Using pumps for fluid transfer

From time to time I sell second hand water pumps, all shapes and sizes and condition
One of the most frequently asked questions is :-
can it be used to transfer liquid from one container to another?
Well, most of the pumps that come my way are not self priming, that means if there is air in the pump it WILL NOT WORK.
so you need to exclude all air from the system
Please remember water and electricity is a deadly combination, so use a isolating transformer or at least a good earth connection to the pump.
If there is a tap or drain outlet on the primary tank then this is the best way
keep the pipe outlet high in the secondary tank to prevent back syphoning
as long as the primary fluid level is above the pump it will work every time
If there is no tap or drain outlet on the primary tank then you need to fill the complete pipe by sucking or forcing the fluid through the pipe to remove ALL THE AIR
Once this is done the system will work every time as long as the inlet pipe is kept below the fluid level and keep the pipe outlet high in the secondary tank to prevent back syphoning
as long as the air does not enter the pump it will work every time
If you try to work the pump like this you will end up chucking it out the window

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