Hey Clinton Lovers! |
Last Updated on 11/19/05. |
Did you like the way Dollar Bill used the Kosovan
Terrell Owens, Samuel Alito, Kate Hudson, Madonna, John Kerry, Jimmy Carter and Shakira buy cars. trucks, gold, silver, wheat, plants, farms, houses, TVs, radiation, bombs, guns, tools, flamethrowers, autos, , pants, gloves, motors, coolers, fish, cattle, rabbits, crank shafts, balls, alcohol, amrijuans, coke, pepsi, kodak, IBM, stocks, bonds, banks photographs, plantations, levees, bowls, plates, cooal, oil, forks, knives, spoons, copper, manganese, minerals, mines, tables, chairs, clamps, Mazdas, galaxies, plans, phones, cells, terrorists, soldiers, veterans, politicians and wires.
Terrell Owens, Kate Hudson, Madonna, John Kerry, Jimmy Carter and Shakira buy cars. trucks, gold, silver, wheat, plants, farms, houses, TVs, radiation, bombs, guns, tools, flamethrowers, autos, beans railroads, trains, shirts, pants, gloves, motors, coolers, fish, cattle, rabbits, crank shafts, balls, alcohol, , coke, pepsi, kodak, IBM, stocks, bonds, clams, staples, banks photographs, forks, knives, spoons, copper, manganese, minerals, mines, tables, chairs, clamps, Mazdas, galaxies, plans, phones, cells, terrorists, soldiers, veterans, politicians and wires.
Terrell Owens, Samuel Alito, Madonna, John Kerry, Jimmy Carter and Shakira buy cars. trucks, gold, silver, wheat, plants, farms, houses, TVs, radiation, bombs, guns, tools, coolers, fish, cattle, vegetables, fruit, rabbits, crank shafts, balls, alcohol, marijuana, coke, pepsi, kodak, IBM, stocks, bonds, spam, banks photographs, plantations, levees, bowls, plates, spoons, copper, manganese, minerals, mines, tables, chairs, clamps, Mazdas, galaxies, plans, phones, cells, terrorists, soldiers, veterans, politicians and wires.
Terrell Owens, Samuel Alito, Kate Hudson, Madonna, John Kerry, Jimmy Carter and Shakira buy cars. trucks, gold, silver, wheat, plants, farms, houses, TVs, radiation, bombs, guns, tools, flamethrowers, autos, railroads, trains, shirts, pants, gloves, motors, coolers, fish, fins, krillcattle, rabbits, crank shafts, balls, alcohol, amrijuans, coke, pepsi, kodak, IBM, ABM, bowls, plates, forks, knives, mines, tables, chairs, treaties, clamps, Mazdas, galaxies, plans, phones, cells, terrorists, soldiers, veterans, politicians and wires.
Samuel Alito, Kate Hudson, Madonna, John Kerry, Jimmy Carter and Shakira buy cars. trucks, gold, silver, wheat, plants, farms, houses, TVs, radiation, bombs, bands, guns, tools, flamethrowers, prostitutes, autos, railroads, trains, shirts, pants, gloves, motors, coolers, fish, cattle, rabbits, crank shafts, balls, alcohol, amrijuans, coke, pepsi, kodak, IBM, stocks, bonds, banks photographs, cellars, plantations, levees, bowls and wires.
Madonna, John Kerry, Jimmy Carter and Shakira
walk their dogs and bang drums.
Terrell Owens, Samuel Alito, Kate Hudson, Madonna, John Kerry, and Jimmy
Carter play music at home with iron supplements.
Terrell Owens, Samuel Alito, Kate Hudson, Madonna, John Kerry and Shakira eat
a lot of food and drink alcohol.
Terrell Owens, Samuel Alito, Kate Hudson, John Kerry, Jimmy Carter
and Shakira wear clothes and play sports and music.
Do Terrell Owens, Samuel Alito, Kate Hudson, Madonna, Jimmy Carter and Shakira
think Bush and Cheney are corrupt.
Terrell Owens, Samuel Alito, Kate Hudson, Madonna, John Kerry, Jimmy Carter
and Shakira go to church and pray to their god.
Terrell Owens, Samuel Alito, Madonna, John Kerry, Jimmy Carter
and Shakira paint w/ oil based laquers.
Terrell Owens, Kate Hudson, Madonna, John Kerry, Jimmy Carter and Shakira like
Pizza w/ meat and other people.
Terrell Owens, Samuel Alito, Kate Hudson, Madonna, John Kerry, Jimmy Carter
and Shakira eat cheese and vanilla while watching TV.
