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Radar loop National
Current Jim Thorpe Weather
some of our fun
Webshot photo's
Carbon Amature Radio Club
My Shack Below
                      List of Equipment
Icom IC-746Pro with PS and Heil Mic
2- Icom IC-207H 2m/70cm VHF/UHF
2- Kenwood tr-732 2m/70cm VHF/UHF
Yaesu VX-5 Tri-Band HT
Ameritron ALS-500M Amplifier
Astron RS-70M and RS-35M power supplie
Swan 500CX w/Swan ST-1 Tuner -with D104 Mic
Yaesu g-250 antenna Rotator
Hy-Gain Rotator Ham IV
Hy-GainTri bander antenna 10m-15m-20m
Cushcraft R7 Antenna
Alpha Delta low band antenna
HY-Gain 6m 5 element  yagi
Cushcraft 2m 13 element Stacked
2 -Cushcraft 70cm 11 element
2 computer systems with Radio control Via CI-V and sound thru homemade converter
Minolta Magic Color 2300W laser printer
HP Deskjet 970cse inkjet printer
La Crosse Weather Station running 24/7
MTX 12 Inch 4 way AAL224 200watt speakers with DVD and Duel Tape Deck
MT Dew Solid State Fridge For keeping the goodies
also in the room not insite is a Centipede Arcade Cabinet with Mame Emulation with 9000 Games
32 inch RCA TV
Wii Game System
Booton Signal Generator
Asst meters and test equipment
Wood Shop with Table saw,BandSaw,Asst Sanders, Jig Saw, Grinder, Drill Press,Jointer, Planer, Plate Jointer and more

In 1984 i worked for Fowler Industries in Port Jervis N.Y. and was a part of building the R390 Receivers building the tuning capacitors plates i was fresh out of high school at the time as i had a love for electronics since i was a young kid my first words were plug and light. and setting alarms on my bedroom doors when i was young on a timer and scaring my mom all the time.
Last Family Picture June 2006 as my DAD Paul Gawenus Passed away December 2007 he was also a Amature Radio Operator K2LZS he was my insperation to my Technical Field of electronics he will be in our hearts forever.
Age 44 located in FN20 in Jim Thorpe, PA i have one son his name is Shayne in picture below left
My Son Shayne age 11 in this picture he is now 14 years old
Personal Weather Station
Weather underground Rapid fire
MySpace Site
link to K2LZS home made keys
link to pictures W2KW and Field Days