My name is Weldon Zhang. I'm from China. In my homepage, you will find my interests. I will build this homepage when I have spare time.
My Hobby
I like music, I always admire the people who can play music instruments. I learnt Chinese erhu when I was a small child. I had no teacher then. I never can play a complete piece by it. Later, I learnt to play piano, violin, guitar, trumpet in spare time. But I can only play one small piano piece - For Alice, one small guitar piece - Lover's Romance. I can play more pieces for clarinet. Such as W.A.Mozart's Konzert for clarinetto principale in A, Carl Maria von Weber's Introduktion, Thema und Variationen, Konzert Nr.1 fur Klarinette, f-moll op73, and some Chinese pieces. I learnt saxophone when I was a teacher in Jiao Tong University in Shanghai. I try to use it playing modern music such as jazz. I like violin very much. But I cannot play any piece on it after one year's effort. So I play violin pieces by my clarinet. Such as Meditation by J.E.F.Massenet, Ave Maria by C.F.Gounod,Fair Rosmarin by Fritz Kreisler, Romanza in F by L. van Beethoven, Traumerei by Schumann. But I think the voice is not as sweet as violin.
To learn a music instrument takes me many times. So I'd like to listen instead. I like every style of music. However, my interesting is determined by time and situation. For instance, I like Chopin's Nocturnes in the night, but perfer David Hellewell's Ragtime Doll in the morning.
Music gives me lot of happiness.
Here, I have downloaded some MIDI music.
My Friends
I lived in the dormitary at Fa Hua Zhen Rd. when I was a teacher in SJTU. There I met Jiejun Kong and Yong Wang. They both in the US now. Mr. Kong helped me a lot in computer science. Even now, his bookmarks are giving me a lot of information.
My College Life
I study Metal
forming when I was in SJTU. Most works are related to computer. I have writen several
*Graph Processing and
Strip Layout in a CAD System on Micro-computer for the Multistage Progressive Die with
Bending and Forming, International Conference on Die & Mould technology, May 18-21,
* A CAD/CAM system for multiple-step precision progressive dies. Advanced Technology of
Plasticity,ICTP, Sept.1993
* Three Dimensional Numerical Simulation of Sheet Metal Forming process, Die and mold
technology, No.1, pp.3,1997 (in Chinese)
* A New Scheme for the Generation of Quadrilateral Finite Element, Die and mold
technology, No.2,pp.3,1997(in Chinese)
* Some New Methods on the Contact with Friction Problem in the Numerical Simulation of
Sheet Metal Forming Process, Metal Forming Technology Vol.15.No.4 1997 (in Chinese)
* Restricted-freedom element and its application in numerical simulation of sheet metal
forming processes, Forging & Stamping Technology Vol.22, No.6, 1997 (in Chinese, the
English version is for NUMIFORM'98)
* The Spread Iteration and Its Application in Sheet Forming Analysis, NUMIFORM'98,
NUMIFORM '98 is a comference in the Netherland. I have two papers for the con
ference. I could not attend it due to economic reason.My Current Activities
Now I am developing 3D Graphics Applicaitons for PC in my spare time. I have to work to make a living, so, don't expect me to finish this work rapidly.
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