Daniel J. Vasicek's Home Page

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2120 Metzgar Rd
Albuquerque, NM 87105


Daniel J. Vasicek, Mathematician, Geophysicist, Engineer, and Computer Scientist. Current interests are optics, computer networks, Linux, quantitative gamma ray spectroscopy, geophysical ray tracing for grided velocity models,ray tracing through smooth velocity models, seismic anisotropy, genetic algorithms for outlier detection, 3d visualization, ( gocad), Tichinov regularization for smoothing and interpolation, and parallel computation. (Solving the Eikonal equation on the CM5.)


Applied Mathematics, Statistics, Mechanical Engineering, and Computer Science. Some of my specialties are: Adaptive Optics, Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations, Sorting and Searching, Anisotropic Elastic Behavior, Matrix Algebra, Fluid Mechanics, Optimization, Statistics, Kinetic Theory, Genetic Algorithms

Current and Recent Projects:

Some Published Papers

Some Interesting Presentations


Wally Harbert Gamma Ray Spectroscopy, Centrifuge relative permeability measurement, High pressure well logging instrumentation
Tim Kunz 3d Visualization & Model Building
Dan Whitmore Ray Tracing
Joe Dellinger Seismic Anisotropy
John Etgen Seismic Data Processing
Chester Jacewitz Seismic Data Processing
Mike Obrien 3D Ray Tracing
Tong Fei
Joey Frisillo
Nigel Higgs
Doug Whitman
David Nelson
Richard Clarke 3D Ray Tracing

Computer Languages:

Fortran 90, C, C++, Awk, JavaScript, Mathematica, Perl, Html, DDS


Dan's pictures are available for downloading at various sites. If you call 505-873-0575 or write a note to Dan . Then Dan can start a ToadNode or some other file sharing program so that you can directly download from his computer. About 7 gigabytes of photos are stored in Dan's computer in directories with names like images/events/Tulsa Run images/people/vasicek/thad/soccer. Therefore, toadnode or gnutellenet searches using key words like "Tulsa Run" or "thad soccer" may find photos that are interesting to you. Several photo albums are available for viewing and downloading. These albums download thumbnail images of the photos on the site so that you can pick and choose. However, downloading the thumbnails will take some time Each of these albums has a 50 megabyte limit for the total amount of storage at the site. The photos are in two sizes, small digital camera photos that are about 50,000 bytes each using jpeg encoding, and larger, 35 millimeter, scanned photos that are about 500,000 bytes using jpeg encoding. :w The idrive site has no limits on the size of individual photos. The gatherround site automatically reduces the detail in the photo as it is uploaded to the site. The following table gives web site addresses, and passwords for picture categories:
http://www.gatherround.com/ Password = Soccer
User ID = DanielVasicek@comcast.net
Photos of
Tulsa Marathon, 2000/11/18
Tulsa 5K, 10K 2000/11/18
Jenks Half Marathon 2000/11/11
Thad's Soccer Game 2000/11/11
http://www.idrive.com/daniel_vasicek (Higher quality images but flakey performance) Soccer 2000/09/03
Soccer 2000/10/14
Race forSafer Families 2000/10/15
Assorted Race Photos
http://www.idrive.com/thad0 Soccer 2000/09/30
Run to Read 2000/09/30
Tulsa Run 1999
Tulsa Run 2000
http://www.idrive.com/vtait Soccer 2000/09/30
Run to Read 2000/09/30
Dan is coaching soccer for under 16 boys. ( Fall 2002, Spring 2002, Fall 2001 , One touch forward pass drill) Dan is an athlete, gardner, and beekeeper. Dan has several beehives and collects honey, pollen, and beeswax. The honey and pollen is labled with the location and harvest date so that allergy sufferers can know the source. Send an email to Dan if you are interested in his honey or pollen. Dan is a photographer for the Oklahoma Runner Magazine. Dan also helps maintain a web page for Fellowship Congregational Church, and Tulsa InterFaith Alliance. Dan has 4 children, Thaddeus (19), Lisa (23), Amanda (25), Tait (28), and an x-wife, Clarice R. Vasicek (62)

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