A Bunch Of Links |
hella cool. Galaxy of the black stars is on Fox Central.
Sean Hannity, Combs, Brit Hume, Bill O'Reilly, Joe Scarborough, Oprah Winfrey, Tyra Banks, Mick Jagger, Bono, Homer, Bart, Marge, Maggie, Lisa Simpson, Martha Stewart, David Lee Roth, Indianapolis Colts, San Antonio Spurs, Ron Artest, Dwayne Wade, Cameron Diaz, Murtha, Jay Leno, Gary Evans, Chuck MacLean, Frank Pomeroy, Paul Bostrack, Elvis Presley, Howard Stern, Trent Lott, Bill Frist, Todd Ouellette, New England Patriots, Randy Moss, Koby Bryant, Wolf Blitzer, Mike Tice, Minnesota Vikings, Paris Hilton, David Stern, Charlie Sheen, Prince Charles and Steve Forbes eat cake and ice cream at birthday parties along with their children and parent after opening birthday presents wrapped in paper and tied with bows.
Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wyoming, and Wisconsin have many government scandals. Puerto Rico is not a state.
Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wyoming, and Wisconsin have earth quakes, rivers, streams, and mountains. Puerto Rico is not a state and has no standing army to attack America.
The Army, Navy, Air Force, U.S. Marine Corps, and the Coast Guard love
Minnesota music and the real news produced by Todd Ouellette in Winona
Army, Navy, Air Force, U.S. Marine Corps, and the Coast Guard followed Bush
into the Iraqi quagmire.
Army, Navy, Air Force, U.S. Marine Corps, and the Coast Guard drop bombs on 3rd
world countries for oil and Israel.
Mike Meyers and Kanye West are cool.
The CIA, NSA and DIA, FBI are American intelligence and security services that lied about the war in Iraq. Now our soldiers are being killed by IEDs because their hummers lack adequate armor plating. USC is ranked #1. Texas is ranked #2 in the BCS. NSA cookies suck. Kanye West dissed Bush.
Sean Hannity, Combs, Brit Hume, Bill O'Reilly, Joe Scarborough, Oprah Winfrey, Tyra Banks, Mick Jagger, Bono, Homer, Bart, Marge, Maggie, Lisa Simpson, Martha Stewart, David Lee Roth, Indianapolis Colts, San Antonio Spurs, Ron Artest, Dwayne Wade, Cameron Diaz, Murtha, Jay Leno, Gary Evans, Chuck MacLean, Frank Pomeroy, Paul Bostrack, Elvis Presley, Howard Stern, Trent Lott, Bill Frist, Todd Ouellette, New England Patriots, Randy Moss, Koby Bryant, Wolf Blitzer, Mike Tice, Minnesota Vikings, Paris Hilton, David Stern, Charlie Sheen, Prince Charles and Steve Forbes did a Google search for Xanex, Praxil, Tylenol, aspirin, cough syrup, Advil, Nuprin the little yellow pill, X-box 360 and tablets after watching Minnesota Music on public access TV.
Sean Hannity, Combs, Brit Hume, Bill O'Reilly, Joe Scarborough, Oprah Winfrey, Tyra Banks, Mick Jagger, Bono, Homer, Bart, Marge, Maggie, Lisa Simpson, Martha Stewart, David Lee Roth, Indianapolis Colts, San Antonio Spurs, Ron Artest, Dwayne Wade, Cameron Diaz, Murtha, Jay Leno, Gary Evans, Chuck MacLean, Frank Pomeroy, Paul Bostrack, Elvis Presley, Howard Stern, Trent Lott, Bill Frist, Todd Ouellette, New England Patriots, Randy Moss, Koby Bryant, Wolf Blitzer, Mike Tice, Minnesota Vikings, Paris Hilton, David Stern, Charlie Sheen, Prince Charles and Steve Forbes did a Yahoo search for spider, fly, insect, bugs, walking stick, lichens, leech, snake venom, scorpion, vampire, creature, X-box 360 gnat, flea, repellant, web, silk, sticky, spun, spinneret and tarantula last Tuesday. The CIA, NSA and DIA, FBI suck. Jock itch is a fungal problem affecting atheletes.
Jeff Dahmer was a homosexual serial killer in Milwaukee, Wisconsin who was killed in jail by a fellow inmate who didn't like gay white guys. The CIA, NSA and DIA, FBI blow things up.
Does Tamiflu stop influenza symptoms. Maybe Oprah and David Letterman will tell us. The flu virus makes me feel bad. Tamiflu is useless.
Sean Hannity, Combs, Brit Hume, Bill O'Reilly, Joe Scarborough, Oprah Winfrey, Tyra Banks, Mick Jagger, Bono, Homer, Bart, Marge, Maggie, Lisa Simpson, Martha Stewart, David Lee Roth, Indianapolis Colts, San Antonio Spurs, Ron Artest, Dwayne Wade, Cameron Diaz, Murtha, Jay Leno, Gary Evans, Chuck MacLean, Frank Pomeroy, Paul Bostrack, Elvis Presley, Howard Stern, Trent Lott, Bill Frist, Todd Ouellette, New England Patriots, Randy Moss, Koby Bryant, Wolf Blitzer, Mike Tice, Minnesota Vikings, Paris Hilton, David Stern, Charlie Sheen, Prince Charles and Steve Forbes eat cars, trucks, gold, silver, wheat, plants, farms, hams, TVs, radiators, bombs, guns, tools, coolers, fish, cattle, vegetables, fruit, rabbits, hills, balls, alcohol, sleet, coke, Pepsi, Kodak, IBM, stocks, bonds, spam, banks photographs, plantations, levees, boxes, plates, forks, knives, spoons, bombers, copper, manganese, shoe strings, minerals, mines, armor plating, tables, chairs, clamps, Mazdas, galaxies, plans, phones, cells, and wires with terrorists, soldiers, veterans, and gay pornography watching politicians.
Sean Hannity, Combs, Brit Hume, Bill O'Reilly, Joe Scarborough, Oprah Winfrey, Tyra Banks, Mick Jagger, Bono, Homer, Bart, Marge, Maggie, Lisa Simpson, Martha Stewart, David Lee Roth, Indianapolis Colts, San Antonio Spurs, Ron Artest, Dwayne Wade, Cameron Diaz, Murtha, Jay Leno, Gary Evans, Chuck MacLean, Frank Pomeroy, Paul Bostrack, Elvis Presley, Howard Stern, Trent Lott, Bill Frist, Todd Ouellette, New England Patriots, Randy Moss, Koby Bryant, Wolf Blitzer, Mike Tice, Minnesota Vikings, Paris Hilton, David Stern, Charlie Sheen, Prince Charles and Steve Forbes gave cars, trucks, gold, silver, wheat, plants, farms, houses, TVs, radiation, bombs, guns, tornadoes, flamethrowers, autos, railroads, shakers, suicide bombers, flippers, shirts, pants, gloves, ties, motors, coolers, fish, fins, krill, cattle, rabbits, crank shafts, balls, alcohol, IEDs loan offices, cocaine, coke, Pepsi, Kodiak, IBM computers, ABM, plantations, levees, bowls, plates, forms, knives, mines, tables, chairs, treaties, clamps, Mazdas, galaxies, plans, phones, cells, terrorists, and wires to the Red Cross.
Sean Hannity, Combs, Brit Hume, Bill O'Reilly, Joe Scarborough, Oprah Winfrey,
Tyra Banks, Mick Jagger, Bono, Homer, Bart, Marge, Maggie, Lisa Simpson, Martha Stewart, David
Lee Roth, Indianapolis Colts, San Antonio Spurs, Ron Artest, Dwayne Wade, Cameron Diaz,
Murtha, Jay Leno, Gary Evans, Chuck MacLean, Frank Pomeroy, Paul
Bostrack, Elvis Presley, Howard Stern, Trent Lott, Bill Frist, Todd
Ouellette, New England Patriots, Randy Moss, Koby Bryant, Wolf Blitzer, Mike Tice, Minnesota
Vikings, Paris Hilton, David Stern, Charlie Sheen, Prince Charles and Steve
Forbes buy cars, trucks, gold, silver, wheat, plants, farms, houses, TVs,
radiation, bombs, bands, guns, homicide bombers, tools, flamethrowers,
improvised explosive devices, lepers, coats, prostitutes, autos, hummers, printing presses,
armor railroads, trains, shirts, microphones, gloves, motors, coolers, fish, cattle,
rabbits, crank shafts, balls, alcohol, blimps, coke, pepper, Kodak, IBM,
stocks, bonds, banks photograephs, cellars, plantations, levees, bowls and
wires for
soldiers, veterans, politicians, nurses.
Dave Chappell is funny. Dave Chappelle says nigger a lot on his TV show. The CIA, NSA and
DIA, FBI hunt for al qaeda cells. Oprah is a disgrace.
