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Here is my last experiments with Java:

      Resume cafebabe1.gif (1032 bytes) CafeBabe1.2.7a (JDK1.1.x + Swing 1.1 or JDK1.2/JDK1.3) - graphical classfile disassembler, editor, stripper, migrator, compactor (dependencies finder) and obfuscator. You can get sources or binaries binaries. Now this project is published under Java Lobby free licence. You can also visit JavaLobby to receive information about CafeBabe project. Sorry for discomfort, but now javalobby site contains old version of CafeBabe. For latest version you should refer to geocities site (here).

This program will say you all about contents of complied code for JVM. It displays full information about any sort of information enclosed in bytecode: field, methods, attributes, exceptions, synthetic members, method body, additional information inside code and so on. While virtual machine misses unknown attributes, CafeBabe displays all of them. Pay attention how progam works with archives - it interpret them as a directories and how it uses advanced features of JFileChooser from Jeff Dinkins. For information view I use a modern component - TreeTable2 from Philip Milne, Scott Violet and Kathy Walrath -- a Swing developers.


ClassFile (console application) - engine of CafeBabe project. Now it published under GNU General Public License.

Dietolog (console application) - compactor of Java projects, finder of "has a" and "is a" dependencies. Now it is a part of CafeBabe project, so for latest version go here.

Analog computer (console application). This project is on early stage and does not contain visual environment (maybe in future) but you can create a real circuis with integrators, adders, generators and so on. For visualization you can use simple graphical class Visualizer. "Cousin" programs: ISR-SIM, SimuLink from MathLab.

Game "Life" (online applet). You can use it as test for Java Plugins. Or you can call "Life" directly whithout plugins. This program is dedicated to Conway (author of this famous game). You can select a group of cells by using Ctrl+LeftButtonMouse and then cut-copy-paste by RightButtonMouse (context menu).

Here is version of game "Life" as standalone application. It can be used as an example how to work with Externalizable interface (for efficient usage of disk space when saving game) and how to work with clipboard in Java (for cut-copy-paste operations). See source files.

Experiments with Dynamic HTML (online applet). This example explains how create an applet which "exists" (hold its own state) on different pages for the same site. Applet is included to layer (compatibility for both MS Internet Explorer 4.x and Netscape Navigator 4.x is upported) wich can be moved to any position. When applet received information from user it is hided (dummy for answer preparing) for some time (8 second) and then showed.

This example can be used also as an example how to call an applet from javascript.


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