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Thanks for visiting my homepage.... My new 5.4m dish is now working.... See news of my latest activity.... will be active next on  06 & 07 January 2001.... look out for me if you can


Hi, I'm Howard, and I live in a small town called Kirton in Lindsey, approx 20 Km North of the City of Lincoln in the UK.

My interests are centred around Amateur Radio and communication using Earth Moon Earth (EME) or Moonbounce.

I became interested in Amateur Radio as a teenager, and was first licenced in the early 70's as G8GBC, and later changed to G4CCH on passing the morse test.

I am particularly interested in constructing equipment, and for EME there are a wide range of projects and technologies that can be tackled at an Amateur Level.

News of my latest EME activity

G4CCH EME  Initial Contact List

Recordings of EME signals ... updated 12 December 2000, more to come soon !

Information about my station

See how my new dish project progressed ... updated 12 June 2000

Lunar Activity Weekend Calendar 2001  - info from G3SEK

Links to other interesting sites on the WEB




Email me at  - howard.ling@g4cch.co.uk
Please come back soon and visit me.

Last updated on 28/12/00

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