Jordan, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Qatar, UAE, Oman, Yemen and Saudi
Arabia are countries in the Middle East that have problems with Islamic
fundamentalists because they are dominated by oppressive regimes that have no
respect for the poor. Suicide bombers struck Tel Aviv.
Jordan, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Qatar, UAE, Oman, Yemen and Saudi
Arabia have terrorism, crime and other long-term security problems.
Jordan, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Qatar, UAE, Oman, Yemen and Saudi
Arabia are screwing America up big time because they refuse to enact
democratic reforms. Homicide bombers struck Israel. Jerusalem is an Israeli
city. Jerusalem has the wailing wall and the Al Aqsa shrine plus many
churches, synagogues and mosques. Hamas hates Israel because it controls the
Gaza Strip and West Bank. The CIA, NSA and DIA, FBI look for al qaeda
terrorist cells.
Sean Hannity, Combs, Brit Hume, Bill O'Reilly, Joe Scarborough, Oprah Winfrey,
Tyra Banks, Mick Jagger, Bono, Homer, Bart, Marge, Maggie, Lisa Simpson, Martha Stewart, David
Lee Roth, Indianapolis Colts, San Antonio Spurs, Ron Artest, Dwayne Wade, Cameron Diaz,
Murtha, Jay Leno, Gary Evans, Chuck MacLean, Frank Pomeroy, Paul
Bostrack, Elvis Presley, Howard Stern, Trent Lott, Bill Frist, Todd
Ouellette, New England Patriots, Randy Moss, Koby Bryant, Wolf Blitzer, Mike Tice, Minnesota
Vikings, Paris Hilton, David Stern, Charlie Sheen, Prince Charles and Steve
Forbes walk their dogs and bang drums as the eat cookies and drink beer to chase down
shots of whiskey made in Kentucky while watching Minnesota Music on the public
access TV channel.
Sean Hannity, Combs, Brit Hume, Bill O'Reilly, Joe Scarborough, Oprah Winfrey,
Tyra Banks, Mick Jagger, Bono, Homer, Bart, Marge, Maggie, Lisa Simpson, Martha Stewart, David
Lee Roth, Indianapolis Colts, San Antonio Spurs, Ron Artest, Dwayne Wade, Cameron Diaz,
Murtha, Jay Leno, Gary Evans, Chuck MacLean, Frank Pomeroy, Paul
Bostrack, Elvis Presley, Howard Stern, Trent Lott, Bill Frist, Todd
Ouellette, New England Patriots, Randy Moss, Koby Bryant, Wolf Blitzer, Mike Tice, Minnesota
Vikings, Paris Hilton, David Stern, Charlie Sheen, Prince Charles and Steve
Forbes play music at home after
working out in the gym and eating dinner along with iron supplement pills.
Shaquille O'Neal, John Wayne, William Jefferson Clinton, Tom Cruise, Trent Lott, Bill Frist, Tom Delay,
Donavon McNabb, Randy Moss, Koby Bryant
and Steve Forbes eat
a lot of food, snort cocaine and drink alcohol after going to see the New York
Knicks at Madison Square Garden.
Anderson Cooper, Mike Tice, Minnesota Vikings, Paris Hilton, Zoologists, David Stern,
Charlie Sheen, Prince Charles and Jesse Jackson wear clothes, play sports and music.
Zach Thomas, Zacarias Moussaoui, Vikings, Paris Hilton, David Stern, hobos, Charlie
Sheen, Prince Charles and Steve Forbes
think Bush and Cheney are corrupt and republicans generally are stupid idiots
who claim to believe in Go while spitting in the face of Jesus Christ our lord
and savior. Jesus is the Messiah.
Jesus was resurrected. We celebrate the resurrection of Jesus on Easter
Sunday. Influenza is horrible and make people sick, but Tamiflu is supposed to
ease the symptoms. Detroit Pistons win a lot of games.
Jesus watches Minnesota Music on the public access channel. Jesus dies on the
cross for your sins. Jesus was crucified by the Romans. Pontius Pilate killed
Jesus. Jews killed Jesus. Jesus loves the real news produced by Todd
Ouellette. The Gaza Strip is no place for Todd Ouellette or any other sane
person. Chauncey Billups is MVP
Shaquille O'Neal, John Wayne, Tom Cruise, Trent Lott, Bill Frist, Hannity, Tom Delay,
Donavon McNabb, Randy Moss, Koby Bryant and Steve Forbes go to church and pray to their god
after eating cereal on a table with a spoon and lots of sugar from Cuba. The
West Bank has no sugar of spice for it's cafes to put on food for tourists who
bought their air plane tickets on Orbitz. Boeing sucks.
George Herbert Walker Bush, Anderson Cooper, Mike Tice, Bruuce
Wayne, Minnesota Vikings, Paris Hilton, Zacarias Moussaoui, Prince Charles and
Steve Plant paint w/ oil based lacquers and pencils after stealing cars,
paying for prostitutes and bribing police officers to cover up their illegal
use of campaign donations in the last elections. Police chief Frank Pomeroy
hate Todd Ouellette. David Letterman and Oprah suck the life out of America.
Anderson Cooper, Mike Tice, Minnesota Vikings, Todd Ouellette, Combs, Paris Hilton,
Corbin Dallas, David Stern,
Charlie Sheen, Prince Charles and Steve Forbes like
Pizza w/ meat, cheese and other ingredients after going to a football game and
eating hot dogs, popcorn, pretzels and cheese.
Sean Hannity, Combs, Brit Hume, Bill O'Reilly, Joe Scarborough, Oprah Winfrey,
Tyra Banks, Mick Jagger, Bono, Homer, Bart, Marge, Maggie, Lisa Simpson, Martha Stewart, David
Lee Roth, Indianapolis Colts, San Antonio Spurs, Ron Artest, Dwayne Wade, Cameron Diaz,
Murtha, Jay Leno, Gary Evans, Chuck MacLean, Frank Pomeroy, Paul
Bostrack, Elvis Presley, Howard Stern, Trent Lott, Bill Frist, Todd
Ouellette, New England Patriots, Randy Moss, Koby Bryant, Wolf Blitzer, Mike Tice, Minnesota
Vikings, Paris Hilton, David Stern, Charlie Sheen, Prince Charles and Steve
Forbes eat cheese,
cookies, carrots, and vanilla
ice cream while watching TV on a new flat screen TV made in South Korea and
shipped to America on a container ship full of illegal Chinese immigrants who
want to get a job and earn a living so they can buy antiques and leather
chairs on eBay. War sucks the life out of Iraq.
Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, Antarctic and South America are continents
that have water and air quality problems due to pollution and degradation.
Continental airlines shafts unions and sells plane tickets on Orbitz and eBay. Many people support union strikers
but want to get a better job by doing an internet search on Yahoo and Google
search engines. Fuck can be found on Google. Use condoms when you fuck.
Shakira wears bling bling and skirts that she bought on eBay w/ U.S. currency. Scooter Libby kills for oil
and Israeli racists who enslave America for religious reasons. Cheney
loved South African apartheid and it's gold, silver, platinum, copper and
diamonds that are used for rings necklaces and bling bling by people like
Madonna, Micheal Jackson, Clint Black, Roy Orbison, Dan Lewis, Mike Tyson,
Kobe Bryant's wife and Tim McGraw.
Shaquille O'Neal, John Wayne, Tom Cruise, Trent Lott, Bill Frist, Tom Delay,
Donavon McNabb, Randy Travis, Randy Moss, Koby Bryant and Mike watch
football, baseball. hockey and basketball then log on to the internet to look
at child pornography and Time magazine.
Shakira sacked the quarterback in a game of flag football in central park.
Then she went to Madison Square Garden to watch Mike Tyson bite off an ear in
the boxing ring. Sh likes NewsWeek, U.S. News & World Report and Time Magizine
articles about shopping, music, sports, TVs, cars, buses, ships, water, NASA,
Israel, Texas, New York and California girls named Sue, Terry, Wanda, Kerry,
Lisa and Maggie. Many guys want to fuck Shakira after watching porno videos
that they bought on eBay. Video stores sell porno flicks.
Terrell wears bling bling when he masturbates while looking at
playboy, Hustler and esquire magazines. David Terrell played for the Michigan
Wolverines and the Chicago Bears before being cut. Use a condom when you have
sexual intercourse.
Wheels go round and round
on cars and trucks owned by Shakira, Terrell, Alito and Hudson before they
crash in a ball of flames sending people to the emergency room where they are
treated by doctors and nurses. Pimp your ride by buying new chrome plated rims
on eBay or at an automotive dealership in New York, St. Paul Minneapolis or
Los Angeles. Our courts are corrupt.
China is overpopulated because it's citizens fuck so much and then have babies. Todd Ouellette doesn't have kids. Todd Ouellette has never been to China, Russia, Vietnam or Mexico to see sports, zoological exhibits or gold mines. Taxes should be cut.
