Welcome to my home page.
This is my first attempt in creating a home page, so this page is not
sophisticated but I'll do my best to make it better.
In my home page you will find information on (and some links to) Amateur
Astronomy and Telescope Making. I'll up date this page from time to time will do my best to keep you inform with the latest information or technique. So if you happen
to know something new about any of those subjects that I don't, and if you have any comments, opinion, criticsm, anything, please let me know by signing my Guestbook.
There are two versions of my Home Page, in Bahasa Indonesia and in English. Follow the links at the bottom of this page to go to whatever language you choose.
By the way, the contents of my page is copy righted and intended for personal use only. Commercial use is prohibited. If you want to print or download the articles in my page for your personal use, you do not need any permission. Just print it.
Thanks for visiting.
Bahasa Indonesia English
© 1997 bob@bahana.co.id