Vero's Music Site
I am Veronica Garcia, a young woman who has found herself seeking the will of God.  I have found that the Lord has guided me towards the music ministry, and so I have decided to share what I have with as many people as I can.  I plan to gradually add more songs.  In the meantime, I hope that these will inspire you in some way.

These songs are in wma format, so they take a little time to load, and you should be able to hear them if you have Windows Media Player.    Please be patient, for the words have been inspired by the Holy Spirit.
The Coming of Christ
I Will Be Your Strength
The Rest of My Life
My Favorite Links
Songs of Praise
Catholic Music Network
Gia Music
I hope you enjoyed listening to the few songs I have on this page. If you would like more information on how to order a CD containing these songs and more, please email me.  God bless.