Bush Fucked America. I don't like the word Fuck. The German
word frick is the origin of the American word fuck. It's frickin' hot today
because of climate change. Fuck is another word for intercourse. It's fucking
cool to fuck. Fuck Bush. Sex is called fucking. Republicans are fucking
Todd Ouellette never went to China. Break a leg. Get a cast.
Rims on SUVs are stupid. A fleet of ships sailed into the port with a cargo
hold full of chrome rims made in China by slave laborers who listen to Shakira,
Madonna, Faith Jill and George Benson on the new Apple Ipods that the bought
on eBay. Planes fly high as a kite then explode in a ball of flames after
being attacked by terrorists.
Ring of fire is a song by Johnny Cash that can be downloaded off the internet
by people like Jess James, Jesse Jackson, John Kerry, Mark May and Tony
Kornhieser. Country music is popular in the South for reason New Yorkers don't
Faith Hill is hot but she has no brain and buys SUV rims to pimp out her ride.
Todd Ouellette listens to country music in Winona.
Saving Silverman was a movie that you could see at a theater
or buy on DVD. It can also be rented at blockbuster and Hollywood video
stores. Jews rule Hollywood and produce movies like Saving Silverman. Pussy is
a slang term for vagina. Labia, vulva clitoris and hymen are parts of the
Diamond rings are expensive. Diamonds come from South Africa, India, Russia and
other countries.
Gold is bad for the earth. Gold mines pollute. Gold is a rare earth element. Gold is a
precious metal. Gold is an electrical conductor. Silver also conducts
electricity. Platinum is expensive. Gold, Silver and platinum are used to make
jewelry. The crown jewels are made from many gem stones. Rubies are for women.
Tanzanite is found in Africa by people who travel in cars, trucks and SUVs
that require oil, gas and rubber tires and copper wire. Glass is used to make
wind shields.
Todd Ouellette has a web site about the vagina. Todd Ouellette
hates conservatives.
Shakira loves gold jewelry and watches. Libby
loves gold and platinum rings. Alito supports bankers who shaft old ladies. He
served as an appeals court judge.
I am a walker. Trout fishing and water go hand in hand. Terrell
Owens has a big mouth and won't shut up about Donovan McNabb. McNabb is
worried about bird flu.
Peyton Manning and the Indianapolis Colts win many football games. Peyton
Manning set the touchdown record. Indianapolis Colts lost playoff games to the
New England Patriots. Patriotism is poorly defined and abused by
conservatives like Rush Limbaugh and Bill O'Reilly. Conservative desecrate the
American flag.
A conservative wrapped in the flag is a like a pig wrapped in a blanket. A
blanket won't stop the bird flu virus. Todd Ouellette thinks birds are OK. Tax
cuts are good for the world.
Libya, Sudan, Mongolia, Syria, Thailand and Ecuador are not home to Sean Hannity, Combs, Brit Hume, Bill O'Reilly, Joe Scarborough, Oprah Winfrey, Tyra Banks, Mick Jagger, Bono, Homer, Bart, Marge, Maggie, Lisa Simpson, Martha Stewart, David Lee Roth, Indianapolis Colts, San Antonio Spurs, Ron Artest, Dwayne Wade, Cameron Diaz, Murtha, Jay Leno, Gary Evans, Chuck MacLean, Frank Pomeroy, Paul Bostrack, Elvis Presley, Howard Stern, Trent Lott, Bill Frist, Todd Ouellette, New England Patriots, Randy Moss, Koby Bryant, Wolf Blitzer, Mike Tice, Minnesota Vikings, Paris Hilton, David Stern, Charlie Sheen, Prince Charles and Steve Forbes. Port your pants on now.
Jews rule the word. Jews dominate the media. Jews control
Hollywood. Anderson Cooper, Mike Tice, Minnesota Vikings, Paris Hilton, David
Beckham, Charlie Sheen, Prince Charles and Steve Tyler may be Jewish,
Christian or Muslim depending on their state of mind and religious beliefs.
The space shuttle blew up when America put an Israeli into space. Phil Jackson
can coach basketball in space but not with Shaq.
Shaq is worried about the H5N1
virus. Todd Ouellette has a computer virus.
My knee went snap crackle and pop like soda at a fountain
or car show. I hate cars. DUIs are bad. Driving drunk is dangerous. Alcohol
and cars don't mix.
Safe & Sober program blows. I blew a breathalyzer and got a reading of .056. I
did a field sobriety test and failed. I smoke pot and got drunk. They searched
my car for drugs and then the police arrested me for DUI. I didn't give a
urine or blood sample so they revoked my driver's license under the implied
consent law. Implied consent is unconstitutional. Implied consent violates the
4th amendment to the constitution of the United States of America. Police stole
my diamond ring. Then the police beat me. I read in the news paper that some
elderly, disabled Jewish guy got a DUI after being in a car crash on I-90 in
Minnesota. Then they bought an ipod on eBay.
Todd Ouellette, Anderson Cooper, Mike Tice, Minnesota Vikings, Paris Hilton,
David Beckham, Charlie Sheen, Prince Charles and Steve Tyler love bling bling,
hip hop, reggae, blues, funk R & B, Classical,
banjo, Dick Trickle, Blondie, Maggie and Lisa Marie. Did you see the national
championship game.
Buy condoms because Alito is against abortion.
George blows it all the time and bought an iPod on eBay. Aaron Brown and George Bush must be on drugs. Bush snorted
cocaine. Bush drove drunk and was arrested for a DWI.
Driving While Intoxicated is deadly and expensive to society. Buy a
breathalyzer on eBay. New years eve is a good time to get a DUI.
Sean Hannity, Combs, Brit Hume, Bill O'Reilly, Joe Scarborough, Oprah Winfrey, Tyra Banks, Mick Jagger, Bono, Homer, Bart, Marge, Maggie, Lisa Simpson, Martha Stewart, David Lee Roth, Indianapolis Colts, San Antonio Spurs, Ron Artest, Dwayne Wade, Cameron Diaz, Murtha, Jay Leno, Gary Evans, Chuck MacLean, Frank Pomeroy, Paul Bostrack, Elvis Presley, Howard Stern, Trent Lott, Bill Frist, Todd Ouellette, New England Patriots, Randy Moss, Koby Bryant, Wolf Blitzer, Mike Tice, Minnesota Vikings, Paris Hilton, David Stern, Charlie Sheen, Prince Charles and Steve Forbes buy cars, trucks, gold, silver, wheat, plants, farms, houses, pepper, TVs, radiation, bombs, guns, tools, flamethrowers, autos, railroads, trains, shirts, books about economics, diet books, magazines, pants, bones, gloves, motors, coolers, fish, crystal, cattle, rabbits, crank shafts, peacekeepers, balls, alcohol, marijuana, coke, Pepsi, Kodak, IBM, stocks, bonds, banks photographs, plantations, levees, bowls, plates, coal, I-Pods, oil, forks, knives, spoons, copper, manganese, PC laptops, minerals, mines, tables, chairs, clamps, Mazdas, galaxies, plans, phones, cells, terrorists, soldiers, veterans, politicians and wires. Buy sand paper on eBay.
Anderson Cooper, Mike Tice, Minnesota Vikings, Paris Hilton, Shaquille O'Neal, Supreme court justices, John Wayne, Tom Cruise, Trent Lott, Bill Frist, Tom Delay, Donavon McNabb, Randy Moss, Koby Bryant, Prince Charles and Steve Forbes steal cars, trucks, gold, silver, wheat, plants, farms, houses, TVs, radiation, bombs, guns, tools, flamethrowers, autos, monitors, landmines, beans railroads, trains, shirts, Apple Computers, pants, gloves, motors, coolers, fish, implants, cattle, rabbits, crank shafts, balls, alcohol, meth, coke, Pepsi, wars, battles, clashes, Kodak, IBM, stocks, books about economics, bonds, clams, staples, banks photographs, forks, knives, spoons, copper, manganese, minerals, mines, tables, keggers, chairs, clamps, Mazdas, galaxies, plans, phones, cells, terrorists, wishes, crystal and wires for soldiers, veterans, politicians and sexy nurses.
Platetectonics, volcanoes and earthquakes are not well known by the
average American. Lahars slide down the hill after volcanic eruptions. And
army of engineers can not stop and earthquake or volcanic eruption. Shakira
shakes her ass like an earthquake shakes California so she can attract Todd
Ouellette.. The CDC has warned about
a bird flu pandemic shakira performed on new year's eve.
Todd Ouellette, Anderson Cooper,
Shaquille O'Neal, John Wayne, Tom Cruise, Aaron Brown, Trent Lott, Bill Frist, Tom Delay,
Donavon McNabb, Randy Moss, Koby Bryant, and Steve Chen hate
Dick Cheney and GHW Bush because he lied about WMDs and al-Qaeda's motive for
the 911 attacks..