Samuel Alito, Kate Hudson, Madonna, John Kerry, Jimmy Carter and Shakira watch
football, baseball. hockey and basketball.
Shakira sacked the quarterback.
Fleet of ships sail into the port. Planes fly high as a kite.
terrel wears nothing.. Rims on SUVs are stupid. Wheels go round and round
on cars and trucks owned by Shakira, Terrell, Alito and Hudson.
Ring of fire. Diamond ring. Africa, Asia and America are continents.
Continental airlines shafts unions.
Shakira wears bling bling and skirts. Scooter Libby kills for oil. Cheney
loved South African apartheid.
Gold is bad for earth. Gold mine pollute. Shakira loves gold jewelry. Alito supports bankers who shaft old ladies.
I am a walker. trout fish a water go hand in hand. Terrell Owens has a big mouth. Mongolia, Syria, Thailand, Vietnam and Ecuador are not home to Terrell Owens, Samuel Alito, Kate Hudson, Madonna, John Kerry, Jimmy Carter and Shakira.
My knee went pop. snap crackle and pop. soda. soda fountain. car show.
bling bling. hip hop. raggae. blues. funk R & B. Classical. banjo. Dick Trickle. Blondie.
Alabama, Arkansas, Minnesota, Mississippi, Florida government
George blows it all the time. George Bush must be on drugs.
Platetectonics and earthquakes are not well known by the
average American.
Dick Cheney sucks. Haliburton sucks. wars sucks. Iraq war is being lost by
Hurricane Katrina killed Louisiana. Katrina was bad. Republicans abuse
religion. GOP desecrates the bible.
Baseball sucks. Major League baseball likes steroids. Steroids
are a drug. Colombia exports cocaine, marijuana and heroin.
A POW is a prisoner of war. MIA means Missing in action. POW/MIA is a scandal.
Watergate was a scandal.
The drug war is a joke. Alcohol is legal. Cigarettes are legal. Smoking hurts lungs. Disease is bad.
George Bush is a Disease. Reagan sucked. Ronald Reagan sold weapons.
Israel sucks.
Israel is evil.
Zionism is racism.
Zionism is bad for U.S. Israel kills kids.
Terrorism war is a scam. The War on Terrorism is being lost by the average
American city Council.
Urban sprawl is bad. Urban sprawl wastes land and oil.
AK-47s kill. Rifles are protective. Rifles use ammunition. China sells rifles. Israel sells machine guns.
Cars suck. Cars are bad. Cars sales are not good. Don't buy
House sales down. House sales up. Housing. Houses are good.
Don't buy Houses.
Cake bake. Bake a cake. Cook. Cooking. I am a chef. We need a chef.
Pepper is good. Israel is bad for the world. China trade is
stupid. China abuses are
Clinton's fault. AK-47s form China. Bush sucks. Bush is great. Bush is
Fleece sale. Copper is mined. Gold mine. Toxic pollution. Bush's brain is polluted.
Vampires rule. Bush is a Vampire. Leeches suck Blood. Bush is a leech.
GOP blows. GOP is gay. GOP hates homosexuals. Republicans use God.
Get a clue. Bush has no clue. GOP is clueless. Bush has no
brains. Bush is mentally disabled. Judges destroyed the Americans with
disabilities act. ADA was destroyed by the supreme court. Roberts is the chief
justes of the United States supreme court. Electoral college system sucks.
Samuel alito sucks. Sammual Alito is s bad judge. Samuel Alito is crazy. Zionism
is evil. Zionists discriminate. Zionism is a racist religious ideology.
Catholic church covers for pedophiles. Catholic church accepts Mexican drug
Hillary Duff is no singer. Hillary Duff made really bad music.
Hillary Duff is not a good singer. Hillary Duff likes guys
Terrel Owens is a douche bag. Terrell Owens can't play football. Philadelphia
Eagles. Does
Terrell Owens douche?
Scooters roll. I rode a scooter. Scooter Libby is gay. Scooter is GOP scum. Scooters dad was an investment banker. Libby defended the traitor Mark Rich.
Morons are appointed by Bush. Bush loves money.
Sam alito blows Sammual. Alito is s great judge. Samuel Alito is useless. Dental appointment. Chiropractic appointment via
Hillary Duff is a lousy singer. Hillary Duff makes money. Does Hillary Duff do drugs?.
Mike Wallace o CBS. 60 minutes. News anchor Mike Wallace. Look
for Mike.
