click here for Shayla's pictures

Jadyn Eve Mock

click on picture for full size

Jadyn dancing with headphones.

Jadyn by the back gate.

Jadyn playing dressup.

Jadyn looking off into the backyard.

Jadyn 18mos.

Jadyn on her preg mama.

8 mos preg.

Jadyn in the back yard.

Jadyn 16mos and Mom almost 4mos preg.

Jadyn in Dad's backpack.

Our New Silk Sling.

Jadyn in a new front carry.

Jadyn Mock.

New homemade wrap.

Hiking with cousins.

Christmas present from Gran and Grandpere.

Bedtime fun.

Christmas dress.

Christmas dress and baby in sling.

click on to see Christmas family picture.

Jadyn in Ergo ready for a walk.

click on to see Jadyn on back.

click on to see Mamajacket finished.

click on to see Jadyn in Ergo.

1 Year birthday.

Unwraping birthday present.

Beautiful blue eyes.

Dad holding Jadyn.

She gets these faces from here dad.

In Seattle at the beach.

beach time!

Having fun getting dirty.

Happy little girl.

I Love You finger sucking.

Visiting cousin Nathan.

Hanging out on the grass.

Jadyn in blue sling.

She loves her new wrap.

Jadyn as a little green elf.

Dad and Jadyn.

In the sun.

Mom holding Jadyn.

Sleeping in the sling.

Sweet girl in purple.

Our Family.