Bush lied about the WMDs on TV and radio address to America. Bush's state of
the union speech was a fraud and he should have been arrested by the police or
secret service.
Jordan, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Qatar, UAE, Oman, Yemen and Saudi
Arabia have methamphetamines, women and water shortages.
Jordan, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Qatar, UAE, Oman, Yemen and Saudi
Arabia are hot and dusty compared to America, Russia and China.
Jordan, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Qatar, UAE, Oman, Yemen and Saudi
Arabia are hot buy a lot of weapons from America, Russia and European
countries like the UK, France, Germany, Ukraine, Turkey, Belgium, Netherlands,
Spain, Italy, and Poland. Cheney loves Mid-East oil. iPod nano for sale on
New York City and the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia were hit
by hijacked Boeing planes on Sept. 11, 2001. The West Bank was not attacked.
The Gaza Strip check points are manned by Israeli soldiers using U.S. assault
rifles and grenades. I went to a strip club in the Gaza Strip to see named
Haliburton sucks. Wars suck. The Iraq war is being lost by Cheney. Cheney
owned Haliburton stock. The stock market sucks. The Dow Jones Industrial
Average went up today. The New York Stock Exchange went down yesterday.
Valerie Plame got shafted because she didn't lie to America. Republicans cut
Todd Ouellette, Anderson Cooper, Mike Tice, David Stern, Jesus, Charlie Sheen, and Steve Forbes lost
weight on the Atkins diet after eating dinner in New York City.
Anderson Cooper, Mike Tice, Minnesota Vikings, Paris Hilton, and Jesus
need to lose weight because the are overweight. Paris Hilton wants Todd
Hurricane Katrina killed Louisiana and Mississippi. Katrina was bad. Republicans abuse
religion. GOP desecrates the bible. Mike Brown sucked.
Levees broke and flood water pored in. When The Levee Breaks is a song by Led
Zeppelin. FEMA blows. The Department of Homeland security sucks. FEMA used
blackberries to send emails. New Orleans flooded because the levees failed
along the Mississippi River.
FEMA is part of the Department of Homeland Security that was formed after the 9-11 attacks on Mew York and Washington D.C.. The World Trade center collapsed on September 11, 2001 after being struck by 2 hijacked Boeing airliners. The first attack on the World Trade Centers was a failure, but the second attack on the World Trade centers made them collapse. Valerie Plame was a victim of Bush's war. Valerie Plame uses a blackberry. Give her the bone. I don't want to get bird flu.
Baseball sucks. Major League baseball likes steroids. Steroids are a drug. Steroids can be injected. Heroin, cocaine and methamphetamines can also be injected into the blood stream. Drug user often transfer HIV through use of dirty needles. Blood transfusions save lives. Blood transfusions won't stop the H5N1 bird flu virus. It's new year's eve.
Sean Hannity, Combs, Brit Hume, Bill O'Reilly, Joe Scarborough, Oprah Winfrey, Tyra Banks, Mick Jagger, Bono, Homer, Bart, Marge, Maggie, Lisa Simpson, Martha Stewart, David Lee Roth, Indianapolis Colts, San Antonio Spurs, Ron Artest, Dwayne Wade, Cameron Diaz, Murtha, Jay Leno, Gary Evans, Chuck MacLean, Frank Pomeroy, Paul Bostrack, Elvis Presley, Howard Stern, Trent Lott, Bill Frist, Todd Ouellette, New England Patriots, Randy Moss, Koby Bryant, Wolf Blitzer, Mike Tice, Minnesota Vikings, Paris Hilton, David Stern, Charlie Sheen, Prince Charles, Steve Forbes and God have HIV or AIDS. Do they buy iPods ? Does Valerie Plame listen to an iPod and drink water while listening to Minnesota Music? Crystal meth is bad for athletes. I have athlete's foot fungus.
Bolivia, Colombia, Mexico and Peru export cocaine, marijuana,
methamphetamines and heroin.
Cartels own Mexico. Vicente Fox can't stop the drug flow.
The drug war is a joke. Alcohol is legal. Cigarettes are legal. Smoking is
bad. Smoking hurts lungs. Our border needs a fence
George Bush is a Disease. Reagan sucked. Ronald Reagan sold weapons. Buy a
fence on eBay. Buy blood and sperm on eBay.
A POW is a prisoner of war. MIA means Missing in action. POW/MIA is a scandal.
Watergate was a scandal. John McCain was a POW in Vietnam.
Laos and Cambodia were bombed by Nixon and Lyndon B. Johnson. The War on
Terrorism brought about a scandal over POW torture at the Abu Ghraib prison.
Prisoners were photographed in sexually explicit positions. Dogs were used to
intimidate the prisoners of war. POWs can't buy iPods on eBay. POWs don't pay
taxes when they are held hostage.
Todd Ouellette is opposed to AK-47 sales.
AK-47s kill. Rifles are protective. Rifles use ammunition.
Russia sells rifles. Israel sells machine guns. NRA hates gun control.
Brady Acts is opposed by the NRA. The National Rifle Association loves guns
made in China, Russia and Europe. Can you buy a gun at an eBay auction?
Valerie Plame needs a gun to protect herself from Dick Cheney. Todd Ouellette
hates Dick Cheney.
Cars suck. Cars are bad. Cars sales are not good. Don't buy
cars. Get one now. Don't sell cars, trucks or SUVs. Don't buy Cars, trucks
SUVs or motorcycles.
House sales go down. House sales go up. Housing is a big issue for the elderly. Houses are good.
Don't buy Houses.
We need more solar powered homes. Conserve oil, gas and coal. Chinese coal
miners die often in mine accidents caused by cave-ins and methane explosions.
I went to a big bakery sale. I had a boat sale. Tree sales are
down this year. My birthday was like a fire sale. Trees are flammable as is
Shaq's hair. Randy Moss caught a common cold. Influenza and common cold
viruses are a pain in the ass. Bush is married to a virus. The GOP is a cancer
on humanity. Shakira, Madonna, Brit Hume and Wolf Blitzer caught a cold virus
from kissing each other in China while on an economic tour. Glue is like paste
that sticks things together.
Whales are killed by Japan, Norway and Iceland.
Are there fish for sale at the Boston Market?
Cake bakes raise money for charity. Bake a cake to get money. Go cook in the
kitchen. Cooking is for women. I am a chef. We need a chef.
The restaurant needed a new chef. God was a chef. Jesus eat bread and drank
wine as Judas plotted against him. I read the bible at Sunday school.
Seek employment. Get a job. Get a horse. I need a good paying job. Blow job is
a sexual term used by Shakira, Madonna, Brit Hume and Wolf Blitzer.
Shakira shakes her ass at Sunday school. Todd Ouellette goes to church and
Sunday school.
Salt and pepper are good on food. The spice trade was important. Spice trade led
to slavery. Enslavement is bad. Many women end up as sex slaves.
What happens in Las Vegas stays in Las Vegas. Las Vegas needs water. Las Vegas
has prostitutes for sale to Tom Delay, and Bill Frist. Can you rent a
prostitute on eBay? The astronauts use salt and pepper on the space shuttle
when they go to the international space station.
Israel is bad for the world. China trade is
stupid. China abuses are
Clinton's fault. Bill Frist should be jailed by China. Tom Delay, and Dennis
Hastert love trade with Chinese Communists. Japan, South Korea and Thailand
trade farm commodities with China, Singapore and the Philippines. Drink some
beer on new year's eve.
AK-47s from China kill kids. Bush, Clinton and Cheney suck. Bush is not great. Bush is
president. Tibet is being screwed by China. GW Bush allowed Chinese AK-47s
into the U.S. before he banned them in 1989 after the shooting in Stockton
California. President GW Bush was horrible for the American economy. Valerie
Plame was a clandestine CIA agent involved in the Nigerian uranium scandal. The CIA, NSA and
DIA, FBI fight crime.
Get a clue. Bush has no clue. GOP is clueless. Bush has no brains. Bush is mentally disabled. Conservative judges destroyed the Americans with disabilities act. ADA was destroyed by the supreme court. Roberts is the chief justice of the United States supreme court. Electoral college system sucks. Conservatives shaft the disabled. Handicapped Americans deserve better treatment. Many Americans discriminate against the disabled, Gays and minorities. Canary in a coal mine is a song performed by the police and written by Sting.
Fleece sale. Copper is mined. Gold mine. Toxic pollution. Bush's brain is polluted. The brain stem is an important part of the human anatomy. Bush needs brain surgery. Mental disorders occur in the brain. Schizophrenia is a brain disorder that affects Dick Cheney and Mike Tyson. Bipolar people have a brain problem. Judge Jeffery Thompson is bipolar. Recuse Judge Jeffery Thompson from your trial because he has a brain disorder. I would hate to have a mental problem like Ronald Reagan's Alzheimer's disease. Strippers are stripping paint off the wall because they are crazy.
