy." For now, the easiest way is to write directly to
It will register you and email your password to you. For the registration,
please include the following.
First Name, Last Name (FirstLast becomes your User Name)
Street Address (Home)
City, State, Zip (Home)
Email Address
City, State, Zip (School)
Abstract Algebra Online
- contains definitions and theorems.
Hate Linear Algebra The are some excellent algebra links to be found
here despite the title.
The Calculus
Hater's Home Page Despite the authors Title, there are some very good
links and resources for calculus here.
Java Script Linear
Algebra - calculate simple matrix operations.
Linear Algebra
WebNotes - undergraduate course at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
Contains lectures, homework assignments, Maple examples, and a discussion
Foilset CPS615 Gauss Seidel Finite Element Methods and Conjugate Gradient
- discusses sequential and parallel Gauss Seidel and Jacobi iteration,
finite element methods applied to Laplace's equation in 2D, and the Conjugate
Gradient method.
Solving of linear
equation systems
Algebra Online
Calculus graphics --
Douglas N. Arnold


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Statistics and Probabilty
Exploring DataThe
website contains activities, worksheets, assessment and datasets in both
html and Word 2.0 format. As many high school teachers of statistics in
Queensland have had little formal training in modern statistics, there
are also a number of articles to extend the knowledge of the teacher. The
website is devoted mainly to data exploration, but also has curriculum
support materials (though not as comprehenisive) for other aspects of introductory
statistics, such as elementary probability, the normal distribution and
Australian Bureau Of Statistics
-A treasure trove of up-to-date stats.
ABS List Of Other Statistical Agencies
K-12 Statistics Here
is a list of resources in statistics including lessons and useful data
sets. One of the many excellent lesson, 10-2: Linear Regression An excellent
Linear Regression lessons, which uses the web & Excel.
Conway's Game of Life
AND GAMING OPERATORS Complete list of all Lotto numbers since Draw
#1. Great Statisitics! go to Lottery Results.
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Insitution Homepages
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Number Patterns
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Problem Solving
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Teachers Teaching
with Technology, T3 AustralasiaT3 is a teacher
professional development organization whose emphasis is on the effective
incorporation of technology into the mathematics and science classroom.
The professional development program is conducted by experienced classroom
teachers who have attended training institutes organized by T3.
These Institutes will take place on a regular basis throughout Australia,
New Zealand and Asia. T3 will also collect and disseminate a
range of Teacher Resources which are appropriate for use within
a teacher professional development organization whose emphasis is on the
effective incorporation of technology into the mathematics and science
classroom. The professional development program is conducted by experienced
classroom teachers who have attended training institutes organized by T3.
These Institutes will take place on a regular basis throughout Australia,
New Zealand and Asia. T3 will also collect and disseminate a
range of Teacher Resources which are appropriate for use within classrooms.
The principal aim of the Technology and Mathematics Education (TAME) Web
Forum is to develop and support a network of Australian mathematics educators
Aee's TI-Calculator
Frank Force's TI-82 Page
Jay's Texas Instruments Calculator
Page - Information, links, and programs for Texas Insturments Calculators.
Also contains a review of the TI-92.
John Hanna - The Wind
Is Free - custom IVIEW programs for viewing, editing, and importing
other graphics into Texas Instruments TI-82, -83, and -85 graphing calculators
PIC files using a Windows PC.
MF TI Calc
Page - programs, image files, and links for owners of TI-82 and
TI-92 calculators and users of the Fargo ASM shell.
Skippy's TI-85 Page
- links, games and utilities.
TI Graphing Calculator
Magazine - reviews of the latest programs available, articles dedicated
to math applications, programming, and a Q&A column.
TI Graphing Calculators-
Official Texas Instruments Graphing Calculator page with info on all their
Ti-85 Calculator Land
TI-85 Mathematical
Exploration [Paul Pollack] - extended precision integer arithmetic
using the TI-85 graphing calculator, via TI-basic.
- - the "official" unofficial
headquarters for TI graphing calculators.
Calculator Resource
TI Calculator Home
Philadelphia Graphic
Calculator Committee
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Interactive Pages
Archives JAVA and Other Interactive WWW Pages The links are coded,
according to level and type interactive page.
excellent Problem Solving site, based here in Melbourne, contain these
The Eight Queens Problems
8 Easy Pieces
The Knapsack problem
The Towers of Noah
The Travelling Spider Problem
Interactive Mathematics Miscellany
and Puzzles One of the best maths site I have seen. The Games and
Puzzles section is very good..
A short course in
MathWorld Interactive Home
The Geometry Center
Algebra A complete algebra revision (or learning package) for
year 8 –10 students. There are 15 interactive lessons in 3 sections (the
graphing section is the best of the three):
UNIT ONE: Equations
Note: these lessons require a browser that reads JavaScript!
Lesson 1 (ax + b = c)
Lesson 2 (ax + b = cx + d)
UNIT TWO: Factoring
Note: these lessons require a browser that reads JavaScript!
Lesson 1 (Factoring for x2 + bx + c)
Lesson 2 (Factoring for ax2 + bx + c)
Lesson 3 (Factoring for ax2 + bx + c) - including negatives
Lesson 4 (Factoring for a2 - b2) - difference
of squares
Lesson 5 (Factoring Helper) - factors trinomials of your choice
UNIT THREE: Graphing
Note: these lessons require a browser that reads Java!
Lesson 1 (Graphing Ordered Pairs)
Lesson 2 (Calculating Slope)
Lesson 3 (Graphing a Line: y = mx + b)
Lesson 4 (Graphing Helper for y = mx + b)
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Texas Instruments a
selection of stuff for the calculator based laboratory
Free Downloads
Home Page for Users of TI Calculators
and Educational Solutions
Curriculum Project
Vernier Software Home Page
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contact me, go here

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