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Build Your Own Vertibird Project

Home Page

Start and stop motor... lift off... hover... change altitute, speed, direction... touch down!


Latest News

Feb 4,/00 - Whoa, it's been a long time since I've updated this page. This project is still at the bottom of my priority list right. I FINALLY received some good base pictures which are now in the picture gallery. Thanks to "Kallams"!

Sept 22/90 - New base design posted. I've put this project on hold due to other priorities
Aug 12/98 - More pictures added.
July 23/98 - First design sketches posted.


I bet you'd just love to be flying that little plastic helicopter around and around in a circle right about now. Or maybe you would like your own kid to be at the controls so he could have just as much fun as you had when you were his age. Unfortunately original Vertibirds are quite hard to come by these days, and they have been seen selling for over $450 in various online auctions. I liked the Vertibird a lot, but I'm not willing to go through the hassle and expense of getting ahold of an original.

This web site will provide the information required to build your own low-cost Vertibird clone using commonly available materials available from hobby and hardware stores. It is currently a work in progress, so check back here often.

Want To Contribute To The Project?

This project is currently in progress and still requires a lot of thinking, building and testing. If you can contribute any ideas or information to the design of a Vertibird, please email any information to me. Full credit for your contributions will be given!

Of particular interest to me is the the inner workings of the original Vertibird base unit shown below. If you know how the direction control mechanisms inside work, I'd really like to here from you as this is the most complicated component of the Vertibird.

How does this thing work inside????

Share your Vertibird Experiences

Got any funny stories about your Vertibird? How did your's break? Do you still own one? Add something to the guest book for others to read or have a look at what others have written.

Do you have any Vertibird related pictures? Send them to me and I'll add them to the picture gallery.

Links To Other Vertibird Sites

Great Vertibird site by Trip Mills - has auction section too

Malcolm's Vertibird Page

AltaVista Web Search for "Vertibird"

AltaVista Newsgroup Search for "Vertibird"

Look for Vertibirds being auctioned off on Ebay

Last revised: February 04, 2000.

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