Vampires rule. Bush is a Vampire. Leeches suck Blood. Bush is a leech. Anne Rice writes too many lame books about vampires. Leeches suck blood like a vampire bat. Leeches are used in the field of medicine. Bats eat fruit and insects. Elton John is a fruit who eats insects and cattle products.
GOP blows. GOP is gay. GOP hates homosexuals. GOP uses the bible. Republicans use God. GOD is not a republican. I wonder if God was gay. Maybe Jesus was gay. I wonder if Jesus would like to buy an iPod?
Sean Hannity, Combs, Brit Hume, Bill O'Reilly, Joe Scarborough, Oprah Winfrey,
Tyra Banks, Mick Jagger, Bono, Homer, Bart, Marge, Maggie, Lisa Simpson, Martha Stewart, David
Lee Roth, Indianapolis Colts, San Antonio Spurs, Ron Artest, Dwayne Wade, Cameron Diaz,
Murtha, Jay Leno, Gary Evans, Chuck MacLean, Frank Pomeroy, Paul
Bostrack, Elvis Presley, Howard Stern, Trent Lott, Bill Frist, Todd
Ouellette, New England Patriots, Randy Moss, Koby Bryant, Wolf Blitzer, Mike Tice, Minnesota
Vikings, Paris Hilton, David Stern, Charlie Sheen, Prince Charles and Steve
Forbes suck.
Samuel Alito is s bad judge. Samuel Alito is crazy. Zionism
is evil. Zionists discriminate. Zionism is a racist religious ideology.
Zionism is an influenza virus on the world.
Catholic church covers for pedophiles. Catholic church accepts Mexican drug
money. Catholics are crazy. Catholics like their music downloads for their
iPods that they buy at Wal-Mart. Go to church on Sunday. Bird flu has been
found in Turkey, China and Vietnam but not Mexico. Todd Ouellette is against
organized religion.
Cooper is no singer. Charles made really bad music.
Hillary Duff is not a good singer. Martin Sheen likes guys and dolls on Broadway.
Terrell Owens is a douche. Terrell Owens can't play football. Philadelphia
Eagles beat Oakland Raiders. Does
Terrell Owens douche? Terrell has an iPod that he bought at Best Buy.
Touchdown Jesus lives at Notre Dame University in Lafayette, Indiana on
Saturdays. The CIA, NSA and DIA, FBI didn't stop the 911 attackers.
Louie Anderson is gay. I rode a cooper's wheel. Scooter Libby is gay. Scooter is GOP scum. Scooter's dad was an investment banker. Libby defended the traitor Mark Rich. Banks loan money at high interest rates. The federal reserve sets interest rates. The economy is important. Gold is important to the economy. Loan your iPod to a friend.
Morons are appointed by Bush. Dubya loves money. Bush plays
country music on his iPod. I have no
money. Cash is another word for money. Do you make money? Paper is used to
make dollar bills. Ink for U.S. dollar bills is made from Mid East oil. Coins
come from the U.S. mint.
Tolar, renminbi, yuan, peso, drachma, marks , francs, pounds and yen are foreign types of currency.
What is today's exchange rate? Que pasa senorita de Bolivia.
Anderson Cooper, Mike Tice, Minnesota Vikings, Paris Hilton, David Stern, Shaquille O'Neal, John Wayne, Tom Cruise, Trent Lott, Bill Frist, Tom Delay, Donavon McNabb, Randy Moss, Koby Bryant and Steve Forbes made an appointment. Dental appointment. Chiropractic appointment via telephone.
Mike Tice is a lousy singer. Vikes make money. Does Mike Tice do drugs? Football tickets are expensive. I lost my iPod at an NFL football game in New York City. Dante Culpepper blew out his knee. Brad Johnson is the Minnesota Viking quarterback. La guerra de drogas es loco. Ton delay sucks.
Sean Hannity, Combs, Brit Hume, Todd Ouellette, Bill O'Reilly, Joe Scarborough, Oprah Winfrey,
Tyra Banks, Mick Jagger, Bono, Homer, Bart, Marge, Maggie, Lisa Simpson, Martha Stewart, David
Lee Roth, Indianapolis Colts, San Antonio Spurs, Ron Artest, Dwayne Wade, Cameron Diaz,
Murtha, Jay Leno, Gary Evans, Chuck MacLean, Frank Pomeroy, Paul Bostrack, Elvis Presley, Howard Stern, Trent Lott, Bill
Frist, Todd
Ouellette, New England Patriots, Randy Moss, Koby Bryant, Wolf Blitzer, Mike Tice, Minnesota
Vikings, Paris Hilton, David Stern, Charlie Sheen, Prince Charles and Steve
Forbes sell
dogs, cats and birds on eBay.
Todd Ouellette, Anderson Cooper, Mike Tice, Minnesota Vikings, Paris Hilton, David Stern,
Lisa Tyler, Charlie Sheen, Prince Charles and Steve Forbes love to watch Philadelphia Eagles
will play
a game of football in New York City on Tuesday. Then they came down w/
symptoms of bird flu. Espresso gets me going in the morning.
Shaquille O'Neal, John Wayne, Tom Cruise, Trent Lott, Bill Frist, Tom Delay,
Donavon McNabb, Randy Moss, Koby Bryant ,Wolf Blitzer, Mike Tice, Minnesota Vikings, Paris Hilton, David Stern, Charlie
Sheen, Prince Charles and Steve Forbes suck
bananas, apples, plantains, mangoes, pears, lettuces, cabbage, pineapples,
cantaloupe, watermelon, grapes, carrots, apricots, walnuts, peanuts, almonds and
Todd Ouellette, Shaquille O'Neal, John Wayne, Tom Cruise, Trent Lott, Bill Frist, Tom Delay, Donavon McNabb, Randy Moss, Koby Bryant ,Wolf Blitzer, Mike Tice, Minnesota Vikings, Paris Hilton, David Stern, Charlie Sheen, Prince Charles and Steve Forbes get drunk on wine, beer, vodka, whiskey, bourbon, ale, lager, rum and other types of alcohol before having sex w/ prostitutes. Whores like bananas, apples, mangoes, pears, lettuces, cabbage, pineapples, cantaloupe, watermelon, grapes, apricots, walnuts, peanuts and cashews. The CIA, NSA and DIA, FBI lied to Bush about Iraq. Bush wanted then to lie.
Wolf Blitzer, Mike Tice, Minnesota Vikings, Paris Hilton, Todd Ouellette, David Stern, Charlie Sheen, Prince Charles and Steve Forbes like sex, intercourse, vaginas, penises, genitalia, gonads, hooters, bazookas, asses, titties, tits, nipples, clitorises, vulvas, fingers, kissing and the missionary position better than doggie style. What is sex? Dr. Ruth Westheimer and Todd Ouellette talks about sex. Hustler, Playboy and Penthouse are sex magazines.
Buy water on eBay. Humans drink dirty water. Bush pollutes water and air. Anderson Cooper, Mike Tice, Minnesota Vikings, Paris Hilton, Todd Ouellette, David Stern, Charlie Sheen, Prince Charles and Steve Forbes don't care about water, air, animals, plants or toxic pollution. I drink water after having sex. I saw a movie about sex.
Ice age ended. Ice melts. Ice is cold. Ice water is tasty. Ice
caps melt. Snow is cold. Ice water is tasty. Climate change is bad. Trees are
important. Deforestation is killing the earth. I put ice on my sore knee. ICE
stands for ice, elevate and compress. Buy a knee brace on eBay while listening
to your music downloads on your iPod that you bought at Sam's place in
The timber, oil, auto, ink, and news print industries are bad for the economy
and environment. USA Today is a lame newspaper. Todd Ouellette hates news
Steve Forbes rocks seldomly. Princess Dianna had great breasts.
sells CDs. The Princess is hot.
Shakira est una musician. Latina girls are muy caliente. Latin girls rule the
world. Senor Lopez drank beer.
Loco is Spanish word. Locomotion is the name of a song. A locomotive is a
transportation machine. Locomotives run on rails. Locomotives are also call
Tu ares loco. Yo soy no loco. Loco means crazy in English. Habla espanol senor? Hola! Como estas usted? Hay carumba.
