Andrew Scourse's Homepage

Micronesia, 50 Greatest Maths Problems and More!!!

IMPORTANT!! I am developing a new Micronesia site on a much larger scale....check out

Welcome !

I am a UK student, I am studying Mathematics at Sidney Sussex College Cambridge.
My specific interests are solving pure maths problems, researching about archaeological sites and prehistory in Micronesia, listening to my favourite composers: Mikhail Glinka and WA Mozart, and sampling the music of lesser known composers, for example Luigi Cherubini, Du Mingxin and Antonio Lotti.
In MATHS my speciality (as mentioned above) is pure maths problems, if you would like a few good problems then try my list of '50 greatest math problems', these are taken from all over the place, books, some other sites etc. If you want a copy then click here. (NOTE many require a firm knowledge of A level maths or further maths, and some may require a bit of supplementary maths technique, ie first year university).
As regards MICRONESIA, I am trying to get together a collection of literature on Micronesian archaeology and prehistory....if you can help, or have references then please mail me...or, if you're now wondering whats so great about Micronesian archaeology and prehistory then click here
So, if you want to know more, or just want to chat, email me at:

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