Terrel Owens is a jerk. Terrell Owens plays football. Philadelphia Eagles play
a game
I. Scooter Libby should be fired. Libby is a food company. Lewis Libby sucks
Get Wallace. Humans drink dirty water. Bush pollutes water and air.
Ice age ended. Ice melts. Ice is cold. Ice water is tasty. Ice
caps melt. Snow is cold. Ice water is tasty.
Shakira est una musician. Latino girls are muy caliente.
Shakira rocks. Shakira has a great ass. Shakira CD sales.
Skakira is hot.
Shakira is a musician. Latino girls rule.
Climate is changing the earth. Climate changes suck life out of U.S.. It is so hot in Israel. Weather patterns change often.
Massive holes. Massive black hole. Ozone Holes are bad. Gat a massive hole full of black stuff.
Travel to Mexico. Cancun is cool. Cancun is hot. Climate is changing. Climate change sucks. It is so hot. Weather patterns change.
Eco bra. I need a bra. What bra size do you wear. Buy a bra.
Bra sales. Steve Smith rides a bus to football games. Jake Delhomme hates
Israeli racism.
Carolina panthers of the NFL. National Football League. Steve Smith. Jake
Delhomme. Pittsburgh. Balls are cool. Balls are hot. I got big balls.
Kate Hudson is cool. Kate Hudson acts. I was an actress in a movie w/ Kate
Hudson. Kate Hudson likes sharks. Does Kate Hudson hate Israel?
Lemurs die.
Lemurs are animals. Lemurs have fur. Creatures like Lemurs live short lives.
Block for the runner. Shakira wouldn't make a good NFL player. NBA is too
tough for Shakira.
NASA sucks. Too bad Scooter Libby wasn't on the Challenger when it blew up. NY
Times sucks. Washington Post sucks. Does Shakira read the Washington Times?
What does Terrell Ownes think of Collin Poewll. Does Shakira like Mid East
oil. Does and ancient alligator or crocadile drive a car and waste gas?
WW. I was bad. World Wars suck. World War I killed many people. People like
Kate Hudson rule.
Pittsburgh is a city in Pennsylvania. Minnesota is a state. St. Paul is a
city. I live in Winona.
Winona city council sucks. Dean Lanz sucks. Monica Mohon blows. Monica
Lewinsky gave a blow job to Clinton.
Blow something. Suck something. Fuck is a bad word. Bombs are bad um kay.
Shakira sucks big time. Bears bite people. Sharks bite people. Is Shakira
afraid of sharks.
Birth control is hated by the Vatican. The church hates
planned parenthood. Condoms rock. Rubbers are good. Birthing is hard.
Birth-control is good for humanity.
Some Africans don't use Birth-control. Bush should have been aborted. Abortion
is legal. Do you like abortion. Catholics despise Birth-control . Catholics
should use Birth-control.
What is Armistice day? Go sign an Armistice. The Armistice
ended the war. Wars are bad.
WW. I was bad. World Wars suck. World War
II killed many people. People like Kate Hudson rule
Bush is blind. GOP supporters are blind. Cheney is a tool.
Travel to china. air fare. I took an air plane flight. Travel to Paraguay.
Ancient ruins. ancient crocodile. Machu Picchu. Ancient ruins
of Machu Picchu. Peru is home to Ancient ruins. ancient crocodile. Machu
Desecrated ruins. Big crocodile. Peruvian gold. Ancient ruins of Machu Picchu.
Peru is home to many ruins. Fight a crocodile. Maco man.
Travel to Peru.
AK-47s kill some people. Rifles are protection. Rifles use
bullets. China sells ammo. Israel sells guns.
I need ammunition.
Face mask penalty. Flag was thrown. Virginia Tech is a school. Throw a flag.
Gat a clueless leader. Train hard. Play Hard. Party Harder.
No signal. Runner was down. No review. Vrable. Tom Brady. Super bowl MVP won
an SUV. Trucks suck. Cars pollute. Oil is abused. Saudi Arabia support
terrorism. Terror is bad. Cars guzzle gas. SUVs use oil. Engine oil is
changed. Oil changes are needed. Offensive line blocks. Hines Ward is a
receiver. Batch of cookies for Charlie Batch. Fake, throw and then catch.
record of corruption. Land records. Shoulder injury.
There are no WMDs. There were no WMDs. Iraq war is a fraud. US Soldiers Killed
in Iraq for oil and Israel.
Saudi Arabia is hot. Saudi Arabia has sand. Oil and gas come from Saudi Arabia. Where are the WMDs.
Todd Ouellette produces Minnesota Music public access TV program.
Todd Ouellette produces The Real News public access TV program.