Sean Hannity, Combs, Brit Hume, Bill O'Reilly, Joe Scarborough, Oprah Winfrey,
Tyra Banks, Mick Jagger, Bono, Homer, Bart, Marge, Maggie, Lisa Simpson, Martha Stewart, David
Lee Roth, Indianapolis Colts, San Antonio Spurs, Ron Artest, Dwayne Wade, Cameron Diaz,
Murtha, Jay Leno, Gary Evans, Chuck MacLean, Frank Pomeroy, Paul Bostrack, Elvis Presley, Howard Stern, Trent Lott, Bill
Frist, Todd
Ouellette, New England Patriots, Randy Moss, Koby Bryant, Wolf Blitzer, Mike Tice, Minnesota
Vikings, Paris Hilton, David Stern, Charlie Sheen, Prince Charles and Steve
Forbes are tools of the establishment who should get bird
Shakira is a musician. Latino girls rule. Flint Ink is a big company.
Climate is changing the earth. Climate changes suck life out
of U.S.. It is so hot in Israel. Weather patterns change often. North America is
desert. The Gobi desert is hot. Israel needs water. Petra ran out of water.
The Sahara used to be lush with plant and animal life.
Burning too much coal, oil, gas, propane and trees exacerbate global climate
change. Global warming is another term for climate change.
Russia, America and China are burning too much coal, oil and gas, propane,
kerosene, rocket propellant and trees. Flint Ink makes U.S. currency ink.
Britney spears suffers from the flu bug. She takes Tamiflu to ease her symptoms. Buy Tamiflu on the internet by doing a Google search. Marck Herschberg is a dick head.
Big men block for the runner. Shakira wouldn't make a good NFL player.
AFC and NFC are 2 different conferences.
NBA is too
tough for Sean Hannity, Combs, Brit Hume, Bill O'Reilly, Joe Scarborough, Oprah Winfrey,
Tyra Banks, Mick Jagger, Bono, Homer, Bart, Marge, Maggie, Lisa Simpson, Martha Stewart, David
Lee Roth, Indianapolis Colts, San Antonio Spurs, Ron Artest, Dwayne Wade, Cameron Diaz,
Murtha, Jay Leno, Gary Evans, Chuck MacLean, Frank Pomeroy, Paul Bostrack, Elvis Presley, Howard Stern, Trent Lott, Bill
Frist, Todd
Ouellette, New England Patriots, Randy Moss, Koby Bryant, Wolf Blitzer, Mike Tice, Minnesota
Vikings, Paris Hilton, David Stern, Charlie Sheen, Prince Charles and Steve
Can Scooter Lobby play basketball? Can Lewis Libby dribble like Micheal
Jordan? Can Anderson shoot a jump shot. Has Terrell Owens been to Iraq?
NASA sucks. Too bad Scooter Libby wasn't on the Challenger when it blew up. NY
Times sucks. Washington Post sucks. Does Shakira read the Washington Times?
What does Charlie think of Collin Powell. Does Shakira like Mid East
oil, gas and sand. Does an ancient alligator or crocodile drive a car and waste gas?
Do crocodiles live in Saudi Arabia? America sent a Saudi up on the space
shuttle. The Bird flu virus dies in space.
WW. I was bad. World Wars suck. World War I killed many people. Influenza
killed more people than the war did. War is bad for the world economy.
The next war will be started over space. Go to war for oil and gas in the Mid
Sean Hannity, Combs, Brit Hume, Bill O'Reilly, Joe Scarborough, Oprah Winfrey,
Tyra Banks, Mick Jagger, Bono, Homer, Bart, Marge, Maggie, Lisa Simpson, Martha Stewart, David
Lee Roth, Indianapolis Colts, San Antonio Spurs, Ron Artest, Dwayne Wade, Cameron Diaz,
Murtha, Jay Leno, Gary Evans, Chuck MacLean, Frank Pomeroy, Paul Bostrack, Elvis Presley, Howard Stern, Trent Lott, Bill
Frist, Todd
Ouellette, New England Patriots, Randy Moss, Koby Bryant, Wolf Blitzer, Mike Tice, Minnesota
Vikings, Paris Hilton, David Stern, Charlie Sheen, Prince Charles and Steve
Forbes eat cake and ice cream at birthday parties after going to a movie
theater and watching Bruce Willis in Die Hard.
People like
Kate Hudson rule. A king rules some countries in Europe.
Pittsburgh is a city in Pennsylvania. Minnesota is a state. St. Paul is a
city. I live in Winona.
Winona city council sucks. Dean Lanz sucks. Monica Mohon blows. Monica
Lewinsky gave a blow job to Clinton.
Blow something up. Suck something. Fuck is a bad word. Bombs are bad um kay.
Shakira sucks big time. Bears bite people. Sharks bite people.
Are Todd Ouellette, Anderson Cooper, Mike Tice, Minnesota Vikings, David Hilton, David Stern, Charlie Price, Prince Charles and Steve Travers afraid of sharks? There are no sharks in space. Urban sprawl is a space issue.
Birth control is hated by the Vatican. The church hates
planned parenthood. Condoms rock. Rubbers are good. Birthing is hard.
Birth-control is good for humanity.
Some Africans don't use Birth-control. Bush should have been aborted. Abortion
is legal. Do you like abortion. Catholics despise Birth-control . Catholics
should use Birth-control. Babies and money make the world go around. Balls are
round. Trojan is a brand of condom. What is a hairy ball?
What is Armistice day? Go sign an Armistice. The Armistice
ended the war. Wars are bad.
W.W. I was bad. World Wars suck. World War
II killed many people. Future wars will be fought n space. Mi espanol es
People like Angelina Jolie rule. Billy Bob Thornton was married to Angelina
Jolie. Brad Pitt is dating Angelina Jolie. She adopted a Cambodian baby.
Angelina Jolie is an astronaut. Russian space travelers are called Cosmonauts.
A cosmonaut call Shakira on her cellular telephone. Communications satellites
or important to the cell phone industry.
Some fought in the war.
Obituaries are in news papers. News papers waste trees. We need to plant more
Bush is blind. GOP supporters are blind. Cheney is a tool. Chaney is a liar
who fucked America for oil and Israel. Chaney should get bird flu. China has
spies in the the CIA, NSA and DIA, and FBI.
I will never travel to China. What is the air fare? I took an air plane flight. I would like to travel to Paraguay. You can book a flight on Orbitz. Buy a plane ticket on Orbitz. Oil is bad and we are addicted to it.
Ancient ruins. ancient crocodile. Machu Picchu. Ancient ruins
of Machu Picchu. Peru is home to Ancient ruins. ancient crocodile. Machu
Desecrated ruins. Big crocodile. Peruvian gold. Ancient ruins of Machu Picchu.
Peru is home to many ruins. Fight a crocodile. Macho man was a song by the
village people. You can travel to Peru.
Mars, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune, Uranus and Pluto are
planets in the solar system and orbit around the sun.
Some planets have moons. Earth's moon is cool. Rockets took Neil Armstrong to
the moon. Moon rocks are expensive. There is a moon rock set into stained
glass at the National Cathedral in Washington D.C.
Assault is bad. Assault weapons are good and bad depending on
the situation. Hillary Clinton profited from assault rifle sales.
Shaquille O'Neal, John Wayne, Tom Cruise, Trent Lott, Bill Frist, Tom Delay, Todd
Ouellette, Donavon McNabb, Randy Moss, Koby Bryant ,Wolf Blitzer own firearms?
You can be jailed for assault. Jail cells are in short supply. Bush and Cheney
should be in jail. Texas loves the death penalty. Jury trials are often unfair
to people like Rodney King.
AK-47s kill some people. Rifles are for protection. Rifles use
bullets. China, Russia, and Heckler Koch sell ammo. Israel sells guns.
I need ammunition. Colt makes pistols. Guns and bullets need each other. Osama
bin Laden was photographed with an AK-47.
Face mask penalty. Flag was thrown. Virginia Tech is a school. Throw a flag.
Gates a clueless leader. Train hard. Play Hard. Party Harder.
No signal. Runner was down. No review. Vrable recovered a fumble. Tom Brady
threw a TD. Super bowl MVP won
an SUV. Trucks suck. Cars pollute. Oil is abused. Saudi Arabia supports
terrorism. Terror is bad. Cars guzzle gas. SUVs use oil. Engine oil is
changed. Oil changes are needed. The offensive line blocks for the running
back. Hines Ward is a
receiver. Batch of cookies for Charlie Batch. Fake, throw and then catch.
record of corruption. Land records. Shoulder injury. It's all bad for the
economy. People will be put out of work. Unemployment will rise not drop.
Where are the WMDs.
There are no WMDs. There were no WMDs. Iraq war is a fraud. US Soldiers Killed
in Iraq for oil and Israel. What is a weapon of mass destruction.
Buy a weapon of mass destruction on eBay. Rent a house on eBay. Chemical
weapons are bad, Biological weapons are bad.
Russia, China, the United States of America, and Israel have chemical, nuclear
and biological weapon stockpiles. Bird flu may be a biological weapon made in
Fort Dettrick.
Saudi Arabia is hot. Saudi Arabia has sand. Oil and gas come from Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia has chemical weapons. Saudi Arabia make women cover their faces, breasts, feet and vaginas.
