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Welcome To Boundless Expanse - Living with Infinity
What, you might ask, is this site about?

Boundless Expanse, as you might already know, is a site dedicated to the examination of space using a philisophical, what-if approach. We have extensively searched the internet for sites with information on a theoretical basis, or information on a humourous basis (come on, we're not that serious). We have gathered information, from suggested readings to interesting quotes and theories.

Heck, you can even suggest your own ideas or theories and we might put them up on the page.

Feel free to argue our "Question of the Month", but be warned, these arguements could get heated.
This month's arguement :
"Is the universe ever shrinking or ever expanding?"

Please check out our "What's New?" page for updates and changes to Boundless Expanse. This page will also include future changes that might occur.

"We had the sky, up there, all speckled with stars, and we used to lay on our backs and look up at them, and discuss about whether they was made, or only just happened." - Mark Twain, Huckleberry Finn

If you have any suggestions so far, mail me below.
Otherwise, please enjoy the site, the sections are listed below.

Family-Friendly Site

We've had visitors since July 22nd, 1998.

Boundless Expanse : Living with Infinity 1998.
Boundless Expanse is hosted by GeoCities. All graphics were created using Adobe Photoshop v4.0. All knowledge and theories are written material of Matthew Metelsky and Jeremy MacBean, otherwise material will be quoted. Please do not save images or link directly to the images found within this site. All rights are reserved.
The site was last updated July 22nd, 1998.