Welcome to Dagang's Homepage!

My trip to Alaska --- Five Days in alaska(part 1) (part 2) (part 3)(part4)

College years--- the photo album

Top ten scenic sites of China

Great Wall Gui Lin The Forbidden City Su Zhou Yellow Mountain
Three Gorges Sun-Moon Lake Cheng De West Lake Terrocota

Some links

Science-Related Links
Pedro's Molecular Biology Tools ---Very popular collection
E. coli Genetic Stock Center
National Center for Biotechnology Information ---Medline, Entrez and BLAST.
ExPasy molecular biology tools and links ---Very useful.

China-Related Stuff
China-related links ---Huge collection.
Chinese collection by Jian Li ---Nice one
China and Taiwan Pages ---Links
Chinese collection on internet ---More links
Chinese Media Information
Kai Liu's Homepage ---My college classmate

Other Links
New York Times ---I mostly read the sports section
Scientific American ---Something about science
New York Yankees ---1996, 1998, 1999 World Champs

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