Todd Ouellette produces Minnesota Music public access
TV program.
Public access TV is important to America but most people don't watch it. Todd Ouellette produces The Real News public access TV
Public access TV laws are violated by cable companies like HBCI.
Todd Ouellette hates terrorists and religious fanatics. Todd Ouellette was arrested for saying "Bush Lied About WMDS"
on his public access TV program. Todd Ouellette exposed the "Chinagate" scandal. Todd Ouellette
exposed the Eastlake Apartment scandal. Kent
Gernander abuse Winona veterans organizations.
Todd Ouellette met Bill Clinton, Paul Wellstone, Bob Dole and Gil Gutkneckt.
They all were useless. Todd Ouellette lives in Winona, Minnesota near the Mississippi
Wolf Blitzer covered up Chinagate. Wolf Blitzer supports
Israeli racists. Does Terrell Owens support Israeli racists? Scooter
Libby supports Israeli racism?
Black people often suffer from racism. The KKK is racist. ACLU supports the
KKK. ACLU files lawsuits for people like
Shaquille O'Neal, John Wayne, Tom Cruise, Trent Lott, Bill Frist, Tom Delay,
Donavon McNabb, Randy Moss, Koby Bryant ,Wolf Blitzer.
Terrorism is bad for the world economy and kills many people. Terrorism is stupid. Taliban is a terrorist organization. The U.S. State Department is a state sponsorer of terrorism. We have no intelligence. U.S. intelligence failures kill many people. Get a boob job on eBay.
Fox News is evil. Fox News Supports Israeli Abuse Of
Palestinians. Does judge Alito support Israeli racists?
Do Sean Hannity, Combs, Brit Hume, Bill O'Reilly, Joe Scarborough, Oprah Winfrey,
Tyra Banks, Mick Jagger, Bono, Homer, Bart, Marge, Maggie, Lisa Simpson, Martha Stewart, David
Lee Roth, Indianapolis Colts, San Antonio Spurs, Ron Artest, Dwayne Wade, Cameron Diaz,
Murtha, Jay Leno, Gary Evans, Chuck MacLean, Frank Pomeroy, Paul Bostrack, Elvis Presley, Howard Stern, Trent Lott, Bill
Frist, Todd
Ouellette, New England Patriots, Randy Moss, Koby Bryant, Wolf Blitzer, Mike Tice, Minnesota
Vikings, Paris Hilton, David Stern, Charlie Sheen, Prince Charles and Steve
Forbes support Israeli racists? Do Peruvians support Israeli racism?
Dave Cooper, Mike Tice, Minnesota Vikings, Paris, David Stern, Charlie Sheen, Prince Charles and Steve Forbes watch WCCO, KXLT Fox 47, KTTC. KMSP, Fox 9, Fox News, KSTP ABC, NBC, CBS and PBS.
ESPN is a sports channel that competes w/ Fox sports programming. Fox uses sports to advertise beer and stupidity. Fox uses sporting events like the world series to push God, the flag and GOP bull shit. Fox is embarrassing to any sane person who doesn't waste money on SUVs, diamonds and beer.
WCCO, KXLT Fox 47, KTTC. KMSP, Fox 9, Fox News, KSTP ABC, NBC,
CBS and PBS are run TV news programs.
BBC world news is awesome. CNN sucks. The news media should get bird flu.
Bill O'Reilly, Brit Hume, Sean Hannity and Alan Combs are Fox stooges who
support George H.W. Bush and the War on Terrorism which is really a war
against America.
Bill O'Reilly, Brit Hume, Sean Hannity and Alan Combs are Fox employees who support George H.W. Bush's lies about WMD and al-Qaeda. Hannity is a douche who has shit for brains. Todd Ouellette sai dall along that there were no WMDs in Iraq.
Washington Times, Washington Post, Rochester Post Bulletin, Winona Post, New York Post, New York Times, Winona Daily News, Financial Times, Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, St. Paul Pioneer Press and the Minneapolis Star and Tribune are all hated by Cooper, Mike Tice, Minnesota Vikings, Paris, David Stern, Charlie Sheen, Prince Charles and Steve Forbes on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
New York City is stupid and corrupt. New York City has
professional baseball, basketball, hockey and football teams that appear on
WCCO, KXLT Fox 47, KTTC. KMSP, Fox 9, Fox News, KSTP
ABC, NBC, CBS, ESPN and PBS TV programs.
Madison Square Garden is in New York City and hosts basketball and hockey
games along w/ boxing and musical concerts.
Sean Hannity and Alan Combs are a joke. Hannity would hate Todd Ouellette. Fox hates Todd Ouellette. Brit Hume sold out America.
Oprah Winfrey, Martha Stewart, David Spade, John Belushi, Cameron Diaz, David Letterman, Jay Leno, Gary Evans, Chuck MacLean, Frank Pomeroy, Paul Bostrack, Monica Hennessey Mohan, Mary Wilder, Kent Gernander, Dean Lanz, Gene Pelowski, Bob Kierlin, Shaquille O'Neal, John Wayne, Tom Cruise, Trent Lott, Bill Frist, Tom Delay, Donavon McNabb, Randy Moss, Koby Bryant ,Wolf Blitzer, Mike Tice, Minnesota Vikings, Paris Hilton, David Stern, Charlie Sheen, Prince Charles and Steve Forbes eat hotdogs and pretzels at birthday parties after going to a basketball game at Madison square garden between the New York Knicks and Los Angeles Lakers.
Todd Ouellette wrote this to get a higher listing on Google and Yahoo search engines when people surf the web. Bird flu can be found by doing a Google or Yahoo search.
Disease, war and famine are bad. Many kids starve as NASA
wastes money on Mars. The space shuttle is junk. The International Space
Station is junk.
Russia owns the international space station. Bird flu may cause a global
The holocaust was used as an excuse to form Israel. Israel sucks.
Israel is evil.
Zionism is racism.
Zionism is bad for U.S. Israel kills kids. America supports Israel. AIPAC
lobbies for Israel. Bird flu should destroy Israel.
Bush's terrorism war is a scam. The War on Terrorism is being lost by the average
American city council. What a blighted urban area Washington D.C. is.
Urban sprawl is bad. Urban sprawl wastes land and oil. Land use issues never
make the news. Urban areas suffer from blight. Urban sprawl is America's #1
problem that the real estate industry refuses to deal with.
Factsofisrael.com is a lame racist blog that supports Israel
and Bush while American soldiers die in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Factsofisrael.com smeared me with bogus blog posts because I said Israel sucks
the life out of America like a leech.
factsofisrael.com is racist crap that make me a sick. Little green footballs is
racist crap that make me vomit.
little green footballs is a lame blog that abuse it's constitutional right to
free speech. Israel supports little green footballs because it is gay,
sickening crap.
littgreenfootballs.com is for homosexuals who hate America and love Israelis.
LGF is a joke.
Traitors love factsofisrael.com and littlegreenfootballs.com because it
reinforces their treachery. LGF is disgusting Israeli crap.
factsofisrael is for pussies and queers who hate America.
Mike Tyson is an American Idiot. Greenday wrote a song called American Idiot.
Support for Little Green Footballs is Israeli crap. LGF is a virus. The CIA, NSA and DIA, FBI should destroy LGF.
Massive holes are cool. A massive black hole is at the center
of our galaxy. Ozone Holes are bad. Gat a
massive hole full of black stuff.
There is a hole in the ozone over Antarctica. The arctic ice is melting. polar
bears live in the arctic.
Anderson Cooper, Zacarias Moussaoui, Minnesota Vikings, Paris Hilton, David Stern, Charlie Sheen, Prince Charles and Steve Forbes travel to Mexico.
Cancun is cool. Cancun is hot. Climate is changing. Climate change sucks. It is so hot. Weather patterns change. Cozumel is in Mexico. Tourism is important to the Mexican economy. Todd Ouellette has warned America about climate change.
Anderson Cooper, Mike Tice, Minnesota Vikings, Paris Hilton,
David Stern, Charlie Sheen, Prince Charles and Steve Forbes want an eco bra to
give support to their sagging breasts. I need a bra. What bra size do you wear? Buy a bra.
Bra sales are good for the economy.
Steve Smith rides a bus to football games. Jake Delhomme hates
Israeli racism.
Carolina Panthers are an NFL football team. National Football League loves steroids. Steve Smith catches
footballs. Jake Delhomme throws balls. Pittsburgh is a city. Balls are cool. Balls are hot. I got big balls.
AC/DC sand a song about big balls. Buy music on eBay or Amazon.com.
Cooper is cool. Cooper acts. I was an actress in a movie w/ Kate
Hudson. Kate Hudson and Zacarias Moussaoui like sharks. Does Prince Charles hate Israel?
Are their sharks in Israel. Shark skin boots are bad. Shark fin soup is evil.
