Hello, my name is Uri Yanover. I am a tad older than 20 now, and live in Israel (in some on-line communities I reserved the handle "uriyan"; I'm usually addressed simply as Uri). This site was initially developed by me as a school project when I was no older than 12; it was subsequently revised twice since, but it has not been updated for many years now. Parts of it have been integrated into Wikipedia by me.
Here is my guestbook. You may also want to sign in it. You can send comments and feedbacks to uriyan <~AT~> hotmail <~DOT~> com.
This is me, on HMS Belfast (London), by the 4' gun turret
Why did I write all this in English? The absence of Hebrew Microsoft Word made me; afterwards, I decided to convert it into HTML, for everyone to enjoy. The first revision was plain Netscape Gold HTML. The second one was enriched with frames and JavaScript. The third revision, the one you're reading now, was made HTML 4.0 compliant with JavaScript and Flash animations.
This site has been visited times.