Paragliding Links for California and Beyond
Bay Area Paragliding Association
- A Wealth of Information for Local Pilots
San Francisco Hang Gliding Center - Great for beginners interested in flying. Tandem flights from Mount Tam! Both Paragliders and Hang Gliders.
Paragliding Links for California and San Francisco
Simple but valuable page of quality paragliding links in California
ProFLYght - Hawaii Paragliding
- Contact Steve if you want to fly in Hawaii
Dixon's airPlay
--Airplay Paragliding School, the #1 ranked paragliding school in the USA, specializes in the instruction of the beginner and intermediate pilot. Sites in Washington, Arizona, and Mexico
Hat Creek Rim - Hat Creek Rim is located in the Lassen National Forest in Northern California. It's a 1000 foot ridge that produces great ridge and thermal soaring conditions.
Hang Glide and Paraglide In Mexico - A LOCAL Page NEW - Fly in the sun with knowledge
Torry Pines Gliderport in Southern California - The Gliderport is a historical free flight site since 1928. Torrey Pines has been recognized internationally as a world class soaring location. Hangliding, Paragliding, Radio Control and Sailplane gliding is a daily event here in the year around California sunshine.
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