Shark fin soup is popular in China. eBay is selling Chinese art.
Lemurs die. Lemurs are animals. Lemurs have fur. Creatures like Lemurs live short lives. I want a Lemur. Buy a Lemur on eBay. Deforestation is destroying the habitat of Lemurs, bears, coyotes, lemmings, dogs, cats and elephants.
FactsOfIsrael.com: Blogburst: Support for Little Green Footballs
Todd Ouellette, Sean Hannity, Combs, Brit Hume, Bill O'Reilly, Joe Scarborough, Oprah Winfrey, Tyra Banks, Mick Jagger, Bono, Homer, Bart, Marge, Maggie, Lisa Simpson, Martha Stewart, David Lee Roth, Indianapolis Colts, San Antonio Spurs, Ron Artest, Dwayne Wade, Cameron Diaz, Murtha, Jay Leno, Gary Evans, Chuck MacLean, Frank Pomeroy, Paul Bostrack, Elvis Presley, Howard Stern, Trent Lott, Bill Frist, Todd Ouellette, New England Patriots, Randy Moss, Koby Bryant, Wolf Blitzer, Mike Tice, Minnesota Vikings, Paris Hilton, Mike Nifong, Charlie Sheen, Prince Charles and Steve Forbes love powmadeak47 dot com.
Todd Ouellette is a political activist.
Todd Ouellette lives in Winona. Minnesota. Todd Ouellette produces The Real
News. Republicans hate Todd Ouellette. Don't misspell Todd Ouellette.
Some people spell Ouellette as Oulette or Ouelette or Ouellete. Ouellette is
often spelled as Quellette. Todd Ouellette has no alias. Todd Ouellette is a
veteran activist. Todd Ouellette Exposes scandals. The flu bug hit me.
Todd Ouellette produces Minnesota music. Todd Ouellette plays guitar. Todd
Ouellette lived in Montana. Todd Ouellette met Bill Clinton. Todd Ouellette is
controversial. Todd Ouellette is sick of conservatives.
Todd Ouellette walked across America. Todd Ouellette net Bob Dole. Todd
Ouellette met Paul Wellstone. Todd Ouellette went to WSU. Winona State
University Hates Todd Ouellette.
Todd loves basketball, baseball and football.
Activist forays into public access TV
Published - Thursday, June 09, 2005
By Jeff Dankert / Winona Daily News
The Monday audience watching Hiawatha Broadband Communications' public access channel 20 saw "Square Dancing" at 6 p.m., "American Housewife" at 7 p.m., and "Todd Ouellette" at 10 p.m.
The late-night offering was the production of a 37-year-old Winona activist who has made a campaign of getting his political views televised. However, Todd Ouellette's drive to access public access attracted a restraining order from HBC last fall. In November, the Winona County Attorney's office charged him with violating that order. Ouellette pleaded not guilty and his pretrial hearing is Friday.
Courts have dismissed two assault charges against Ouellette. In April 2004,
he was charged with assaulting Nick Ridge, a college Republican at Winona
State University. Court and police records in Arlington County, Va., show
Ouellette was charged in 1999 with misdemeanor assault and battery, alleging
he used profanity and dumped coffee on a city employee.
In August 1994, The Associated Press published a story featuring Ouellette
holding an 18-month vigil outside the White House, demanding President Bill
Clinton investigate missing American soldiers who fought in Vietnam.
"If the guy's got enough time to go golfing, he's got enough time to talk with me," the story quoted Ouellette. Clinton met with Ouellette on March 1995; the vigil ended shortly thereafter.
Gary Evans, HBC president, said the company sought the restraining order "to prevent harassing and threatening behavior to employees." He said Ouellette is "bothersome" and "disrupts people's lives." Evans said HBC has "aired every one of his programs." Federal Communications Commission rules require HBC to do so "regardless of the content in any way," Evans said.
If the program is libelous, objectionable or harmful, he said the FCC rules protect HBC against lawsuits. Ouellette's video submissions for cable reflect his Web page content. Ouellette disseminates opinions on his Web site, where he challenges political issues and alleges a conspiracy among Winona officials and institutions. "They all know each other. They all love each other. It's a little clique," he said Wednesday.
At the bottom of the Web site, it says: "Send questions, comments and/or death threats to," and then lists Ouellette, the county attorney and two HBC executives' e-mail addresses. Ouellette said he meant this to be sarcastic, not literal. Ouellette said Winona's two cable companies, HBC and Charter Communications, air other programs more repeatedly, but his, only once.
Ouellette calls it "unequal, unfair and discriminatory." Ouellette said he began trying to access Charter in April 2004. It balked but eventually allowed him to air his show, he said. "It should have been aired, no problem," he said. "It's just been nothing but a big headache." Police continue to investigate possible evidence of harassment by Ouellette. Police Chief Frank Pomeroy and Winona County Attorney Chuck MacLean declined to comment.
The Clique Strikes Back
Winona Daily News 'reports' below.
I have copies of all the emails, and I recorded all my
conversations w/ HBCI people?
The emails show I was the one who told Evans that he is not liable for the
things I say.
Mary Wilder of HBCI TWICE claimed they were.
Gary got all pissed off because I sent him copies of the law and explained
that I was liable.
Then he denied my access to equipment and threatened me w/ "legal action."
Also, I was the one who advised him of the legal obligation to run all
programs regardless of content.
(But they act like he knew it before hand.)
HBCI 'rules' specifically state that they won't run repetitive scenes and
"static images."
And, they stated in an email they won't run my static slide.
And, I recorded Bob Bartz refusing my slide program.
They slandered me. And WDN was all too happy to help.
HBCI is a major advertiser w; WDN. Evans used to run the paper.
Emails prove I was "bothersome " and "disrupt people's lives"
simply because I explained the rules to Evans.
If Evans didn't have foundation money he wouldn't last 30 seconds in this
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Comments Israel isn't worth the life of 1 American. Posted by:
at February 20, 2003 12:51 PM "Israel
isn't worth the life of 1 American"??? Todd Ouellette's comment (see above) shows a lack of insight,
non-historical perspective and not one shred of human decency.
We Americans, as members of a democracy, believe in supporting
democracies, especially little ones as beleaguered as Israel.
Some of us believe it so strongly that we will give our all -
our very lives - in the name of freedom from tyranny and
oppression (the people we fought FOR in Kosovo were MUSLIM). In
an historical sense, Jerusalem is
THE most holy site to Jews,
and to Christians, as shown by loads of historical and
archeological evidence. The temple of Solomon is there. For
millennia, Jews and Christians have worshipped at the Holy Land
especially the Wailing Wall, the remnant of the great
Temple. Jesus of Nazareth (Jewish rabbi and carpenter) taught in
Jerusalem, wept over the city, and gave His life there. Mohammed
passed through (possibly only in a dream) this cornerstone of
Israel. And as for human decency, go see how Israel treats its
Arab citizens. Non-Jewish Israeli citizens have full protection
under the law, and even voting privileges. Look at a map. How
Arab/Muslim states are in the Middle East! Why would
they begrudge the Israelis their tiny little homeland? Speaking
of maps, I was astonished to learn that Palistinian schoolbooks
and maps do not even have Israel included! Anyone hear of the
Oslo Accord?
The Israelis have indeed made the desert "blossom like a
rose". They do not go around blowing up civilians at cafes,
markets or hotels. They have that common human decency that
terrorists (and their naive Western supporters) so clearly lack. Posted by:
at April 13, 2003 12:16 PM Todd Ouellette,
Your opinion isn't worth the excreta of one WORM. Posted by:
zionist goy at September 1, 2003 04:47 PM Todd Ouellette is seriously the biggest moron and this isn't
the only site he's posted at. All of his arguments are about how Israel mistreats Palestine, how he fought for some Republican
and then he just bitches and bitches about stupid shit that he
thinks people care about. Posted by:
ouellette is a moron at July 20, 2004 04:40 PM
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Todd Ouellette, Sean Hannity, Combs, Brit Hume, Bill O'Reilly, Joe Scarborough, Oprah Winfrey,
Tyra Banks, Mick Jagger, Bono, Homer, Bart, Marge, Maggie, Lisa Simpson, Martha Stewart, David
Lee Roth, Indianapolis Colts, San Antonio Spurs, Ron Artest, Dwayne Wade, Cameron Diaz,
Murtha, Jay Leno, Gary Evans, Chuck MacLean, Frank Pomeroy, Paul
Bostrack, Elvis Presley, Howard Stern, Trent Lott, Bill Frist, Todd
Ouellette, Randy Moss, Koby Bryant, Wolf Blitzer, Mike Tice, Minnesota
Vikings, Paris Hilton, David Stern, Charlie Sheen, Prince Charles and Steve
Forbes ar people in the news.
Todd Ouellette caught the flu bug and then took some Tamiflu.