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Teacher Help!

Disclaimer:I cannot help you deal with the stress of grading 87 PowerPoint
    presentations in a weekend.... but I can sympathize!  (What was I thinking?)  The
    following are links, lesson plans, and other resources for teachers.  I teach Human
    Biology and Environmental Science, so a large portion will deal with that age and subject
    matter.  If you have resources you would like to share, by all means send them on!  I'll
    post them the next time I have WAY too much to complete in one weekend.

    At this time, only a few of these will have links.  This may be under construction until
    June 2013.

my webpage workshop for teachers
Cell Division
DNA Structure and History
Protein Synthesis
Mendelian Genetics
Genetic Disease
Water Quality
Atmosphere and Air Pollution

Page occasionally maintained by:  Laura Montgomery
You may reach me at :
Last update : October 29, 2000