Is Worldwide Destruction Near?
    Welcome to the NEO (Near Earth Object) Information Center.  This is a resource center for people to learn about what NEOs are, what risks are associated with one colliding with Earth, what the chances are of an NEO causing global catastrophe to our planet, what NEOs are currently threatening us, and what possible solutions are there for decimating our chances of a

Update 1/17/99:  In 1998, 54 Near Earth Asteroids were discovered. All of these NEAs have been recorded and now can be viewed in the News Section of the NEO Information Center.

Update 1/2/99: New Reports have just come in from the Near Earth Asteroid Mission. Several NASA Officials have submitted inputs into NEO threats and the funding that is necessary. Current NEO listing has now been updated. All this and more can be found here in the NEO Information Center. Please see the News section for further updates.

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