This page is designed as a starting place for my own web surfing.  I also experiment with everything that comes along so this page looks bad at times.

 I use Paint Shop Pro to do my art work.  It can be downloaded as a shareware program from Jasc Software.    I use applets and scripts from Javapowered . 


Free Web Pages.  I use free web space from GeocitiesTripod and Homestead.  Thanks to each of you.  The best way to learn to do your own page is to give it a try.  These folks will help you by providing the place to practice. 

Java Scripts

The Java Script Source

Free Code

The JavaScript Planet

Javascript World


If you work for Airborne Express and are interested in contacting me to order my program, or the contract, my e-mail address is:

If you are looking for PDF forms to use for bidding, open flying, etc., contact me for a password to download them from here.

Java Applets

Code Brain

Java Powered

Java Boutique

Get Your Free Password System HERE.


Other Places



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